Merge lp:~quam-plures-core/quam-plures/qp5_next_branch into lp:quam-plures

Proposed by EdB
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 7661
Proposed branch: lp:~quam-plures-core/quam-plures/qp5_next_branch
Merge into: lp:quam-plures
Diff against target: 63542 lines (+22188/-23862)
219 files modified
a_notemplate.php (+0/-1)
admin.php (+69/-120)
qp_config/_advanced.php (+1/-1)
qp_config/_locales.php (+1/-1)
qp_config/_upgrade.php (+0/-28)
qp_inc/_application.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/_core/__core.init.php (+30/-19)
qp_inc/_core/_class.funcs.php (+0/-10)
qp_inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php (+5/-3)
qp_inc/_core/_param.funcs.php (+21/-8)
qp_inc/_core/model/__core.install.php (+32/-32)
qp_inc/_core/model/_pagecache.class.php (+119/-150)
qp_inc/_core/model/_timer.class.php (+52/-76)
qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobject.class.php (+250/-233)
qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectcache.class.php (+140/-174)
qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectlist.class.php (+43/-48)
qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectlist2.class.php (+64/-93)
qp_inc/_core/model/db/_db.class.php (+405/-379)
qp_inc/_core/model/db/_upgrade.funcs.php (+368/-333)
qp_inc/_core/ui/_menu.class.php (+96/-117)
qp_inc/_core/ui/_uiwidget.class.php (+9/-9)
qp_inc/_core/ui/forms/_form.class.php (+816/-738)
qp_inc/_core/ui/results/_results.class.php (+595/-583)
qp_inc/_core/ui/results/_resultsel.class.php (+274/-266)
qp_inc/ (+50/-100)
qp_inc/antispam/views/_ban.form.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/blogs/model/_blog.funcs.php (+4/-8)
qp_inc/blogs/views/_blog_list.view.php (+43/-38)
qp_inc/blogs/views/_blog_urls.form.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/blogs/views/_blog_user_perm.form.php (+0/-5)
qp_inc/categories/views/_category.form.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/categories/views/_category_list.view.php (+92/-84)
qp_inc/categories/views/_category_move.form.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/comments/model/_comment.funcs.php (+95/-110)
qp_inc/comments/views/_comment.form.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/cron/_cron.funcs.php (+30/-43)
qp_inc/cron/cronjobs.ctrl.php (+123/-165)
qp_inc/cron/jobs/_prune_hits_sessions.job.php (+8/-7)
qp_inc/cron/model/_cronjob.class.php (+49/-48)
qp_inc/cron/views/_cronjob.form.php (+23/-48)
qp_inc/cron/views/_cronjob.view.php (+43/-65)
qp_inc/cron/views/_cronjob_list.view.php (+72/-73)
qp_inc/dashboard/dashboard.ctrl.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/files/model/_filecache.class.php (+36/-50)
qp_inc/files/model/_filelist.class.php (+260/-309)
qp_inc/files/model/_fileroot.class.php (+94/-114)
qp_inc/files/model/_filerootcache.class.php (+34/-55)
qp_inc/files/model/_filetype.class.php (+72/-70)
qp_inc/files/model/_filetypecache.class.php (+37/-58)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_browse.view.php (+307/-337)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_browse_set.form.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_copy_move.form.php (+30/-76)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_delete.form.php (+30/-66)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_download.form.php (+31/-55)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_edit.form.php (+21/-46)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_links.view.php (+101/-127)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_permissions.form.php (+85/-112)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_properties.form.php (+44/-60)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_rename.form.php (+26/-55)
qp_inc/files/views/_file_upload.view.php (+298/-357)
qp_inc/files/views/_filetype.form.php (+65/-100)
qp_inc/files/views/_filetype_list.view.php (+79/-103)
qp_inc/generic/model/_genericcache.class.php (+23/-38)
qp_inc/generic/model/_genericcategory.class.php (+27/-54)
qp_inc/generic/model/_genericcategorycache.class.php (+117/-137)
qp_inc/generic/model/_genericelement.class.php (+37/-72)
qp_inc/generic/model/_genericordered.class.php (+30/-61)
qp_inc/generic/model/_genericorderedcache.class.php (+26/-55)
qp_inc/generic/views/_generic_category.form.php (+24/-49)
qp_inc/generic/views/ (+63/-82)
qp_inc/generic/views/ (+69/-87)
qp_inc/items/item_statuses.ctrl.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/items/items.ctrl.php (+13/-24)
qp_inc/items/model/_item.class.php (+5/-5)
qp_inc/items/model/_itemlight.class.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/items/model/_link.class.php (+36/-45)
qp_inc/items/model/_linkcache.class.php (+36/-62)
qp_inc/items/views/_item_history.view.php (+32/-55)
qp_inc/items/views/_item_list_full.view.php (+182/-213)
qp_inc/items/views/_item_list_sidebar.view.php (+117/-152)
qp_inc/items/views/_item_list_table.view.php (+88/-96)
qp_inc/items/views/_item_list_track.view.php (+194/-201)
qp_inc/items/views/inc/ (+54/-83)
qp_inc/locales/_charset.funcs.php (+0/-1)
qp_inc/locales/_locale.funcs.php (+37/-29)
qp_inc/locales/locales.ctrl.php (+14/-17)
qp_inc/plugins/model/_plugins.class.php (+2/-2)
qp_inc/plugins/model/_plugins_admin.class.php (+14/-14)
qp_inc/plugins/model/_plugins_admin_no_db.class.php (+24/-35)
qp_inc/plugins/model/_pluginsettings.class.php (+16/-37)
qp_inc/plugins/model/_pluginusersettings.class.php (+35/-54)
qp_inc/plugins/plugins.ctrl.php (+745/-928)
qp_inc/plugins/views/_plugin_list.view.php (+161/-226)
qp_inc/plugins/views/_plugin_list_available.view.php (+34/-62)
qp_inc/plugins/views/_plugin_settings.form.php (+87/-143)
qp_inc/sessions/_sessions.init.php (+46/-71)
qp_inc/sessions/goals.ctrl.php (+140/-167)
qp_inc/sessions/model/_goal.class.php (+50/-43)
qp_inc/sessions/model/_hit.class.php (+2/-2)
qp_inc/sessions/model/_hitlist.class.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/sessions/model/_hitlog.funcs.php (+15/-40)
qp_inc/sessions/model/_sessions.install.php (+32/-55)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_goal.form.php (+30/-40)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_goal_hitsummary.view.php (+47/-58)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_browserhits.view.php (+57/-73)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_direct.view.php (+48/-66)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_goalhits.view.php (+139/-129)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_goals.view.php (+74/-79)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_hit_list.view.php (+128/-141)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_refdomains.view.php (+88/-100)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_refsearches.view.php (+71/-84)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_robots.view.php (+80/-101)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_search_keywords.view.php (+154/-147)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_sessions.view.php (+34/-51)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_sessions_list.view.php (+65/-80)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_summary.view.php (+120/-140)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_syndication.view.php (+38/-55)
qp_inc/sessions/views/_stats_useragents.view.php (+78/-93)
qp_inc/settings/model/_abstractsettings.class.php (+316/-357)
qp_inc/templates/model/_template.class.php (+11/-11)
qp_inc/templates/model/_templatecache.class.php (+2/-2)
qp_inc/templates/views/_template.form.php (+2/-2)
qp_inc/templates/views/_template_list_available.view.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/templates/views/_template_list_installed.view.php (+4/-4)
qp_inc/templates/views/_template_select.view.php (+3/-3)
qp_inc/tools/tools.ctrl.php (+10/-6)
qp_inc/tools/views/_phpinfo.view.php (+7/-4)
qp_inc/tools/views/_system_list.view.php (+123/-194)
qp_inc/users/model/_group.class.php (+334/-288)
qp_inc/users/model/_user.class.php (+2/-2)
qp_inc/users/model/_user.funcs.php (+127/-113)
qp_inc/users/model/_usercache.class.php (+63/-83)
qp_inc/users/model/_usersettings.class.php (+58/-85)
qp_inc/users/views/_group.form.php (+114/-156)
qp_inc/users/views/_user.form.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/users/views/_user_list.view.php (+186/-214)
qp_inc/widgets/_bloglist.widget.php (+19/-0)
qp_inc/widgets/_category_list.widget.php (+34/-7)
qp_inc/widgets/_comment_list.widget.php (+28/-2)
qp_inc/widgets/_common_links.widget.php (+22/-1)
qp_inc/widgets/_free_html.widget.php (+19/-0)
qp_inc/widgets/_item_list.widget.php (+47/-2)
qp_inc/widgets/_link_list.widget.php (+28/-3)
qp_inc/widgets/_linkblog.widget.php (+34/-3)
qp_inc/widgets/_logo.widget.php (+28/-2)
qp_inc/widgets/_longdesc.widget.php (+16/-0)
qp_inc/widgets/_media_index.widget.php (+52/-2)
qp_inc/widgets/_menu_link.widget.php (+39/-5)
qp_inc/widgets/_page_list.widget.php (+28/-3)
qp_inc/widgets/_post_list.widget.php (+28/-3)
qp_inc/widgets/_related_post_list.widget.php (+28/-3)
qp_inc/widgets/_search_form.widget.php (+19/-0)
qp_inc/widgets/_single_item.widget.php (+28/-3)
qp_inc/widgets/_tag_cloud.widget.php (+27/-2)
qp_inc/widgets/_tagline.widget.php (+18/-3)
qp_inc/widgets/_title.widget.php (+18/-2)
qp_inc/widgets/_user_tools.widget.php (+23/-0)
qp_inc/widgets/_xml_feeds.widget.php (+22/-0)
qp_inc/widgets/model/_widget.class.php (+3/-3)
qp_inc/widgets/model/_widgetcache.class.php (+2/-2)
qp_inc/widgets/views/_widget.form.php (+1/-1)
qp_inc/widgets/views/_widget_list.view.php (+24/-27)
qp_inc/widgets/widgets.ctrl.php (+6/-6)
qp_inc/xmlrpc/apis/_blogger.api.php (+166/-177)
qp_inc/xmlrpc/model/_xmlrpc.funcs.php (+11/-8)
qp_install/_functions_create.php (+29/-49)
qp_install/_functions_install.php (+32/-28)
qp_install/index.php (+5/-10)
qp_locales/de/_global.php (+2511/-0)
qp_locales/de/de-DE.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/en/en-AU.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/en/en-CA.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/en/en-GB.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/en/en-IL.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/en/en-NZ.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/en/en-SG.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/fr/_global.php (+2335/-0)
qp_locales/fr/fr-BE.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/fr/fr-CA.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/fr/fr-FR.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/php/de/_global.php (+0/-2507)
qp_locales/php/de/de-DE.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/en/en-AU.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/en/en-CA.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/en/en-GB.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/en/en-IL.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/en/en-NZ.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/en/en-SG.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/fr/_global.php (+0/-2331)
qp_locales/php/fr/fr-BE.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/fr/fr-CA.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/fr/fr-FR.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/ru/_global.php (+0/-2465)
qp_locales/php/ru/ru-RU.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/php/tr/_global.php (+0/-2137)
qp_locales/php/tr/tr-TR.locale.php (+0/-21)
qp_locales/ru/_global.php (+2469/-0)
qp_locales/ru/ru-RU.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_locales/tr/_global.php (+2141/-0)
qp_locales/tr/tr-TR.locale.php (+27/-0)
qp_plugins/twitter_plugin/_twitter.plugin.php (+1/-1)
qp_rsc/js/communication.js (+2/-4)
qp_srvc/comment_post.php (+34/-45)
qp_srvc/cron_exec.php (+46/-39)
qp_srvc/login.php (+316/-317)
qp_srvc/track.php (+33/-40)
qp_view_admin/_access_denied.main.php (+10/-8)
qp_view_admin/_adminUI_general.class.php (+3/-3)
qp_view_admin/ (+27/-46)
qp_view_admin/ (+1/-1)
qp_view_admin/conf_error.main.php (+20/-26)
qp_view_admin/earth/_adminUI.class.php (+22/-33)
qp_view_admin/earth/style.css (+4/-76)
qp_view_admin/fire/_adminUI.class.php (+22/-33)
qp_view_admin/fire/style.css (+5/-86)
qp_view_admin/water/_adminUI.class.php (+22/-33)
qp_view_admin/water/style.css (+5/-77)
qp_view_admin/wind/_adminUI.class.php (+22/-33)
qp_view_admin/wind/style.css (+4/-75)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~quam-plures-core/quam-plures/qp5_next_branch
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Quam Plures Core Team Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change ~200 files played with, almost all of which are "done" per the monster goal. works without issue :)

To post a comment you must log in.
7662. By EdB

found and fixed 2 fatal flaws :(

Preview Diff

[H/L] Next/Prev Comment, [J/K] Next/Prev File, [N/P] Next/Prev Hunk
1=== modified file 'a_notemplate.php'
2--- a_notemplate.php 2012-07-29 20:36:41 +0000
3+++ a_notemplate.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
4@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
5 // --------------------- PAGE LEVEL CACHING SUPPORT ---------------------
6 // This is totally optional. General caching must be enabled
7 // in Global settings, otherwise this will do nothing.
8-load_class( '_core/model/_pagecache.class.php' );
9 $PageCache = new PageCache( NULL );
11 // Check for cached content & Start caching if needed:
13=== modified file 'admin.php'
14--- admin.php 2011-01-09 17:19:59 +0000
15+++ admin.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
16@@ -1,183 +1,131 @@
17 <?php
18 /**
19- * This is the main dispatcher for the admin interface.
20- *
24- *
25- * This file is part of Quam Plures - {@link}
26- * See also {@link}.
