
Created by Adam Reviczky on 2018-02-25 and last modified on 2024-04-29


Upstream pstoedit releases:

New or changed in 4.01:
* Add creation of startmenu and desktop shortcuts in Windows installer.
* Include some minor header patches for support of autotrace.
* Improvements to the pcb-rnd driver contributed by Erich Heinzle. Limit polygon exports to pcb-rnd subcircuits to only those paths which are not self intersecting.
* Fixed a bug found on MacOS reported by Sean Molenaar.
* Some minor improvements to the GUI.
* Some minor code cleanups to reduce warnings from clang compiler.
* Some code changes to address a warning from AddressSanitizer.
* Enable installation with winget.

Recipe information

Build schedule: (?)
Built on request
Adam Reviczky
Base source:
Debian version:
Daily build archive:
pstoedit builds
Distribution series:

Recipe contents

# git-build-recipe format 0.4 deb-version 4.01-1
lp:~reviczky/+git/pstoedit master
nest-part packaging lp:~reviczky/pstoedit/+git/debian-pstoedit debian debian debian