Merge ~rbartzen/ubuntu/+source/ovn:systemd_fix into ubuntu/+source/ovn:ubuntu/devel

Proposed by Roberto Bartzen Acosta
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: ~rbartzen/ubuntu/+source/ovn:systemd_fix
Merge into: ubuntu/+source/ovn:ubuntu/devel
Diff against target: 15 lines (+2/-1)
1 file modified
debian/ovn-ic.service (+2/-1)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Lukas Märdian (community) Approve
Andreas Hasenack Needs Information
Review via email:
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Revision history for this message
Andreas Hasenack (ahasenack) wrote :

Your proposal looks sane, and I see another service already does the same, as you stated in the bug:

ExecStart=/usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovn-ctl run_ic_sb_ovsdb $OVN_CTL_OPTS

But this package is a sync in ubuntu:
 ovn | 24.03.2-2 | oracular | source
 ovn | 24.03.2-2 | unstable | source

And it's used in big projects like openstack. If we make this change in ubuntu now, that would block future automatic syncs from debian.

Would you mind creating a bug in debian, and/or perhaps an MP against the package in salsa? The MP can be filed here[1]. I don't see any existing ones there, though, so perhaps that team prefers to receive contributions via bug reports against the ovn package in debian.

To file a bug against the package in debian, basically send a clear-text email do <email address hidden> with (I prefer to use source packages as target, so "ovn" below)"

Subject: ovn: systemd service does not use ovn_ctl_opts

Package: ovn
Version: 24.03.2-2
Severity: Normal

Dear Maintainer,

<your description of the issue here, attach patch>


review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
Roberto Bartzen Acosta (rbartzen) wrote :

Hi Andreas,

Thanks for your feedback.

I think we are done with debian salsa merge:

Do I need to take any other action?

Kind regards,

Revision history for this message
Lukas Märdian (slyon) wrote :

I see the change landed in Debian and will eventually be auto-sync'ed to Ubuntu. I've rebased your branch on top of "oracular-devel" and sponsored a "~willsync1" upload, that will automatically be replaced by the Debian version, once it's uploaded there.

review: Approve

Unmerged commits

a627c68... by Roberto Bartzen Acosta

Fix ovn-ic.service systemd script

Add support to use EnvironmentFile and OVN_CTL_OPTS (LP: #2063260)

Signed-off-by: Roberto Bartzen Acosta <email address hidden>

0e3ce87... by William Grant

24.03.1-2ubuntu3 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

ecd7f77... by Frode Nordahl <email address hidden>

24.03.1-2ubuntu2 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

0de6d3e... by Frode Nordahl <email address hidden>

24.03.1-2ubuntu1 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

Preview Diff

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1diff --git a/debian/ovn-ic.service b/debian/ovn-ic.service
2index 0797428..8e76d75 100644
3--- a/debian/ovn-ic.service
4+++ b/debian/ovn-ic.service
5@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
7 [Service]
8 Type=forking
10 PIDFile=%t/ovn/
11-ExecStart=/usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovn-ctl start_ic --no-monitor
12+ExecStart=/usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovn-ctl start_ic --no-monitor $OVN_CTL_OPTS
13 ExecStop=/usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovn-ctl stop_ic
14 Restart=on-failure
15 LimitNOFILE=65535


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