27- *
28- * @copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by the Quam Plures developers - {@link}
29- * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
30- * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
31- * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005-2006 by PROGIDISTRI - {@link}.
32- *
33- * {@internal License choice
34- * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in
35- * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms.
36- * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from
37- * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file:
38- * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) -
39- * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) -
40- * }}
41- *
42- * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement:
43- * Daniel HAHLER grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license
44- * Daniel HAHLER's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project
45- * under any OSI approved OSS license (
46- *
47- * PROGIDISTRI S.A.S. grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license
48- * PROGIDISTRI S.A.S.'s contributions to this file and the b2evolution project
49- * under any OSI approved OSS license (
50- * }}
51- *
52- * @package pond
53+ * This is the main dispatcher for the admin interface
54+ *
58+ *
59+ * @todo (3048) EdB> this file is 1 of 2 that sets the default admin template (part of "Get the Admin template")
60+ * @todo (1111) the "Redirect old-style URLs" check is probably obsolete
61+ * @author {@link Ed Bennett}
62+ * @author {@link PROGIDISTRI}
63+ * @author {@link Daniel HAHLER}
64+ * @author {@link Francois PLANQUE}
65+ * @copyright (c) 2009 by {@link the Quam Plures project}
66+ * @license GNU General Public License v3
67+ * @package admin
68 */
71 /**
72- * Do the MAIN initializations:
73+ * Load the configuration minimum
74 */
75 require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/qp_config/_config.php';
79- * @global boolean Is this an admin page? Use {@link is_admin_page()} to query it, because it may change.
80- */
81+// Is this an admin page? Use is_admin_page() to query it because it may change
82 $is_admin_page = true;
85 $login_required = true;
88+ * Main initialization, without a specific blog identified
89+ */
90 require_once $inc_path.'';
93-// Check global permission:
94+// Check global permission
95 if( ! $current_User->check_perm( 'admin', 'any' ) )
96-{ // No permission to access admin...
98+ // No permission to access admin...
99 require $admintemplates_path.'_access_denied.main.php';
100 }
105 * Asynchronous processing options that may be required on any page
106 */
107 require_once $inc_path.'';
111- * Get the blog from param, defaulting to the last selected one for this user:
112- * we need it for quite a few of the menu urls
113- */
114-$user_selected_blog = (int)$UserSettings->get('selected_blog');
115+// Get the blog from param, defaulting to the last selected one for this user:
116+// we need it for quite a few of the menu urls
117+$user_selected_blog = (int)$UserSettings->get( 'selected_blog' );
118 $BlogCache = & get_Cache( 'BlogCache' );
119-if( param( 'blog', 'integer', NULL, true ) === NULL // We got no explicit blog choice (not even '0' for 'no blog'):
120- || ($blog > 0 && ! ($Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog, false, false )) )) // or we requested a nonexistent blog
121-{ // Try the memorized blog from the previous action:
122+if( param( 'blog', 'integer', NULL, true ) === NULL // no explicit blog choice, not even '0' for 'no blog'
123+ || ( $blog > 0 && ! ( $Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog, false, false ) ) ) ) // we requested a nonexistent blog
125+ // Try the memorized blog from the previous action
126 $blog = $user_selected_blog;
127- if( ! ($Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog, false, false ) ) )
128- { // That one doesn't exist either...
129+ if( ! ( $Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog, false, false ) ) )
130+ {
131+ // That one doesn't exist either...
132 $blog = 0;
133 }
134 }
135 elseif( $blog != $user_selected_blog )
136-{ // We have selected a new & valid blog. Update UserSettings for selected blog:
138+ // We have selected a new & valid blog. Update UserSettings for selected blog
139 set_working_blog( $blog );
140 }
143-// bookmarklet, upload (upload actually means sth like: select img for post):
144+// bookmarklet, upload (upload actually means sth like: select img for post)
145 param( 'mode', 'string', '', true );
149- * Get the Admin template
150- * TODO: Allow setting through GET param (dropdown in backoffice), respecting a checkbox "Use different setting on each computer" (if cookie_state handling is ready)
151- */
152+// Get the Admin template
153 $admin_template = $UserSettings->get( 'admin_template' );
154 $admin_template_path = $admintemplates_path.'%s/_adminUI.class.php';
156 if( ! $admin_template || ! file_exists( sprintf( $admin_template_path, $admin_template ) ) )
157-{ // there's no template for the user
158- if( !$admin_template )
159- {
160- $Debuglog->add( 'The user has no admin template set.', 'template' );
161- }
162- else
163- {
164- $Debuglog->add( 'The admin template ['.$admin_template.'] set by the user does not exist.', 'template' );
165- }
168+ // there's no template for the user
169 $admin_template = $Settings->get( 'default_admin_template' );
171- if( !$admin_template || !file_exists( sprintf( $admin_template_path, $admin_template ) ) )
172- { // even the default template does not exist!
173- if( !$admin_template )
174- {
175- $Debuglog->add( 'There is no default admin template set!', 'template' );
176- }
177- else
178- {
179- $Debuglog->add( 'The default admin template ['.$admin_template.'] does not exist!', array('template','error') );
180- }
182- if( file_exists(sprintf( $admin_template_path, 'wind' )) )
183- { // 'wind' - the official starting template - exist
184+ if( ! $admin_template || ! file_exists( sprintf( $admin_template_path, $admin_template ) ) )
185+ {
186+ // even the default template does not exist!
187+ // set 'wind' as the admin template if it exists
188+ if( file_exists( sprintf( $admin_template_path, 'wind' ) ) )
189+ {
190 $admin_template = 'wind';
192- $Debuglog->add( 'Falling back to "wind" admin template.', 'template' );
193 }
194 else
195- { // get the first one available one
196+ {
197+ // get the first one available one
198 $admin_template_dirs = get_admin_templates();
200 if( $admin_template_dirs === false )
201 {
202- $Debuglog->add( 'No admin template found! Check that the path '.$admintemplates_path.' exists.', array('template','error') );
203+ // debuglog->add removed
204 }
205- elseif( empty($admin_template_dirs) )
206- { // No admin template directories found
207- $Debuglog->add( 'No admin template found! Check that there are templates in '.$admintemplates_path.'.', array('template','error') );
208+ elseif( empty( $admin_template_dirs ) )
209+ {
210+ // No admin template directories found
211+ // debuglog->add removed
212 }
213 else
214 {
215- $admin_template = array_shift($admin_template_dirs);
216- $Debuglog->add( 'Falling back to first available template.', 'template' );
217+ $admin_template = array_shift( $admin_template_dirs );
218 }
219 }
220 }
221 }
223+// we die without an admin template
224 if( ! $admin_template )
225 {
226 $Debuglog->display( 'No admin template available!', '', true, 'template' );
227 die(1);
228 }
230-$Debuglog->add( 'Using admin template &laquo;'.$admin_template.'&raquo;', 'template' );
232 /**
233- * Load the AdminUI class for the template.
234+ * Load the AdminUI class for the template
235 */
236 require_once $admintemplates_path.$admin_template.'/_adminUI.class.php';
238- * This is the Admin UI object which handles the UI for the backoffice.
239- *
240- * @global AdminUI
241- */
243+// This is the Admin UI object which handles the UI for the backoffice
244 $AdminUI = new AdminUI();
248- * Pass over to controller...
249- */
251-// Get requested controller and memorize it:
252+// Pass over to controller ... get requested controller and memorize it
253 param( 'ctrl', '/^[a-z0-9_]+$/', 'dashboard', true );
256-// Redirect old-style URLs (e.g. /admin/plugins.php), if they come here because the webserver maps "/admin/" to "/admin.php"
257-// NOTE: this is just meant as a transformation from pre-1.8 to 1.8!
258+// Redirect old-style URLs (e.g. /admin/plugins.php), if they come here because the webserver
259+// maps "/admin/" to "/admin.php" NOTE: this is just meant as a transformation from pre-1.8 to 1.8!
260 if( ! empty( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) // the "!= PHP_SELF" check seems needed by IIS..
261 {
262 // Try to find the appropriate controller (ctrl) setting
263@@ -196,7 +144,7 @@
264 $query_string = explode( '&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] );
265 foreach( $query_string as $k => $v )
266 {
267- $query_string[$k] = strip_tags($v);
268+ $query_string[$k] = strip_tags( $v );
269 }
270 $query_string = '&'.implode( '&', $query_string );
271 }
272@@ -209,14 +157,15 @@
273 exit(0);
274 }
277-// Check matching controller file:
278-if( !isset($ctrl_mappings[$ctrl]) )
279+// Check matching controller file
280+if( ! isset( $ctrl_mappings[$ctrl] ) )
281 {
282 debug_die( 'The requested controller ['.$ctrl.'] does not exist.' );
283 }
285-// Call the requested controller:
287+ * Call the requested controller
288+ */
289 require $inc_path.$ctrl_mappings[$ctrl];
291 ?>
293=== modified file 'qp_config/_advanced.php'
294--- qp_config/_advanced.php 2011-09-05 06:55:25 +0000
295+++ qp_config/_advanced.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
296@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
297 /**
298 * File extensions that the admin will not be able to enable in the Settings
299 */
300-$force_upload_forbiddenext = array( 'cgi', 'exe', 'htaccess', 'htpasswd', 'php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'phtml', 'pl', 'vbs' );
301+$forbidden_upload_exts = array( 'cgi', 'exe', 'htaccess', 'htpasswd', 'php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'phtml', 'pl', 'vbs' );
303 /**
304 * Admin can configure max file upload size, but he won't be able to set it higher than this "max max" value.
306=== modified file 'qp_config/_locales.php'
307--- qp_config/_locales.php 2013-02-28 16:40:18 +0000
308+++ qp_config/_locales.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
309@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
310 * - 'datefmt' : The date format for this language. See {@link date_i18n()}.
311 * - 'timefmt' : The time format for this language. See {@link date_i18n()}.
312 * - 'startofweek': Start of week for this locale. 0 means Sunday, 1 Monday etc.
313- * - 'messages' : The locale's directory name (contains php/_global.php; ONLY USED HERE).
314+ * - 'messages' : The locale's directory name (contains _global.php; ONLY USED HERE).
315 * - 'enabled' : Is the locale visible to the user (ONLY USED HERE)?
316 */
317 $locales['en-US'] = array(
319=== removed file 'qp_config/_upgrade.php'
320--- qp_config/_upgrade.php 2010-12-31 12:12:03 +0000
321+++ qp_config/_upgrade.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
322@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
325- * This file includes upgrade settings for Quam Plures.
326- *
327- * Quam Plures - {@link}
328- * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
329- * @copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by the Quam Plures developers - {@link}
330- * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
331- *
332- * @package pond
333- */
334-if( !defined('QP_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
338- * Old b2 tables used exclusively by the cafelog upgrade mode of the install script.
