
Last commit made on 2024-12-04
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git clone -b ubuntu/plucky https://git.launchpad.net/~r41k0u/ubuntu/+source/needrestart
Only Pragyansh Chaturvedi can upload to this branch. If you are Pragyansh Chaturvedi please log in for upload directions.

Branch merges

Branch information


Recent commits

c299d68... by Pragyansh Chaturvedi


0cf3626... by Pragyansh Chaturvedi

* Don't restart keepalived automatically (LP: #2089155)
   - d/p/lp2089155/0020-ubuntu-avoid-restart-keepalived.patch:
     Add regex to ignore keepalived for automatic restart
   - d/p/series: Add new patch to patch series

a1e7bd9... by Sudhakar Verma

3.6-8ubuntu6 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

f34cf4f... by Simon Chopin


94ca895... by Simon Chopin

Fix container handling (LP: #2084571)

- d/p/ubuntu-mode.patch: make sure containers aren't restarted from APT
- d/p/lp2084571/0019-container-fix-always-ignoring-lxc-lxd-instances-regr.patch:
  cherry-picked fix from upstream.

484755f... by Simon Chopin


cb989eb... by Simon Chopin

d/tests/*.py: move off deprecated python-tmux APIs (LP: #2069591)

4d4d99b... by Simon Chopin


02c85a9... by Simon Chopin

tests: guard against looping when failing

It's really not a nice development experience if we have to wait for the
test to timeout!

4f60a85... by Simon Chopin

Don't restart the GH runner provisioner (LP: #2067800)