
Last commit made on 2017-12-11
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git clone -b lightdm-1-22 https://git.launchpad.net/~rhansen/lightdm/+git/main

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Recent commits

91ded27... by Robert Ancell


8c38b51... by Robert Ancell

Fix VNC connection not being closed on session exit

ffd7560... by Robert Ancell

Use TravisCI for continuous integration

3656918... by Robert Ancell

Fix timed autologins not using autologin-session when no session specified

3ecdddc... by Robert Ancell

Expose autologin-session as a hint to the greeter

Based on a patch by Roland Tapken.

c691d85... by Robert Ancell

* SECURITY UPDATE: Guest session not confined (LP: #1663157)
  - debian/50-disable-guest.conf:
  - debian/lightdm.install:
    - Disable guest sessions by default, this can be overridden by custom
      configuration (e.g. /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf)
  - CVE-2017-8900

995bb11... by Robert Ancell

* SECURITY UPDATE: Directory traversal allowing arbitrary directory
  ownership and privilege escalation (LP: #1677924)
  - debian/guest-account.sh: Detect existing malicious guest user home dirs
    before proceeding with guest user creation
  - CVE-2017-7358

1898dce... by Tyler Hicks

Detect existing malicious guest user home dirs

It was discovered that a local attacker could watch for lightdm's
guest-account script to create a /tmp/guest-XXXXXX file and then quickly
create the lowercase representation of the guest user's home directory
before lightdm could. This allowed the attacker to have control of the
guest user's home directory and, subsequently, gain control of an
arbitrary directory in the filesystem which could lead to privilege

This patch fixes the issue by detecting failures in creating a directory
for the guest user's home directory. If the file (directory, symlink,
etc.) already exists at the path, mkdir will fail and the script will
exit. This means that it is still possible for a local user to carry out
a denial of service on the guest user login feature.

86c6734... by Robert Ancell

Releasing 1.22.0

4aa6f7b... by Robert Ancell

Allow guest sessions to talk to Mir (allowing unity8)