339- *
340- * @global string
341- */
342-$oldtableposts = 'b2posts';
343-$oldtableusers = 'b2users';
344-$oldtablesettings = 'b2settings';
345-$oldtablecategories = 'b2categories';
346-$oldtablecomments = 'b2comments';
352=== modified file 'qp_inc/_application.php'
353--- qp_inc/_application.php 2013-03-12 06:26:03 +0000
354+++ qp_inc/_application.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
355@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
356 $app_date = '2013-03-21';
358 // Displayed on the login screen
359-$app_banner = '<a href="'.$app_homepage.'"><img src="'.$rsc_url.'img/qp-logo.jpg" width="337" height="76" alt="'.$app_name.'" /></a>';
360+$app_banner = '<a href="'.$app_homepage.'"><img src="'.$rsc_url.'logo.jpg" width="337" height="76" alt="'.$app_name.'" /></a>';
362 // Displayed on admin pages (footer)
363 $app_footer_text = '<a href="'.$app_homepage.'" title="'.sprintf( T_('visit %s\' website'), $app_name ).'"><strong>'.$app_name.' v'.$app_version.'</strong></a>'
365=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/__core.init.php'
366--- qp_inc/_core/__core.init.php 2013-03-13 02:35:35 +0000
367+++ qp_inc/_core/__core.init.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
368@@ -30,33 +30,47 @@
369 'T_antispam' => $app_db_tableprefix.'antispam',
370 'T_blogs' => $app_db_tableprefix.'blogs',
371 'T_categories' => $app_db_tableprefix.'categories',
372- 'T_coll_group_perms' => $app_db_tableprefix.'bloggroups',
373- 'T_coll_user_perms' => $app_db_tableprefix.'blogusers',
374+ 'T_blog_groups' => $app_db_tableprefix.'bloggroups', // new
375+ 'T_coll_group_perms' => $app_db_tableprefix.'bloggroups', // old, going away
376+ 'T_blog_users' => $app_db_tableprefix.'blogusers', // new
377+ 'T_coll_user_perms' => $app_db_tableprefix.'blogusers', // old, going away
378 'T_comments' => $app_db_tableprefix.'comments',
379- 'T_cron__log' => $app_db_tableprefix.'cron__log',
380- 'T_cron__task' => $app_db_tableprefix.'cron__task',
381+ 'T_cron_log' => $app_db_tableprefix.'cron__log', // new
382+ 'T_cron__log' => $app_db_tableprefix.'cron__log', // old, going away
383+ 'T_cron_task' => $app_db_tableprefix.'cron__task', // new
384+ 'T_cron__task' => $app_db_tableprefix.'cron__task', // old, going away
385 'T_files' => $app_db_tableprefix.'files',
386 'T_filetypes' => $app_db_tableprefix.'filetypes',
387 'T_groups' => $app_db_tableprefix.'groups',
388 'T_global__cache' => $app_db_tableprefix.'global__cache',
389- 'T_items__prerendering' => $app_db_tableprefix.'items__prerendering',
390- 'T_items__status' => $app_db_tableprefix.'items__status',
391- 'T_items__version' => $app_db_tableprefix.'items__version',
392+ 'T_item_prerendering' => $app_db_tableprefix.'items__prerendering', // new
393+ 'T_items__prerendering' => $app_db_tableprefix.'items__prerendering', // old, going away
394+ 'T_item_status' => $app_db_tableprefix.'items__status', // new
395+ 'T_items__status' => $app_db_tableprefix.'items__status', // old, going away
396+ 'T_item_versions' => $app_db_tableprefix.'items__version', // new
397+ 'T_items__version' => $app_db_tableprefix.'items__version', // old, going away
398 'T_links' => $app_db_tableprefix.'links',
399 'T_locales' => $app_db_tableprefix.'locales',
400 'T_plugins' => $app_db_tableprefix.'plugins',
401- 'T_pluginevents' => $app_db_tableprefix.'pluginevents',
402- 'T_pluginsettings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'pluginsettings',
403- 'T_pluginusersettings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'pluginusersettings',
404+ 'T_plugin_events' => $app_db_tableprefix.'pluginevents', // new
405+ 'T_pluginevents' => $app_db_tableprefix.'pluginevents', // old, going away
406+ 'T_plugin_settings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'pluginsettings', // new
407+ 'T_pluginsettings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'pluginsettings', // old, going away
408+ 'T_plugin_usersettings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'pluginusersettings', // new
409+ 'T_pluginusersettings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'pluginusersettings', // old, going away
410 'T_settings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'settings',
411- 'T_templates__container' => $app_db_tableprefix.'templates__container',
412- 'T_templates__template' => $app_db_tableprefix.'templates__template',
413+ 'T_template_containers' => $app_db_tableprefix.'templates__container', // new
414+ 'T_templates__container' => $app_db_tableprefix.'templates__container', // old, going away
415+ 'T_templates' => $app_db_tableprefix.'templates__template', // new
416+ 'T_templates__template' => $app_db_tableprefix.'templates__template', // old, going away
417 'T_subscriptions' => $app_db_tableprefix.'subscriptions',
418 'T_users' => $app_db_tableprefix.'users',
419 'T_plugin_sharedfields' => $app_db_tableprefix.'plugin_sharedfields',
420 'T_plugin_sharedvalues' => $app_db_tableprefix.'plugin_sharedvalues',
421- 'T_usersettings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'usersettings',
422- 'T_widget' => $app_db_tableprefix.'widget',
423+ 'T_user_settings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'usersettings', // new
424+ 'T_usersettings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'usersettings', // old, going away
425+ 'T_widgets' => $app_db_tableprefix.'widget', // new
426+ 'T_widget' => $app_db_tableprefix.'widget', // old, going away
427 // old ones that leave after monster branch is done
428 'T_blog_settings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'coll_settings',
429 'T_coll_settings' => $app_db_tableprefix.'coll_settings', // old
430@@ -100,10 +114,11 @@
431 'users' => 'users/users.ctrl.php',
432 'upload' => 'files/upload.ctrl.php',
433 'widgets' => 'widgets/widgets.ctrl.php',
434- );
437 /**
438 * _core_Module class
439+ *
440 * @package core
441 */
442 class _core_Module
443@@ -229,10 +244,6 @@
444 'text' => T_('Intros').'&hellip;',
445 'href' => $items_url.'tab=intros',
446 ),
447- 'item_podcasts' => array(
448- 'text' => T_('Podcasts').'&hellip;',
449- 'href' => $items_url.'tab=podcasts',
450- ),
451 'item_links' => array(
452 'text' => T_('Sidebar links').'&hellip;',
453 'href' => $items_url.'tab=links',
455=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/_class.funcs.php'
456--- qp_inc/_core/_class.funcs.php 2013-03-12 21:17:25 +0000
457+++ qp_inc/_core/_class.funcs.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
458@@ -138,14 +138,4 @@
459 }
460 }
463- * Load class file. No-op for PHP5, uses __autoload().
464- *
465- * @deprecated - after "monster" all the load_class() calls will be removed
466- */
467-function load_class( $class_path )
469- return true;
472 ?>
474=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php'
475--- qp_inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php 2013-03-12 21:17:25 +0000
476+++ qp_inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
477@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
478 return $FiletypeCache;
480 case 'GoalCache';
481- $GoalCache = new DataObjectCache( 'Goal', false, 'T_track__goal', 'goal_', 'goal_ID', 'goal_name', 'goal_name' ); // COPY (FUNC)
482+ $GoalCache = new DataObjectCache( 'Goal', false, 'T_goals', 'goal_', 'goal_ID', 'goal_name', 'goal_name' ); // COPY (FUNC)
483 return $GoalCache;
485 case 'GroupCache':
486@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
487 return $ItemCatsCache;
489 case 'ItemStatusCache':
490- $Plugins->get_object_from_cacheplugin_or_create( 'ItemStatusCache', 'new GenericCache( \'GenericElement\', true, \'T_items__status\', \'pst_\', \'pst_ID\', NULL, \'\', T_(\'No status\') )' );
491+ $Plugins->get_object_from_cacheplugin_or_create( 'ItemStatusCache', 'new GenericCache( \'GenericElement\', true, \'T_item_status\', \'pst_\', \'pst_ID\', NULL, \'\', T_(\'No status\') )' );
492 return $ItemStatusCache;
494 case 'ItemTypeCache':
495@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@
496 * @param string Format to use ('simple', 'rfc')
497 * - 'simple': Single email address.
498 * - 'rfc': Full email address, may include name (RFC2822) like
499- * or Me <> or "Me" <>
500+ * or Me <> or "Me" <>
501 *
502 * @see Plugin::IsValidRawEmail()
503 * @see Plugin::IsValidFilteredEmail()
504@@ -3170,6 +3170,8 @@
505 global $app_shortname;
506 global $app_version;
508+ return '';
510 if( $Settings->get( 'webhelp_enabled' ) )
511 {
512 $manual_url = ''.$topic.'?lang='.$current_locale.'&amp;app='.$app_shortname.'&amp;version='.$app_version;
514=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/_param.funcs.php'
515--- qp_inc/_core/_param.funcs.php 2013-03-12 21:17:25 +0000
516+++ qp_inc/_core/_param.funcs.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
517@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@
518 * - '' (does nothing)
519 * - '/^...$/' check regexp pattern match (string)
520 * - boolean (will force type to boolean, but you can't use 'true' as a default
521- * since it has special meaning. There is no real reason to pass booleans on a
522- * URL though. Passing 0 and 1 as integers seems to be best practice).
523- * Value type will be forced only if resulting value (probably from default then) is !== NULL
524+ * since it has special meaning. There is no real reason to pass booleans on a
525+ * URL though. Passing 0 and 1 as integers seems to be best practice).
526+ * Value type will be forced only if resulting value (probably from default then)
527+ * is !== NULL
528 * @param mixed Default value or TRUE if user input required
529 * @param boolean Do we need to memorize this to regenerate the URL for this page?
530 * @param boolean Override if variable already set
531@@ -1622,7 +1623,7 @@
532 /**
533 * Checks for sanitized code
534 *
535- * WARNING: this does *NOT* (necessarilly) make the HTML code safe. It only checks
536+ * WARNING: this does *NOT* (necessarily) make the HTML code safe. It only checks
537 * on it and produces error messages. It is NOT (necessarily) safe to use the output.
538 *
539 * @param string param name
540@@ -1743,8 +1744,9 @@
541 $allow_javascript = false;
542 $allow_iframes = false;
543 $allow_objects = false;
544- // fp> I don't know if it makes sense to bypass antispam in commenting context if the user
545- // has that kind of permissions. If so, then we also need to bypass in several other places.
546+ // fp> I don't know if it makes sense to bypass antispam in commenting context
547+ // if the user has that kind of permissions. If so, then we also need to bypass
548+ // in several other places.
549 $bypass_antispam = false;
550 break;
552@@ -1825,7 +1827,9 @@
553 {
554 // We want to validate XHTML
556- // figure out what we want to validate against
557+ // figure out what we want to validate against. $skip lets us bypass checks
558+ // when they don't matter, $flavor lets us validate against xhtml or html5
559+ // (eventually!), and $source gives us info about where we are checking from
560 $skip = false;
561 $flavor = 'xhtml';
562 $source = array_merge( array(
563@@ -1839,7 +1843,16 @@
564 $skip = true;
565 }
567- // if we come from param_check_html() we're almost done
568+ // we can skip if we're just changing locales on a user. $flavor will be xhtml
569+ // because we're in admin and admin doesn't do or need html5 stuff
570+ if( array_key_exists( 'userupdate', $_POST['actionArray'] )
571+ && array_key_exists( 'ctrl', $_POST ) )
572+ {
573+ $flavor = 'xhtml';
574+ $skip = true;
575+ }
577+ // if we come from param_check_html() (but not on a user update) we're almost done
578 if( ! $skip && $source['param_check_html'] )
579 {
580 global $Blog;
582=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/model/__core.install.php'
583--- qp_inc/_core/model/__core.install.php 2013-03-13 02:35:35 +0000
584+++ qp_inc/_core/model/__core.install.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
585@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
586 /**
587 * This is the install file for the core modules
588 *
589- * This gets updated through {@link db_delta()} which generates the queries needed
590- * to get to this scheme. Please see {@link db_delta()} for things to take care of.
591+ * $schema_queries gets updated through {@link db_delta()} which generates the
592+ * queries needed to get to this scheme. Please see {@link db_delta()} for things
593+ * to take care of.
594 *
595 * @author {@link Ed Bennett}
596 * @author {@link Francois PLANQUE}
597@@ -15,9 +16,8 @@
599 global $db_storage_charset;
601-// This gets updated through db_delta() which generates the queries needed to get to this scheme
602 $schema_queries = array(
603- 'T_antispam' => array( 'Creating table for Antispam Blacklist',
604+ 'T_antispam' => array( 'Creating table for antispam',
605 "CREATE TABLE T_antispam (
606 aspm_ID bigint(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
607 aspm_string VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,
608@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
609 UNIQUE KEY blog_urlname (blog_urlname)
610 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
612- 'T_coll_group_perms' => array( 'Creating blog-group permissions table',
613- "CREATE TABLE T_coll_group_perms (
614+ 'T_blog_groups' => array( 'Creating blog-group permissions table',
615+ "CREATE TABLE T_blog_groups (
616 bloggroup_blog_ID INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
617 bloggroup_group_ID INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
618 bloggroup_ismember TINYINT NOT NULL default 0,
619@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
620 PRIMARY KEY ( cset_blog_ID, cset_name )
621 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
623- 'T_coll_user_perms' => array( 'Creating blog-user permissions table',
624- "CREATE TABLE T_coll_user_perms (
625+ 'T_blog_users' => array( 'Creating blog-user permissions table',
626+ "CREATE TABLE T_blog_users (
627 bloguser_blog_ID INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
628 bloguser_user_ID INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
629 bloguser_ismember TINYINT NOT NULL default 0,
630@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@
631 KEY comment_type (comment_type)
632 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
634- 'T_cron__log' => array( 'Creating cron log table',
635- "CREATE TABLE T_cron__log(
636+ 'T_cron_log' => array( 'Creating cron log table',
637+ "CREATE TABLE T_cron_log(
638 clog_ctsk_ID INT(10) unsigned not null,
639 clog_realstart_datetime DATETIME not null DEFAULT '2000-01-01 00:00:00',
640 clog_realstop_datetime DATETIME,
641@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@
642 PRIMARY KEY ( clog_ctsk_ID )
643 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
645- 'T_cron__task' => array( 'Creating cron tasks table',
646- "CREATE TABLE T_cron__task(
647+ 'T_cron_task' => array( 'Creating cron tasks table',
648+ "CREATE TABLE T_cron_task(
649 ctsk_ID INT(10) unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
650 ctsk_start_datetime DATETIME not null DEFAULT '2000-01-01 00:00:00',
651 ctsk_repeat_after INT(10) unsigned,
652@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@
653 UNIQUE catpost ( postcat_cat_ID, postcat_post_ID )
654 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
656- 'T_items__prerendering' => array( 'Creating item prerendering table',
657- "CREATE TABLE T_items__prerendering(
658+ 'T_item_prerendering' => array( 'Creating item prerendering table',
659+ "CREATE TABLE T_item_prerendering(
660 itpr_itm_ID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
661 itpr_format ENUM('htmlbody','entityencoded','xml','text') NOT NULL,
662 itpr_renderers TEXT NOT NULL,
663@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@
664 PRIMARY KEY ( itpr_itm_ID, itpr_format )
665 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
667- 'T_items__status' => array( 'Creating item statuses table',
668- "CREATE TABLE T_items__status (
669+ 'T_item_status' => array( 'Creating item statuses table',
670+ "CREATE TABLE T_item_status (
671 pst_ID INT(11) unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
672 pst_name VARCHAR(30) not null,
673 PRIMARY KEY ( pst_ID )
674@@ -307,8 +307,8 @@
675 PRIMARY KEY ( ptyp_ID )
676 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
678- 'T_items__version' => array( 'Creating item versions table',
679- "CREATE TABLE T_items__version (
680+ 'T_item_versions' => array( 'Creating item versions table',
681+ "CREATE TABLE T_item_versions (
683 iver_edit_user_ID INT UNSIGNED NULL,
684 iver_edit_datetime DATETIME NOT NULL,
685@@ -369,24 +369,24 @@
686 INDEX plug_status( plug_status )
687 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
689- 'T_pluginevents' => array( 'Creating plugin events table',
690- "CREATE TABLE T_pluginevents(
691+ 'T_plugin_events' => array( 'Creating plugin events table',
692+ "CREATE TABLE T_plugin_events(
693 pevt_plug_ID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
694 pevt_event VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
695 pevt_enabled TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
696 PRIMARY KEY ( pevt_plug_ID, pevt_event )
697 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
699- 'T_pluginsettings' => array( 'Creating plugin settings table',
700- "CREATE TABLE T_pluginsettings (
701+ 'T_plugin_settings' => array( 'Creating plugin settings table',
702+ "CREATE TABLE T_plugin_settings (
703 pset_plug_ID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
704 pset_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
705 pset_value TEXT NULL,
706 PRIMARY KEY ( pset_plug_ID, pset_name )
707 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
709- 'T_pluginusersettings' => array( 'Creating plugin user settings table',
710- "CREATE TABLE T_pluginusersettings (
711+ 'T_plugin_usersettings' => array( 'Creating plugin user settings table',
712+ "CREATE TABLE T_plugin_usersettings (
713 puset_plug_ID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
714 puset_user_ID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
715 puset_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
716@@ -418,8 +418,8 @@
717 UNIQUE tag_name( tag_name )
718 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
720- 'T_templates__template' => array( 'Creating templates table',
721- "CREATE TABLE T_templates__template (
722+ 'T_templates' => array( 'Creating templates table',
723+ "CREATE TABLE T_templates (
724 template_ID INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
725 template_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
726 template_type ENUM('xhtml','html5','feed','other') NOT NULL default 'xhtml',
727@@ -429,8 +429,8 @@
728 KEY template_name( template_name )
729 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
731- 'T_templates__container' => array( 'Creating template containers table',
732- "CREATE TABLE T_templates__container (
733+ 'T_template_containers' => array( 'Creating template containers table',
734+ "CREATE TABLE T_template_containers (
735 sco_template_ID INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
736 sco_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
737 sco_order TINYINT NOT NULL default 0,
738@@ -473,16 +473,16 @@
739 PRIMARY KEY ( cach_name )
740 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
742- 'T_usersettings' => array( 'Creating user settings table',
743- "CREATE TABLE T_usersettings (
744+ 'T_user_settings' => array( 'Creating user settings table',
745+ "CREATE TABLE T_user_settings (
746 uset_user_ID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
747 uset_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
748 uset_value VARCHAR(255) NULL,
749 PRIMARY KEY ( uset_user_ID, uset_name )
750 ) ENGINE = innodb DEFAULT CHARSET = $db_storage_charset" ),
752- 'T_widget' => array( 'Creating widgets table',
753- "CREATE TABLE T_widget (
754+ 'T_widgets' => array( 'Creating widgets table',
755+ "CREATE TABLE T_widgets (
756 wi_ID INT(10) UNSIGNED auto_increment,
757 wi_widget_blog_ID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
758 wi_sco_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
760=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/model/_pagecache.class.php'
761--- qp_inc/_core/model/_pagecache.class.php 2010-12-31 12:12:03 +0000
762+++ qp_inc/_core/model/_pagecache.class.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
763@@ -1,72 +1,62 @@
764 <?php
765 /**
766- * This file implements the PageCache class, which caches HTML pages genereated by the app.
767- *
768- * This file is part of Quam Plures - {@link}
769- * See also {@link}.
770- *
771- * @copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by the Quam Plures developers - {@link}
772- * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
773- * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
774- *
775- * {@internal License choice
776- * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in
777- * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms.
778- * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from
779- * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file:
780- * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) -
781- * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) -
782- * }}
783- *
784- * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement:
785- * }}
786- *
787- * @package pond
788+ * This file implements the PageCache class
789+ *
790+ * This caches HTML pages genereated by the app.
791+ *
792+ * @todo (1111) vars type 'foo' need useful/valid descriptions
793+ * @author {@link Ed Bennett}
794+ * @author {@link Daniel HAHLER}
795+ * @author {@link Francois PLANQUE}
796+ * @copyright (c) 2009 by {@link the Quam Plures project}
797+ * @license GNU General Public License v3
798+ * @package core
799 */
800-if( !defined('QP_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
802+if(!defined('QP_MAIN_INIT')) die('fail');
804 /**
805- * Page Cache.
806+ * PageCache class
807 *
808- * @package pond
809+ * @package core
810 */
811 class PageCache
812 {
813- /**
814+ /**
815 * How old can a cached object get before we consider it outdated
816+ * @var foo
817 */
818- var $max_age_seconds = 300; // 5 minutes for now
820- /**
821- * After how many bytes should we output sth live while collecting cache content:
822+ var $max_age_seconds = 300;
823+ /**
824+ * After how many bytes should we output sth live while collecting cache content
825+ * @var foo
826 */
827 var $output_chunk_size = 2000;
829 /**
830 * By default we consider caching not to be enabled
831+ * @var foo
832 */
833 var $is_enabled = false;
835 /**
836- *
837+ * FIX THIS
838+ * @var foo
839 */
840 var $ads_collcache_path;
842 /**
843 * Filename of cache for current page
844+ * @var foo
845 */
846 var $cache_filepath;
847 /**
848- * Progressively caching the content of the current page:
849+ * Progressively caching the content of the current page
850+ * @var foo
851 */
852 var $cached_page_content = '';
853 /**
854 * Are we currently recording cache contents for this page?
855+ * @var foo
856 */
857 var $is_collecting = false;
860 /**
861 * Constructor
862 *
863@@ -74,17 +64,18 @@
864 */
865 function PageCache( $Blog = NULL )
866 {
867- global $Debuglog;
868+ global $cache_path;
869 global $Settings;
870- global $cache_path;
872- if( is_null($Blog) )
873- { // Cache for "other" "genereic" "special" pages:
874+ if( is_null( $Blog ) )
875+ {
876+ // Cache for "other" "genereic" "special" pages
877 $this->ads_collcache_path = $cache_path.'general/';
879- if( ! $Settings->get('general_cache_enabled') )
880- { // We do NOT want caching for this collection
881- $Debuglog->add( 'General cache not enabled.', 'cache' );
882+ if( ! $Settings->get( 'general_cache_enabled' ) )
883+ {
884+ // We do NOT want caching for this collection
885+ // debuglog-add removed
886 }
887 else
888 {
889@@ -92,13 +83,15 @@
890 }
891 }
892 else
893- { // Cache for a specific Blog/Collection:
894- // We need to set this even if cache is not enabled (yet) bc it's used for creating:
895+ {
896+ // Cache for a specific Blog/Collection
897+ // We need to set this even if cache is not enabled (yet) bc it's used for creating
898 $this->ads_collcache_path = $cache_path.'c'.$Blog->ID.'/';
900- if( ! $Blog->get_setting('cache_enabled') )
901- { // We do NOT want caching for this collection
902- $Debuglog->add( 'Cache not enabled for this blog.', 'cache' );
903+ if( ! $Blog->get_setting( 'cache_enabled' ) )
904+ {
905+ // We do NOT want caching for this collection
906+ // debuglog-add removed
907 }
908 else
909 {
910@@ -111,37 +104,35 @@
911 /**
912 * Get path to file for current URL
913 *
914- * @todo fp> We may need to add some keys like the locale or the charset, I'm not sure.
915+ * @todo (0000) fp> We may need to add some keys like the locale or the charset, I'm not sure.
916 */
917 function get_af_filecache_path()
918 {
919- global $Debuglog;
920- global $ReqHost, $ReqURI;
921+ global $ReqURI;
922+ global $ReqHost;
924 // We want the cache for the current URL
925 if( empty( $this->cache_filepath ) )
926 {
927 $ReqAbsUrl = $ReqHost.$ReqURI;
928- $Debuglog->add( 'URL being cached: '.$ReqAbsUrl, 'cache' );
930- $this->cache_filepath = $this->gen_filecache_path( $ReqAbsUrl );
932- $Debuglog->add( 'Cache file: '.$this->cache_filepath, 'cache' );
934+ $this->cache_filepath = $this->gen_filecache_path( $ReqAbsUrl );
935 }
937- return $this->cache_filepath;
938+ return $this->cache_filepath;
939 }
942 /**
943- * Generate path for caching $url.
944+ * Generate path for caching $url
945+ *
946 * @param string URL
947 * @return string
948 */
949 function gen_filecache_path( $url )
950 {
951- $url_hash = md5($url); // fp> is this teh fastest way to hash this into something not too obvious to guess?
953+ // fp> is this the fastest way to hash this into something not too obvious to guess?
954+ $url_hash = md5( $url );
955 return $this->ads_collcache_path.$url_hash.'.page';
956 }
958@@ -153,29 +144,27 @@
959 */
960 function invalidate( $url )
961 {
962- global $Debuglog;
964- $Debuglog->add( 'Invalidating:'.$url, 'cache' );
966 // What would be the cache file for the current URL?
967 $af_cache_file = $this->gen_filecache_path( $url );
969 @unlink( $af_cache_file );
970 }
973 /**
974+ * create cache
975+ *
976 * @return boolean true if cache has been successfully created
977 */
978 function cache_create()
979 {
980- // Create by using the filemanager's default chmod. TODO> we may not want to make these publicly readable
981+ // Create by using the filemanager's default chmod.
982+ // @todo (0000) we may not want to make these publicly readable
983 if( ! mkdir_r( $this->ads_collcache_path, NULL ) )
984 {
985 return false;
986 }
988- // Clear contents of folder, if any:
989+ // Clear contents of folder, if any
990 cleardir_r( $this->ads_collcache_path );
992 return true;
993@@ -198,66 +187,57 @@
994 */
995 function check()
996 {
997- global $Debuglog;
998 global $disp;
1000 global $Messages;
1002 if( ! $this->is_enabled )
1003- { // We do NOT want caching for this page
1004- $Debuglog->add( 'Cache not enabled. No lookup nor caching performed.', 'cache' );
1005+ {
1006+ // We do NOT want caching for this page
1007 return false;
1008 }
1010 if( $disp == '404' )
1011- { // We do NOT want caching for 404 pages (illimited possibilities!)
1012- $Debuglog->add( 'Never cache 404s!', 'cache' );
1013+ {
1014+ // We do NOT want caching for 404 pages (illimited possibilities!)
1015 return false;
1016 }
1018 if( is_logged_in() )
1019- { // We do NOT want caching when a user is logged in (private data)
1020- $Debuglog->add( 'Never cache pages for/from logged in members!', 'cache' );
1021+ {
1022+ // We do NOT want caching when a user is logged in (private data)
1023 return false;
1024 }
1026 if( $Messages->count('all') )
1027- { // There are some messages do be displayed. That means the user has done some action.
1028+ {
1029+ // There are some messages do be displayed. That means the user has done some action.
1030 // We do want to display those messages.
1031 // There may also be more... like a "comment pending review" etc...
1032 // DO NOT CACHE and do not present a cached page.
1033- $Debuglog->add( 'Not caching because we have messages!', 'cache' );
1034 return false;
1035 }
1037- // TODO: fp> If the user has submitted a comment, we might actually want to invalidate the cache...
1040 if( $this->retrieve() )
1041- { // We could retrieve:
1042+ {
1043+ // We could retrieve
1044 return true;
1045 }
1048 $this->is_collecting = true;
1050- $Debuglog->add( 'Collecting started', 'cache' );
1052 ob_start( array( & $this, 'output_handler'), $this->output_chunk_size );
1054 return false;
1055 }
1058 /**
1059- * Retrieve and output cache for current URL.
1060+ * Retrieve and output cache for current URL
1061 *
1062 * @return boolean true if we could retrieve
1063 */
1064 function retrieve()
1065 {
1066- global $Debuglog;
1067- global $ReqHost, $ReqURI;
1068+ global $ReqHost;
1069+ global $ReqURI;
1070 global $servertimenow;
1072 // What would be the cache file for the current URL?
1073@@ -275,48 +255,46 @@
1074 */
1076 $lines = @file( $af_cache_file, false );
1077- // fp> note we are using empty() so that we detect both the case where there is no file and the case wher ethe file
1078- // might have ended up empty because PHP crashed while writing to it or sth like that...
1079- if( ! empty($lines) )
1080- { // We have data in the cache!
1081- $Debuglog->add( 'Retrieving from cache!', 'cache' );
1083- // Check that the format of the file if OK.
1084- $sep = trim($lines[2]);
1085- unset($lines[2]);
1086+ // fp> note we are using empty() so that we detect both the case where there
1087+ // is no file and the case wher ethe file might have ended up empty because
1088+ // PHP crashed while writing to it or sth like that...
1089+ if( ! empty( $lines ) )
1090+ {
1091+ // We have data in the cache!
1092+ // Check that the format of the file if OK
1093+ $sep = trim( $lines[2] );
1094+ unset( $lines[2] );
1095 if( $sep != '' )
1096 {
1097- $Debuglog->add( 'Cached file format not recognized, aborting retrieve.', 'cache' );
1098 return false;
1099 }
1101- // Retrieved cached URL:
1102- $retrieved_url = trim($lines[0]);
1103- unset($lines[0]);
1104+ // Retrieved cached URL
1105+ $retrieved_url = trim( $lines[0] );
1106+ unset( $lines[0] );
1107 if( $retrieved_url != $ReqHost.$ReqURI )
1108 {
1109- $Debuglog->add( 'Cached file URL ['.$retrieved_url.'] does not match current URL, aborting retrieve.', 'cache' );
1110 return false;
1111 }
1113- // timestamp of cache generation:
1114- $retrieved_ts = trim($lines[1]);
1115- unset($lines[1]);
1116+ // timestamp of cache generation
1117+ $retrieved_ts = trim( $lines[1] );
1118+ unset( $lines[1] );
1119 $cache_age = $servertimenow-$retrieved_ts;
1120- $Debuglog->add( 'Cache age: '.floor($cache_age/60).' min '.($cache_age % 60).' sec', 'cache' );
1121 if( $cache_age > $this->max_age_seconds )
1122- { // Cache has expired
1123+ {
1124+ // Cache has expired
1125 return false;
1126 }
1128 // Go through headers
1129 $i = 2;
1130- while( $headerline = trim($lines[++$i]) )
1131+ while( $headerline = trim( $lines[++$i] ) )
1132 {
1133 header( $headerline );
1134- unset($lines[$i]);
1135+ unset( $lines[$i] );
1136 }
1137- unset($lines[$i]);
1138+ unset( $lines[$i] );
1141 echo implode('',$lines);
1142@@ -326,7 +304,7 @@
1143 }
1146- /**
1147+ /**
1148 * This is called every x bytes to provide real time output
1149 */
1150 function output_handler( $buffer )
1151@@ -337,21 +315,17 @@
1154 /**
1155- * We are going to output personal data and we want to abort collecting the data for the cache.
1156+ * We are going to output personal data and we want to abort collecting the data for the cache
1157 */
1158 function abort_collect()
1159 {
1160- global $Debuglog;
1162 if( ! $this->is_collecting )
1163- { // We are not collecting anyway
1164+ {
1165+ // We are not collecting anyway
1166 return;
1167 }
1169- $Debuglog->add( 'Aborting cache data collection...', 'cache' );
1171 ob_end_flush();
1173 // We are no longer collecting...
1174 $this->is_collecting = false;
1175 }
1176@@ -362,41 +336,42 @@
1177 */
1178 function end_collect()
1179 {
1180- global $Debuglog;
1182 if( ! $this->is_collecting )
1183- { // We are not collecting
1184+ {
1185+ // We are not collecting
1186 return;
1187 }
1189 ob_end_flush();
1191 // What would be the cache file for the current URL?
1192 $af_cache_file = $this->get_af_filecache_path();
1194 // fp> 'x' mode should either give an exclusive write lock or fail
1195- // fp> TODO: this here should be ok, but it would be even better with locking the file when we start collecting cache
1196+ // @todo (0000) fp> this here should be ok, but it would be even better with
1197+ // locking the file when we start collecting cache
1198 if( ! $fh = @fopen( $af_cache_file.'.tmp', 'x', false ) )
1199 {
1200- $Debuglog->add( 'Could not open cache file!', 'cache' );
1201+ // debuglog-add removed
1202 }
1203 else
1204 {
1205- // Put the URL of the page we are caching into the cache. You can never be to paranoid!
1206- // People can change their domain names, folder structures, etc... AND you cannot trust the hash to give a
1207- // different file name in 100.00% of the cases! Serving a page for a different URL would be REEEEEALLLY BAAAAAAD!
1208- global $ReqHost, $ReqURI;
1209+ global $content_type_header;
1210+ global $ReqHost;
1211+ global $ReqURI;
1212+ global $servertimenow;
1214+ // Put the URL of the page we are caching into the cache. You can never be
1215+ // to paranoid! People can change their domain names, folder structures, etc...
1216+ // AND you cannot trust the hash to give a different file name in 100.00% of
1217+ // the cases! Serving a page for a different URL would be REEEEEALLLY BAAAAAAD!
1218 $file_head = $ReqHost.$ReqURI."\n";
1220 // Put the time of the page generation into the file (btw this is the time of when we started this script)
1221- global $servertimenow;
1222 $file_head .= $servertimenow."\n";
1224- $file_head .= "\n";
1225+ $file_head .= "\n";
1227 // We need to write the content type!
1228- global $content_type_header;
1229- if( !empty($content_type_header) )
1230+ if( ! empty( $content_type_header ) )
1231 {
1232 $file_head .= $content_type_header."\n";
1233 }
1234@@ -408,29 +383,23 @@
1236 // Now atomically replace old cache with new cache (at least on Linux)
1237 if( ! @rename( $af_cache_file.'.tmp', $af_cache_file ) )
1238- { // Rename failed, we are probably on windows PHP <= 5.2.5...
1239+ {
1240+ // Rename failed, we are probably on windows PHP <= 5.2.5...
1241 // we have to split this:
1242- $Debuglog->add( 'Renaming of cache file failed. (Windows?)', 'cache' );
1243- // Kill cache:
1244+ // Kill cache
1245 unlink( $af_cache_file );
1246- // Now, some other process might start to try caching (and will likely give up since the .tmp file already exists)
1247+ // Now, some other process might start to try caching (and will likely give
1248+ // up since the .tmp file already exists)
1249 if( ! @rename( $af_cache_file.'.tmp', $af_cache_file ) )
1250- { // Hide errors bc another PHP process could have beaten us to writing a new file there
1251- // Anyways, we still could not rename, let's drop the .tmp file:
1252+ {
1253+ // Hide errors bc another PHP process could have beaten us to writing a new file there
1254+ // Anyways, we still could not rename, let's drop the .tmp file
1255 unlink( $af_cache_file.'.tmp' );
1256 }
1257- else
1258- {
1259- $Debuglog->add( 'Cache updated... after unlink+rename!', 'cache' );
1260- }
1261- }
1262- else
1263- {
1264- $Debuglog->add( 'Cache updated!', 'cache' );
1265 }
1266 }
1267 }
1269 }
1272\ No newline at end of file
1275=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/model/_timer.class.php'
1276--- qp_inc/_core/model/_timer.class.php 2010-12-31 12:12:03 +0000
1277+++ qp_inc/_core/model/_timer.class.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
1278@@ -1,62 +1,43 @@
1279 <?php
1280 /**
1281- * This file implements the Timer class.
1282- *
1283- * This file is part of Quam Plures - {@link}
1284- * See also {@link}.
1285- *
1286- * @copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by the Quam Plures developers - {@link}
1287- * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
1288- * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
1289- *
1290- * {@internal License choice
1291- * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in
1292- * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms.
1293- * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from
1294- * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file:
1295- * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) -
1296- * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) -
1297- * }}
1298- *
1299- * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement:
1300- * Daniel HAHLER grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license
1301- * Daniel HAHLER's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project
1302- * under any OSI approved OSS license (
1303- * }}
1304- *
1305- * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }}
1306- * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE.
1307- * @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER.
1308- *
1309- * @package pond
1310- */
1311-if( !defined('QP_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
1314+ * This file implements the Timer base class
1315+ *
1316 * This is a simple class to allow timing/profiling of code portions.
1317 *
1318- * @package pond
1319+ * @todo (1111) vars type 'foo' need useful/valid descriptions
1320+ * @author {@link Ed Bennett}
1321+ * @author {@link Francois PLANQUE}
1322+ * @author {@link Daniel HAHLER}
1323+ * @copyright (c) 2009 by {@link the Quam Plures project}
1324+ * @license GNU General Public License v3
1325+ * @package core
1326+ */
1327+if(!defined('QP_MAIN_INIT')) die('fail');
1330+ * Timer base class
1331+ *
1332+ * @package core
1333 */
1334 class Timer
1335 {
1336 /**
1337- * Remember times.
1338+ * Remember times
1339 *
1340 * We store for each category (primary key) the state, start/resume time and the total passed time.
1341 *
1342- * @access protected
1343+ * @var foo
1344 */
1345 var $_times = array();
1348 /**
1349- * Constructor.
1350+ * Constructor
1351 *
1352 * @param string|NULL If a category is given the timer starts right away.
1353 */
1354 function Timer( $category = NULL )
1355 {
1356- if( is_string($category) )
1357+ if( is_string( $category ) )
1358 {
1359 $this->start( $category );
1360 }
1361@@ -64,7 +45,7 @@
1364 /**
1365- * Reset a timer category.
1366+ * Reset a timer category
1367 */
1368 function reset( $category )
1369 {
1370@@ -73,49 +54,44 @@
1373 /**
1374- * Start a timer.
1375+ * Start a timer
1376 */
1377 function start( $category, $log = true )
1378 {
1379- global $Debuglog;
1380- if( $log && is_object( $Debuglog ) ) $Debuglog->add( 'Starting timer '.$category, 'timer' );
1381 $this->reset( $category );
1382 $this->resume( $category );
1383 }
1386 /**
1387- * Stops a timer category. It may me resumed later on, see {@link resume()}. This is an alias for {@link pause()}.
1388+ * Stops a timer category
1389+ *
1390+ * The timer may me resumed later on, see {@link resume()}. This is an alias for {@link pause()}.
1391 *
1392 * @return boolean false, if the timer had not been started.
1393 */
1394 function stop( $category )
1395 {
1396- global $Debuglog;
1398 if( ! $this->pause( $category ) )
1399 return false;
1401- if( is_object( $Debuglog ) )
1402- {
1403- $Debuglog->add( 'Stopped timer '.$category.' at '.$this->get_duration( $category, 3 ), 'timer' );
1404- }
1406 return true;
1407 }
1410 /**
1411- * Pauses a timer category. It may me resumed later on, see {@link resume()}.
1412+ * Pause a timer category
1413 *
1414- * NOTE: The timer needs to be started, either through the {@link Timer() Constructor} or the {@link start()} method.
1415+ * It may me resumed later on, see {@link resume()}. NOTE: The timer needs to be started,
1416+ * either through the {@link Timer() Constructor} or the {@link start()} method.
1417 *
1418 * @return boolean false, if the timer had not been started.
1419 */
1420 function pause( $category )
1421 {
1422- if( !isset($this->_times[$category]['resumed']) )
1423- { // Timer has not been started!
1424+ if( ! isset( $this->_times[$category]['resumed'] ) )
1425+ {
1426+ // Timer has not been started!
1427 return false;
1428 }
1429 $since_resume = $this->get_current_microtime() - $this->_times[$category]['resumed'];
1430@@ -127,26 +103,25 @@
1433 /**
1434- * Resumes the timer on a category.
1435+ * Resume the timer on a category
1436 */
1437 function resume( $category )
1438 {
1439- if( !isset($this->_times[$category]['total']) )
1440+ if( ! isset( $this->_times[$category]['total'] ) )
1441 {
1442- $this->start($category);
1443+ $this->start( $category );
1444 }
1445 else
1446 {
1447 $this->_times[$category]['resumed'] = $this->get_current_microtime();
1448 $this->_times[$category]['count']++;
1450 $this->_times[$category]['state'] = 'running';
1451 }
1452 }
1455 /**
1456- * Get the duration for a given category.
1457+ * Get the duration for a given category
1458 *
1459 * @param string Category name
1460 * @param integer Number of decimals after dot.
1461@@ -154,12 +129,13 @@
1462 */
1463 function get_duration( $category, $decimals = 3 )
1464 {
1465- return number_format( $this->get_microtime($category), $decimals ); // TODO: decimals/seperator by locale!
1466+ // @todo (0000) decimals/seperator by locale!
1467+ return number_format( $this->get_microtime( $category ), $decimals );
1468 }
1471 /**
1472- * Get number of timer resumes (includes start).
1473+ * Get number of timer resumes (includes start)
1474 *
1475 * @return integer
1476 */
1477@@ -175,41 +151,40 @@
1480 /**
1481- * Get the time in microseconds that was spent in the given category.
1482+ * Get the time in microseconds that was spent in the given category
1483 *
1484 * @return float
1485 */
1486 function get_microtime( $category )
1487 {
1488- switch( $this->get_state($category) )
1489+ switch( $this->get_state( $category ) )
1490 {
1491 case 'running':
1492- // The timer is running, we need to return the additional time since the last resume.
1493- return $this->_times[$category]['total']
1494- + $this->get_current_microtime() - $this->_times[$category]['resumed'];
1495+ // The timer is running, we need to return the additional time since the last resume
1496+ return $this->_times[$category]['total'] + $this->get_current_microtime() - $this->_times[$category]['resumed'];
1498 case 'paused':
1499- return $this->_times[$category]['total'];
1500+ return $this->_times[$category]['total'];
1502 default:
1503- return (float)0;
1504+ return (float)0;
1505 }
1506 }
1509 /**
1510- * Get the state a category timer is in.
1511+ * Get the state a category timer is in
1512 *
1513 * @return string 'unknown', 'not initialised', 'running', 'paused'
1514 */
1515 function get_state( $category )
1516 {
1517- if( !isset($this->_times[$category]) )
1518+ if( ! isset( $this->_times[$category] ) )
1519 {
1520 return 'unknown';
1521 }
1523- if( !isset($this->_times[$category]['state']) )
1524+ if( ! isset( $this->_times[$category]['state'] ) )
1525 {
1526 return 'not initialised';
1527 }
1528@@ -219,7 +194,7 @@
1531 /**
1532- * Get a list of used categories.
1533+ * Get a list of used categories
1534 *
1535 * @return array
1536 */
1537@@ -236,9 +211,10 @@
1538 */
1539 function get_current_microtime()
1540 {
1541- list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
1542- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
1543+ list( $usec, $sec ) = explode( ' ', microtime() );
1544+ return ( (float)$usec + (float)$sec );
1545 }
1547 }
1550\ No newline at end of file
1553=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobject.class.php'
1554--- qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobject.class.php 2010-12-31 12:12:03 +0000
1555+++ qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobject.class.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
1556@@ -1,89 +1,86 @@
1557 <?php
1558 /**
1559- * This file implements the abstract DataObject base class.
1560- *
1561- * This file is part of Quam Plures - {@link}
1562- * See also {@link}.
1563- *
1564- * @copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by the Quam Plures developers - {@link}
1565- * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
1566- * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
1567- * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005-2006 by PROGIDISTRI - {@link}.
1568- *
1569- * {@internal License choice
1570- * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in
1571- * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms.
1572- * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from
1573- * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file:
1574- * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) -
1575- * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) -
1576- * }}
1577- *
1578- * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement:
1579- * Daniel HAHLER grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license
1580- * Daniel HAHLER's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project
1581- * under any OSI approved OSS license (
1582- *
1583- * PROGIDISTRI S.A.S. grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license
1584- * PROGIDISTRI S.A.S.'s contributions to this file and the b2evolution project
1585- * under any OSI approved OSS license (
1586- * }}
1587- *
1588- * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }}
1589- * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE
1590- * @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER
1591- * @author mbruneau: Marc BRUNEAU / PROGIDISTRI
1592- *
1593- * @package pond
1594- */
1595-if( !defined('QP_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
1598- * Data Object Base Class
1599+ * This file implements the abstract DataObject base class
1600 *
1601 * This is typically an abstract class, useful only when derived.
1602 *
1603- * @version beta
1604- * @abstract
1605+ * @todo (1111) vars type 'foo' need useful/valid descriptions
1606+ * @author {@link Ed Bennett}
1607+ * @author {@link PROGIDISTRI}
1608+ * @author {@link Daniel HAHLER}
1609+ * @author {@link Francois PLANQUE}
1610+ * @copyright (c) 2009 by {@link the Quam Plures project}
1611+ * @license GNU General Public License v3
1612+ * @package core
1613+ */
1614+if(!defined('QP_MAIN_INIT')) die('fail');
1617+ * DataObject base class
1618 *
1619- * @package pond
1620+ * @package core
1621 */
1622 class DataObject
1623 {
1624 /**
1625 * Unique ID of object in database
1626 *
1627- * Please use get/set functions to read or write this param
1628+ * This will be the ID in the DB. Please use get/set functions to read or write this param
1629 *
1630- * @var int
1631- * @access protected
1632+ * @var integer
1633 */
1634- var $ID = 0; // This will be the ID in the DB
1636- /**#@+
1637- * @access private
1638+ var $ID = 0;
1639+ /**
1640+ * FIX THIS
1641+ * @var foo
1642 */
1643 var $dbtablename;
1644+ /**
1645+ * FIX THIS
1646+ * @var foo
1647+ */
1648 var $dbprefix;
1649+ /**
1650+ * FIX THIS
1651+ * @var foo
1652+ */
1653 var $dbIDname;
1654+ /**
1655+ * FIX THIS
1656+ * @var foo
1657+ */
1658 var $datecreated_field;
1659+ /**
1660+ * FIX THIS
1661+ * @var foo
1662+ */
1663 var $datemodified_field;
1664+ /**
1665+ * FIX THIS
1666+ * @var foo
1667+ */
1668 var $creator_field;
1669+ /**
1670+ * FIX THIS
1671+ * @var foo
1672+ */
1673 var $lasteditor_field;
1674+ /**
1675+ * FIX THIS
1676+ * @var foo
1677+ */
1678 var $dbchanges = array();
1679- /**#@-*/
1681 /**
1682 * Relations that may restrict deletion.
1683+ * @var foo
1684 */
1685 var $delete_restrictions = array();
1687 /**
1688 * Relations that will cascade deletion.
1689+ * @var foo
1690 */
1691 var $delete_cascades = array();
1694 /**
1695 * Constructor
1696 *
1697@@ -97,28 +94,29 @@
1698 */
1699 function DataObject( $tablename, $prefix = '', $dbIDname = 'ID', $datecreated_field = '', $datemodified_field = '', $creator_field = '', $lasteditor_field = '' )
1700 {
1701- $this->dbtablename = $tablename;
1702- $this->dbprefix = $prefix;
1703- $this->dbIDname = $dbIDname;
1704- $this->datecreated_field = $datecreated_field;
1705+ $this->dbtablename = $tablename;
1706+ $this->dbprefix = $prefix;
1707+ $this->dbIDname = $dbIDname;
1708+ $this->datecreated_field = $datecreated_field;
1709 $this->datemodified_field = $datemodified_field;
1710- $this->creator_field = $creator_field;
1711- $this->lasteditor_field = $lasteditor_field;
1712+ $this->creator_field = $creator_field;
1713+ $this->lasteditor_field = $lasteditor_field;
1714 }
1717 /**
1718 * Records a change that will need to be updated in the db
1719 *
1720- * @access protected
1721 * @param string Name of parameter
1722 * @param string DB field type ('string', 'number', 'date' )
1723- * @param mixed Pointer to value of parameter - dh> pointer? So it should be a reference? Would make sense IMHO anyway.. fp> I just wonder why it's not already a reference... :@
1724+ * @param mixed Pointer to value of parameter - dh> pointer? So it should be a
1725+ * reference? Would make sense IMHO anyway.. fp> I just wonder why it's not already
1726+ * a reference... :@
1727 */
1728- function dbchange( $dbfieldname, $dbfieldtype, $valuepointer ) // TODO: dh> value by reference? see above..
1729+ function dbchange( $dbfieldname, $dbfieldtype, $valuepointer ) // @todo (0000) dh> value by reference? see above..
1730 {
1731 $this->dbchanges[$dbfieldname]['type'] = $dbfieldtype;
1732- $this->dbchanges[$dbfieldname]['value'] = $valuepointer ;
1733+ $this->dbchanges[$dbfieldname]['value'] = $valuepointer;
1734 }
1737@@ -130,24 +128,30 @@
1738 */
1739 function dbupdate( $auto_track_modification = true )
1740 {
1741- global $DB, $localtimenow, $current_User;
1742+ global $current_User;
1743+ global $DB;
1744+ global $localtimenow;
1746 if( $this->ID == 0 ) { debug_die( 'New object cannot be updated!' ); }
1748 if( count( $this->dbchanges ) == 0 )
1749 {
1750- return NULL; // No changes!
1751+ return NULL; // No changes!
1752 }
1754 if( $auto_track_modification )
1755- { // We wnat to track modification date and author automatically:
1756- if( !empty($this->datemodified_field) )
1757- { // We want to track modification date:
1758- $this->set_param( $this->datemodified_field, 'date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$localtimenow) );
1759+ {
1760+ // We want to track modification date and author automatically
1761+ if( ! empty( $this->datemodified_field ) )
1762+ {
1763+ // We want to track modification date
1764+ $this->set_param( $this->datemodified_field, 'date', date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow ) );
1765 }
1766- if( !empty($this->lasteditor_field) && is_object($current_User) )
1767- { // We want to track last editor:
1768- // TODO: the current_User is not necessarily the last editor. Item::dbupdate() gets called after incrementing the view for example!
1769+ if( ! empty( $this->lasteditor_field ) && is_object( $current_User ) )
1770+ {
1771+ // We want to track last editor
1772+ // @todo (0000) the current_User is not necessarily the last editor.
1773+ // Item::dbupdate() gets called after incrementing the view for example!
1774 // fplanque: this should be handled by set() deciding wether the setting changes the last editor or not
1775 $this->set_param( $this->lasteditor_field, 'number', $current_User->ID );
1776 }
1777@@ -156,10 +160,11 @@
1778 $sql_changes = array();
1779 foreach( $this->dbchanges as $loop_dbfieldname => $loop_dbchange )
1780 {
1781- // Get changed value (we use eval() to allow constructs like $loop_dbchange['value'] = 'Group->get(\'ID\')'):
1782+ // Get changed value
1783+ // (we use eval() to allow constructs like $loop_dbchange['value'] = 'Group->get(\'ID\')'):
1784 eval( '$loop_value = $this->'.$loop_dbchange['value'].';' );
1785- // Prepare matching statement:
1786- if( is_null($loop_value) )
1787+ // Prepare matching statement
1788+ if( is_null( $loop_value ) )
1789 {
1790 $sql_changes[] = $loop_dbfieldname.' = NULL ';
1791 }
1792@@ -169,25 +174,24 @@
1793 {
1794 case 'date':
1795 case 'string':
1796- $sql_changes[] = $loop_dbfieldname." = '".$DB->escape( $loop_value )."' ";
1797- break;
1798+ $sql_changes[] = $loop_dbfieldname." = '".$DB->escape( $loop_value )."' ";
1799+ break;
1801 default:
1802- $sql_changes[] = $loop_dbfieldname." = ".$DB->null($loop_value).' ';
1803+ $sql_changes[] = $loop_dbfieldname." = ".$DB->null( $loop_value ).' ';
1804 }
1805 }
1806 }
1808- // Prepare full statement:
1809- $sql = "UPDATE $this->dbtablename SET ". implode( ', ', $sql_changes ). "
1810- WHERE $this->dbIDname = $this->ID";
1811+ // Prepare full statement
1812+ $sql = "UPDATE $this->dbtablename SET ". implode( ', ', $sql_changes ). " WHERE $this->dbIDname = $this->ID";
1814 if( ! $DB->query( $sql, 'DataObject::dbupdate()' ) )
1815 {
1816 return false;
1817 }
1819- // Reset changes in object:
1820+ // Reset changes in object
1821 $this->dbchanges = array();
1823 return true;
1824@@ -195,35 +199,43 @@
1827 /**
1828- * Insert object into DB based on previously recorded changes.
1829+ * Insert object into DB based on previously recorded changes
1830 *
1831 * @return boolean true on success
1832 */
1833 function dbinsert()
1834 {
1835- global $DB, $localtimenow, $current_User;
1836+ global $current_User;
1837+ global $DB;
1838+ global $localtimenow;
1840 if( $this->ID != 0 ) debug_die( 'Existing object cannot be inserted!' );
1842- if( !empty($this->datecreated_field) )
1843- { // We want to track creation date:
1844- $this->set_param( $this->datecreated_field, 'date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$localtimenow) );
1845- }
1846- if( !empty($this->datemodified_field) )
1847- { // We want to track modification date:
1848- $this->set_param( $this->datemodified_field, 'date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$localtimenow) );
1849- }
1850- if( !empty($this->creator_field) )
1851- { // We want to track creator:
1852- if( empty($this->creator_user_ID) )
1853- { // No creator assigned yet, use current user:
1854+ if( ! empty( $this->datecreated_field ) )
1855+ {
1856+ // We want to track creation date
1857+ $this->set_param( $this->datecreated_field, 'date', date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow ) );
1858+ }
1859+ if( ! empty( $this->datemodified_field ) )
1860+ {
1861+ // We want to track modification date
1862+ $this->set_param( $this->datemodified_field, 'date', date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow ) );
1863+ }
1864+ if( ! empty( $this->creator_field ) )
1865+ {
1866+ // We want to track creator
1867+ if( empty( $this->creator_user_ID ) )
1868+ {
1869+ // No creator assigned yet, use current user
1870 $this->set_param( $this->creator_field, 'number', $current_User->ID );
1871 }
1872 }
1873- if( !empty($this->lasteditor_field) )
1874- { // We want to track last editor:
1875- if( empty($this->lastedit_user_ID) )
1876- { // No editor assigned yet, use current user:
1877+ if( ! empty( $this->lasteditor_field ) )
1878+ {
1879+ // We want to track last editor
1880+ if( empty( $this->lastedit_user_ID ) )
1881+ {
1882+ // No editor assigned yet, use current user
1883 $this->set_param( $this->lasteditor_field, 'number', $current_User->ID );
1884 }
1885 }
1886@@ -232,11 +244,12 @@
1887 $sql_values = array();
1888 foreach( $this->dbchanges as $loop_dbfieldname => $loop_dbchange )
1889 {
1890- // Get changed value (we use eval() to allow constructs like $loop_dbchange['value'] = 'Group->get(\'ID\')'):
1891+ // Get changed value
1892+ // (we use eval() to allow constructs like $loop_dbchange['value'] = 'Group->get(\'ID\')'):
1893 eval( '$loop_value = $this->'. $loop_dbchange['value'].';' );
1894- // Prepare matching statement:
1895+ // Prepare matching statement
1896 $sql_fields[] = $loop_dbfieldname;
1897- if( is_null($loop_value) )
1898+ if( is_null( $loop_value ) )
1899 {
1900 $sql_values[] = 'NULL';
1901 }
1902@@ -246,16 +259,16 @@
1903 {
1904 case 'date':
1905 case 'string':
1906- $sql_values[] = $DB->quote( $loop_value );
1907- break;
1908+ $sql_values[] = $DB->quote( $loop_value );
1909+ break;
1911 default:
1912- $sql_values[] = $DB->null( $loop_value );
1913+ $sql_values[] = $DB->null( $loop_value );
1914 }
1915 }
1916 }
1918- // Prepare full statement:
1919+ // Prepare full statement
1920 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->dbtablename} (". implode( ', ', $sql_fields ). ") VALUES (". implode( ', ', $sql_values ). ")";
1922 if( ! $DB->query( $sql, 'DataObject::dbinsert()' ) )
1923@@ -266,7 +279,7 @@
1924 // store ID for newly created db record
1925 $this->ID = $DB->insert_id;
1927- // Reset changes in object:
1928+ // Reset changes in object
1929 $this->dbchanges = array();
1931 return true;
1932@@ -274,7 +287,7 @@
1935 /**
1936- * Inserts or Updates depending on object state.
1937+ * Inserts or Updates depending on object state
1938 *
1939 * @uses dbinsert()
1940 * @uses dbupdate()
1941@@ -283,55 +296,57 @@
1942 function dbsave()
1943 {
1944 if( $this->ID == 0 )
1945- { // Object not serialized yet, let's insert!
1946+ {
1947+ // Object not serialized yet, let's insert!
1948 return $this->dbinsert();
1949 }
1950 else
1951- { // Object already serialized, let's update!
1952+ {
1953+ // Object already serialized, let's update!
1954 return $this->dbupdate();
1955 }
1956 }
1959 /**
1960- * Delete object from DB.
1961+ * Delete object from DB
1962 *
1963 * @return boolean true on success
1964 */
1965 function dbdelete()
1966 {
1967- global $DB, $Messages, $app_db_config;
1968+ global $app_db_config;
1969+ global $DB;
1970+ global $Messages;
1972 if( $this->ID == 0 ) { debug_die( 'Non persistant object cannot be deleted!' ); }
1974- if( count($this->delete_cascades) )
1975- { // The are cascading deletes to be performed
1977- // Start transaction:
1978+ if( count( $this->delete_cascades ) )
1979+ {
1980+ // The are cascading deletes to be performed; start transaction
1981 $DB->begin();
1983 foreach( $this->delete_cascades as $restriction )
1984 {
1985- if( !isset( $app_db_config['aliases'][$restriction['table']] ) )
1986- { // We have no declaration for this table, we consider we don't deal with this table in this app:
1987+ if( ! isset( $app_db_config['aliases'][$restriction['table']] ) )
1988+ {
1989+ // We have no declaration for this table, we consider we don't deal with this table in this app
1990 continue;
1991 }
1993- $DB->query( '
1994- DELETE FROM '.$restriction['table'].'
1995- WHERE '.$restriction['fk'].' = '.$this->ID,
1996- 'Cascaded delete' );
1997+ $DB->query( 'DELETE FROM '.$restriction['table'].' WHERE '.$restriction['fk'].' = '.$this->ID, 'Cascaded delete' );
1998 }
1999 }
2001- // Delete this (main/parent) object:
2002+ // Delete this (main/parent) object
2003 $DB->query( "
2004 DELETE FROM $this->dbtablename
2005 WHERE $this->dbIDname = $this->ID",
2006 'Main delete' );
2008- if( count($this->delete_cascades) )
2009- { // There were cascading deletes
2010+ if( count( $this->delete_cascades ) )
2011+ {
2012+ // There were cascading deletes
2014 // End transaction:
2015 $DB->commit();
2016@@ -347,36 +362,42 @@
2017 /**
2018 * Check relations for restrictions or cascades
2019 *
2020+ * The $verbose_callbacks array is as follows:
2021+ * <ul> <li>Array keys (string): Foreign key this callback should apply to.</li>
2022+ * <li>Array values: Arrays with the following keys:
2023+ * <ul><li>'cb' (callback): Callback to call. Should take one array argument, which
2024+ * will contain the following keys:</li>
2025+ * <li>'fk': The foreign key.</li>
2026+ * <li>'table': The SQL table for this relation.</li>
2027+ * <li>'msg': A format string -- a base message to be displayed.It normally shows
2028+ * the number of results.</li>
2029+ * <li>'id': The ID of this object.</li>
2030+ * </li></ul></ul>
2031+ *
2032 * @param string Which relation should be checked ('delete_restrictions' or 'delete_cascades')?
2033 * @param string An array of foreign key checks to skip.
2034- * @param array An array of callbacks used to display more information about a relation.
2035- * - Array keys (string): Foreign key this callback should apply to.
2036- * - Array values: Arrays with the following keys:
2037- * - 'cb' (callback): Callback to call. Should take one array argument, which
2038- * will contain the following keys:
2039- * - 'fk': The foreign key.
2040- * - 'table': The SQL table for this relation.
2041- * - 'msg': A format string -- a base message to be displayed.
2042- * It normally shows the number of results.
2043- * - 'id': The ID of this object.
2044+ * @param array An array of callbacks used to display more information about a relation.
2045 */
2046 function check_relations( $what, $ignore = array(), $verbose_callbacks = array() )
2047 {
2048- global $DB, $Messages;
2049+ global $DB;
2050+ global $Messages;
2052 foreach( $this->$what as $restriction )
2053 {
2054 if( in_array( $restriction['fk'], $ignore ) )
2055- { // Skip this relation check.
2056+ {
2057+ // Skip this relation check
2058 continue;
2059 }
2061 if( ! isset( $verbose_callbacks[$restriction['fk']] ) )
2062- { // We do not want to display detailed info, just the result count:
2063+ {
2064+ // We do not want to display detailed info, just the result count
2065 $count = $DB->get_var(
2067- FROM '.$restriction['table'].'
2068- WHERE '.$restriction['fk'].' = '.$this->ID,
2069+ FROM '.$restriction['table'].'
2070+ WHERE '.$restriction['fk'].' = '.$this->ID,
2071 0, 0, 'restriction/cascade check' );
2072 if( $count )
2073 {
2074@@ -384,7 +405,8 @@
2075 }
2076 }
2077 else
2078- { // We want verbose information.
2079+ {
2080+ // We want verbose information.
2081 // We just will call the callback, providing some
2082 // information about this object:
2083 call_user_func( $verbose_callbacks[$restriction['fk']]['cb'],
2084@@ -411,16 +433,17 @@
2085 $this->check_relations( 'delete_restrictions', $ignore );
2087 if( $Messages->count('restrict') )
2088- { // There are restrictions:
2089+ {
2090+ // There are restrictions:
2091 $Messages->head = array(
2092 'container' => $restrict_title,
2093 'restrict' => T_('The following relations prevent deletion:')
2094 );
2095- $Messages->foot = T_('Please delete related objects before you proceed.');
2096- return false; // Can't delete
2097+ $Messages->foot = T_('Please delete related objects before you proceed.');
2098+ return false; // Can't delete
2099 }
2101- return true; // can delete
2102+ return true; // can delete
2103 }
2106@@ -444,7 +467,8 @@
2107 $this->check_relations( 'delete_cascades' );
2109 if( $Messages->count('restrict') )
2110- { // The will be cascading deletes, issue WARNING:
2111+ {
2112+ // The will be cascading deletes, issue WARNING
2113 echo '<h3>'.T_('WARNING: Deleting this object will also delete:').'</h3>';
2114 $Messages->display( '', '', true, 'restrict', NULL, NULL, NULL );
2115 }
2116@@ -465,7 +489,7 @@
2118 $Form->begin_form( 'inline' );
2119 $Form->hiddens_by_key( $hiddens );
2120- if( !empty( $cancel_action ) )
2121+ if( ! empty( $cancel_action ) )
2122 {
2123 $Form->hidden( 'action', $cancel_action );
2124 }
2125@@ -500,7 +524,7 @@
2126 function dget( $parname, $format = 'htmlbody' )
2127 {
2128 // Note: we call get again because of derived objects specific handlers !
2129- return format_to_output( $this->get($parname), $format );
2130+ return format_to_output( $this->get( $parname ), $format );
2131 }
2134@@ -513,7 +537,7 @@
2135 function disp( $parname, $format = 'htmlbody' )
2136 {
2137 // Note: we call get again because of derived objects specific handlers !
2138- echo format_to_output( $this->get($parname), $format );
2139+ echo format_to_output( $this->get( $parname ), $format );
2140 }
2143@@ -534,90 +558,74 @@
2146 /**
2147- * Set param value.
2148+ * Set param value
2149 *
2150 * @param string Name of parameter
2151- * @param string DB field type ('string', 'number', 'date' )
2152+ * @param string DB field type ('string', 'number', 'date')
2153 * @param mixed Value of parameter
2154 * @param boolean true to set to NULL if empty string value
2155 * @return boolean true, if value has been set/changed, false if not.
2156 */
2157 function set_param( $parname, $fieldtype, $parvalue, $make_null = false )
2158 {
2159- global $Debuglog;
2161 $dbfield = $this->dbprefix.$parname;
2163- // Set value:
2164- // fplanque: Note: I am changing the "make NULL" test to differentiate between 0 and NULL .
2165- // There might be side effects. In this case it would be better to fix them before coming here.
2166- // i-e: transform 0 to ''
2167- $new_value = ($make_null && ($parvalue === '')) ? NULL : $parvalue;
2168+ // Set value. fplanque: Note: I am changing the "make NULL" test to differentiate
2169+ // between 0 and NULL. There might be side effects. In this case it would be
2170+ // better to fix them before coming here. i-e: transform 0 to ''
2171+ $new_value = ( $make_null && ( $parvalue === '' ) ) ? NULL : $parvalue;
2173- /* Tblue> Problem: All class member variables originating from the
2174- * DB are strings (unless they were NULL in the DB,
2175- * then they are set to NULL by the PHP MySQL
2176- * extension).
2177- * If we pass an integer or a double to this function,
2178- * the corresponding member variable gets changed
2179- * on every call, because its type is 'string' and
2180- * we compare using the === operator. Using the
2181- * == operator would be a bad idea, though, because
2182- * somebody could pass a NULL value to this function.
2183- * If the member variable then is set to 0, then
2184- * 0 equals NULL and the member variable does not
2185- * get updated at all!
2186- * Thus, using the === operator is correct.
2187- * Solution: If $fieldtype is 'number' and the type of the
2188- * passed value is either integer or double, we
2189- * convert it to a string (no data loss). The
2190- * member variable and the passed value can then
2191- * be correctly compared using the === operator.
2192- * fp> It would be nicer to convert numeric values to ints & floats at load time in class constructor x=(int)$y->value or sth.
2193- * THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL! Feel free to revert if something does not
2194- * work as expected.
2195- */
2196+ // Tblue> Problem: All class member variables originating from the DB are strings
2197+ // (unless they were NULL in the DB, then they are set to NULL by the PHP MySQL
2198+ // extension). If we pass an integer or a double to this function, the corresponding
2199+ // member variable gets changed on every call, because its type is 'string' and
2200+ // we compare using the === operator. Using the == operator would be a bad idea,
2201+ // though, because somebody could pass a NULL value to this function. If the member
2202+ // variable then is set to 0, then 0 equals NULL and the member variable does not
2203+ // get updated at all! Thus, using the === operator is correct.
2204+ // Solution: If $fieldtype is 'number' and the type of the passed value is either
2205+ // integer or double, we convert it to a string (no data loss). The member variable and
2206+ // the passed value can then be correctly compared using the === operator.
2207+ // fp> It would be nicer to convert numeric values to ints & floats at load time in
2208+ // class constructor x=(int)$y->value or sth.
2209+ // THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL! Feel free to revert if something does not
2210+ // work as expected.
2211 if( $fieldtype == 'number' && ( is_int( $new_value ) || is_float( $new_value ) ) )
2212 {
2213 settype( $new_value, 'string' );
2214 }
2216-/* >old
2217- if( !isset($this->$parname) )
2218- { // This property has never been set before, set it to NULL now in order for tests to work:
2219+ /*
2220+ old way
2221+ if( ! isset( $this->$parname ) )
2222+ {
2223+ // This property has never been set before, set it to NULL now in order for tests to work:
2224 $this->$parname = NULL;
2225 }
2228- /* blueyed>
2229- TODO: there's a bug here: you cannot use set_param('foo', 'number', 0), if the $parname member
2230- has not been set before or is null!!
2231- What about just:
2232- ( isset($this->$parname) && $this->$parname === $new_value )
2233- This would also eliminate the isset() check from above.
2234- IIRC you've once said here that '===' would be too expensive and I would misuse the DataObjects,
2235- but IMHO what we have now is not much faster and buggy anyway..
2236- fp> okay let's give it a try...
2237- if( (!is_null($new_value) && $this->$parname == $new_value)
2238- || (is_null($this->$parname) && is_null($new_value)) )
2239-<old */
2240- if( (isset($this->$parname) && $this->$parname === $new_value)
2241- || ( ! isset($this->$parname) && ! isset($new_value) ) )
2242- { // Value has not changed (we need 2 tests, for NULL and for NOT NULL value pairs)
2243- $Debuglog->add( $this->dbtablename.' object, already set to same value: '.$parname.'/'.$dbfield.' = '.var_export( @$this->$parname, true ), 'dataobjects' );
2245+ @todo (0000) blueyed> there's a bug here: you cannot use set_param('foo',
2246+ 'number', 0), if the $parname member has not been set before or is null!! What
2247+ about just:( isset( $this->$parname ) && $this->$parname === $new_value )
2248+ This would also eliminate the isset() check from above. IIRC you've once said
2249+ here that '===' would be too expensive and I would misuse the DataObjects, but
2250+ IMHO what we have now is not much faster and buggy anyway. fp> okay let's give
2251+ it a try...
2252+ if( ( ! is_null( $new_value ) && $this->$parname == $new_value )
2253+ || ( is_null( $this->$parname ) && is_null( $new_value ) ) )
2254+ */
2256+ if( ( isset( $this->$parname ) && $this->$parname === $new_value )
2257+ || ( ! isset( $this->$parname ) && ! isset( $new_value ) ) )
2258+ {
2259+ // Value has not changed (we need 2 tests, for NULL and for NOT NULL value pairs)
2260 return false;
2261 }
2262 else
2263 {
2264- // Set the value in the object:
2265- $Debuglog->add( $this->dbtablename.' object, setting param '
2266- .$parname.'/'.$dbfield.' to '.var_export( $new_value, true )
2267- .' (old: '.( isset( $this->$parname ) ? var_export( $this->$parname, true ) : 'NULL' )
2268- .')', 'dataobjects' );
2269+ // Set the value in the object
2270 $this->$parname = $new_value;
2272- // Remember change for later db update:
2273+ // Remember change for later db update
2274 $this->dbchange( $dbfield, $fieldtype, $parname );
2276 return true;
2277@@ -626,7 +634,7 @@
2280 /**
2281- * Set a parameter from a Request form value.
2282+ * Set a parameter from a Request form value
2283 *
2284 * @param string Dataobject parameter name
2285 * @param string Request parameter name (NULL means to use Dataobject param name with its prefix)
2286@@ -635,17 +643,17 @@
2287 */
2288 function set_from_Request( $parname, $var = NULL, $make_null = false )
2289 {
2290- if( empty($var) )
2291+ if( empty( $var ) )
2292 {
2293 $var = $this->dbprefix.$parname;
2294 }
2296- return $this->set( $parname, get_param($var), $make_null );
2297+ return $this->set( $parname, get_param( $var ), $make_null );
2298 }
2301 /**
2302- * Template function: Displays object ID.
2303+ * Template function: Displays object ID
2304 */
2305 function ID()
2306 {
2307@@ -662,47 +670,56 @@
2308 $UserCache = & get_Cache( 'UserCache' );
2311- if( !empty($this->creator_field) && !empty($this->{$this->creator_field}) )
2312- { // We have a creator:
2313+ if( ! empty( $this->creator_field ) && ! empty( $this->{$this->creator_field} ) )
2314+ {
2315+ // We have a creator
2316 $creator_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $this->{$this->creator_field} );
2318- if( !empty($this->datecreated_field) && !empty($this->{$this->datecreated_field}) )
2319- { // We also have a create date:
2320+ if( ! empty( $this->datecreated_field ) && ! empty( $this->{$this->datecreated_field} ) )
2321+ {
2322+ // We also have a create date
2323 $history[0] = sprintf( T_('Created on %s by %s'), mysql2localedate( $this->{$this->datecreated_field} ),
2324- $creator_User->dget('preferredname') );
2325+ $creator_User->dget( 'preferredname' ) );
2326 }
2327 else
2328- { // We only have a cretaor:
2329- $history[0] = sprintf( T_('Created by %s'), $creator_User->dget('preferredname') );
2330+ {
2331+ // We only have a creator
2332+ $history[0] = sprintf( T_('Created by %s'), $creator_User->dget( 'preferredname' ) );
2333 }
2334 }
2335- elseif( !empty($this->datecreated_field) && !empty($this->{$this->datecreated_field}) )
2336- { // We only have a create date:
2337+ elseif( ! empty( $this->datecreated_field ) && ! empty( $this->{$this->datecreated_field} ) )
2338+ {
2339+ // We only have a create date
2340 $history[0] = sprintf( T_('Created on %s'), mysql2localedate( $this->{$this->datecreated_field} ) );
2341 }
2344- if( !empty($this->lasteditor_field) && !empty($this->{$this->lasteditor_field}) )
2345- { // We have a creator:
2346+ if( ! empty( $this->lasteditor_field ) && ! empty( $this->{$this->lasteditor_field} ) )
2347+ {
2348+ // We have a creator
2349 $creator_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $this->{$this->lasteditor_field} );
2351- if( !empty($this->datemodified_field) && !empty($this->{$this->datemodified_field}) )
2352- { // We also have a create date:
2353+ if( ! empty( $this->datemodified_field ) && ! empty( $this->{$this->datemodified_field} ) )
2354+ {
2355+ // We also have a create date
2356 $history[1] = sprintf( T_('Last mod on %s by %s'), mysql2localedate( $this->{$this->datemodified_field} ),
2357- $creator_User->dget('preferredname') );
2358+ $creator_User->dget( 'preferredname' ) );
2359 }
2360 else
2361- { // We only have a cretaor:
2362- $history[1] = sprintf( T_('Last mod by %s'), $creator_User->dget('preferredname') );
2363+ {
2364+ // We only have a creator
2365+ $history[1] = sprintf( T_('Last mod by %s'), $creator_User->dget( 'preferredname' ) );
2366 }
2367 }
2368- elseif( !empty($this->datemodified_field) && !empty($this->{$this->datemodified_field}) )
2369- { // We only have a create date:
2370+ elseif( ! empty( $this->datemodified_field ) && ! empty( $this->{$this->datemodified_field} ) )
2371+ {
2372+ // We only have a create date
2373 $history[1] = sprintf( T_('Last mod on %s'), mysql2localedate( $this->{$this->datemodified_field} ) );
2374 }
2376- return get_icon( 'history', $what = 'imgtag', array( 'title'=>implode( ' - ', $history ) ), true );
2377+ return get_icon( 'history', $what = 'imgtag', array( 'title' => implode( ' - ', $history ) ), true );
2378 }
2380 }
2382 ?>
2384=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectcache.class.php'
2385--- qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectcache.class.php 2010-12-31 12:12:03 +0000
2386+++ qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectcache.class.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
2387@@ -1,104 +1,95 @@
2388 <?php
2389 /**
2390- * This file implements the DataObjectCache class.
2391- *
2392- * This file is part of Quam Plures - {@link}
2393- * See also {@link}.
2394- *
2395- * @copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by the Quam Plures developers - {@link}
2396- * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
2397- * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
2398- * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005-2006 by PROGIDISTRI - {@link}.
2399- *
2400- * {@internal License choice
2401- * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in
2402- * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms.
2403- * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from
2404- * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file:
2405- * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) -
2406- * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) -
2407- * }}
2408- *
2409- * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement:
2410- * Daniel HAHLER grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license
2411- * Daniel HAHLER's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project
2412- * under any OSI approved OSS license (
2413- *
2414- * PROGIDISTRI S.A.S. grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license
2415- * PROGIDISTRI S.A.S.'s contributions to this file and the b2evolution project
2416- * under any OSI approved OSS license (
2417- * }}
2418- *
2419- * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }}
2420- * @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER.
2421- * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE
2422- *
2423- * @package pond
2424+ * This file implements the DataObjectCache base class
2425+ *
2426+ * @todo (1111) vars type 'foo' need useful/valid descriptions
2427+ * @author {@link Ed Bennett}
2428+ * @author {@link PROGIDISTRI}
2429+ * @author {@link Daniel HAHLER}
2430+ * @author {@link Francois PLANQUE}
2431+ * @copyright (c) 2009 by {@link the Quam Plures project}
2432+ * @license GNU General Public License v3
2433+ * @package core
2434 */
2435-if( !defined('QP_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
2436+if(!defined('QP_MAIN_INIT')) die('fail');
2438 /**
2439- * Data Object Cache Class
2440- *
2441- * @todo dh> Provide iteration "interface"!
2442- *
2443- * @version beta
2444- *
2445- * @package pond
2446+ * DataObjectCache base class
2447+ *
2448+ * @package core
2449 */
2450 class DataObjectCache
2451 {
2452+ /**
2453+ * FIX THIS
2454+ * @var foo
2455+ */
2456 var $dbtablename;
2457+ /**
2458+ * FIX THIS
2459+ * @var foo
2460+ */
2461 var $dbprefix;
2462+ /**
2463+ * FIX THIS
2464+ * @var foo
2465+ */
2466 var $dbIDname;
2468 /**
2469 * Class name of objects in this cache:
2470+ * @var foo
2471 */
2472 var $objtype;
2474 /**
2475 * Object array by ID
2476+ * @var foo
2477 */
2478 var $cache = array();
2480 /**
2481 * Copy of previous object array
2482 * @see DataObjectCache::clear()
2483 */
2484 var $shadow_cache = NULL;
2486 /**
2487 * NON indexed object array
2488 * @var array of DataObjects
2489 */
2490 var $DataObject_array = array();
2492- /**
2493+ /**
2494 * Index of current iteration
2495 * @see DataObjectCache::get_next()
2496 */
2497 var $current_idx = NULL;
2499+ /**
2500+ * FIX THIS
2501+ * @var foo
2502+ */
2503 var $load_all = false;
2504+ /**
2505+ * FIX THIS
2506+ * @var foo
2507+ */
2508 var $all_loaded = false;
2511+ /**
2512+ * FIX THIS
2513+ * @var foo
2514+ */
2515 var $name_field;
2516+ /**
2517+ * FIX THIS
2518+ * @var foo
2519+ */
2520 var $order_by;
2522 /**
2523- * The text that gets used for the "None" option in the objects options list.
2524+ * The text that gets used for the "None" option in the objects options list
2525 *
2526 * This is especially useful for i18n, because there are several "None"s!
2527 *
2528 * @var string
2529 */
2530 var $none_option_text;
2532 /**
2533- * The value that gets used for the "None" option in the objects options list.
2534- *
2535+ * The value that gets used for the "None" option in the objects options list
2536 * @var mixed
2537 */
2538 var $none_option_value;
2539@@ -115,9 +106,18 @@
2540 * @param string Name of the name field (including prefix)
2541 * @param string field names or NULL to use name field
2542 * @param string The text that gets used for the "None" option in the objects options list (Default: T_('None')).
2543- * @param mixed The value that gets used for the "None" option in the objects options list.
2544+ * @param mixed The value that gets used for the "None" option in the objects options list.
2545 */
2546- function DataObjectCache( $objtype, $load_all, $tablename, $prefix = '', $dbIDname, $name_field = NULL, $order_by = '', $allow_none_text = NULL, $allow_none_value = '' )
2547+ function DataObjectCache(
2548+ $objtype,
2549+ $load_all,
2550+ $tablename,
2551+ $prefix = '',
2552+ $dbIDname,
2553+ $name_field = NULL,
2554+ $order_by = '',
2555+ $allow_none_text = NULL,
2556+ $allow_none_value = '' )
2557 {
2558 $this->objtype = $objtype;
2559 $this->load_all = $load_all;
2560@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
2561 $this->order_by = $order_by;
2562 }
2564- if( isset($allow_none_text) )
2565+ if( isset( $allow_none_text ) )
2566 {
2567 $this->none_option_text = $allow_none_text;
2568 }
2569@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@
2570 function & new_obj( $row = NULL )
2571 {
2572 $objtype = $this->objtype;
2574 // Instantiate a custom object
2575 $obj = new $objtype( $row ); // COPY !!
2577@@ -173,24 +172,16 @@
2578 */
2579 function load_all()
2580 {
2581- /**
2582- * @var DB
2583- */
2584 global $DB;
2585- global $Debuglog;
2587 if( $this->all_loaded )
2588- { // Already loaded
2589+ {
2590+ // Already loaded
2591 return false;
2592 }
2594 $this->clear( true );
2596- $Debuglog->add( get_class($this).' - Loading <strong>'.$this->objtype.'(ALL)</strong> into cache', 'dataobjects' );
2597- $sql = 'SELECT *
2598- FROM '.$this->dbtablename.'
2599- ORDER BY '.$this->order_by;
2601+ $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->dbtablename.' ORDER BY '.$this->order_by;
2602 foreach( $DB->get_results( $sql, OBJECT, 'Loading '.$this->objtype.'(ALL) into cache' ) as $row )
2603 {
2604 // Instantiate a custom object
2605@@ -211,19 +202,14 @@
2606 */
2607 function load_list( $req_list, $invert = false )
2608 {
2609- global $DB, $Debuglog;
2611- $Debuglog->add( 'Loading <strong>'.$this->objtype.'('.( $invert ? 'ALL except ' : '' ).$req_list.')</strong> into cache', 'dataobjects' );
2612+ global $DB;
2614 if( empty( $req_list ) )
2615 {
2616 return false;
2617 }
2619- $sql = "SELECT *
2620- FROM $this->dbtablename
2621- WHERE $this->dbIDname ".( $invert ? 'NOT ' : '' )."IN ($req_list)";
2623+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->dbtablename WHERE $this->dbIDname ".( $invert ? 'NOT ' : '' )."IN ( $req_list )";
2624 foreach( $DB->get_results( $sql ) as $row )
2625 {
2626 // Instantiate a custom object
2627@@ -233,19 +219,17 @@
2630 /**
2631- * Get an array of all (loaded) IDs.
2632+ * Get an array of all (loaded) IDs
2633 *
2634 * @return array
2635 */
2636 function get_ID_array()
2637 {
2638 $IDs = array();
2640 foreach( $this->cache as $obj )
2641 {
2642 $IDs[] = $obj->ID;
2643 }
2645 return $IDs;
2646 }
2648@@ -255,26 +239,21 @@
2649 */
2650 function add( & $Obj )
2651 {
2652- global $Debuglog;
2654- if( is_null($Obj->ID) ) // value 0 is used by item preview
2655+ if( is_null( $Obj->ID ) ) // value 0 is used by item preview
2656 {
2657- $Debuglog->add( 'No object to add!', 'dataobjects' );
2658 return false;
2659 }
2661 // fplanque: I don't want an extra (and expensive) comparison here. $this->cache[$Obj->ID] === $Obj.
2662 // If you need this you're probably misusing the cache.
2663- if( isset($this->cache[$Obj->ID]) )
2664+ if( isset( $this->cache[$Obj->ID] ) )
2665 {
2666- $Debuglog->add( $this->objtype.': Object with ID '.$Obj->ID.' is already cached', 'dataobjects' );
2667 return false;
2668 }
2670- // If the object is valid and not already cached:
2671- // Add object to cache:
2672+ // If the object is valid and not already cached, Add object to cache
2673 $this->cache[$Obj->ID] = & $Obj;
2674- // Add a reference in the object list:
2675+ // Add a reference in the object list
2676 $this->DataObject_array[] = & $Obj;
2678 return true;
2679@@ -282,36 +261,40 @@
2682 /**
2683- * Instantiate a DataObject from a table row and then cache it.
2684+ * Instantiate a DataObject from a table row and then cache it
2685 *
2686 * @param Object Database row
2687 * @return Object
2688 */
2689 function & instantiate( & $db_row )
2690 {
2691- if( is_null($db_row) )
2692- { // we can't access NULL as an object
2693+ if( is_null( $db_row ) )
2694+ {
2695+ // we can't access NULL as an object
2696 return $db_row;
2697 }
2699 // Get ID of the object we'ere preparing to instantiate...
2700 $obj_ID = $db_row->{$this->dbIDname};
2702- if( is_null($obj_ID) ) // value 0 is used for item preview
2703+ if( is_null( $obj_ID ) ) // value 0 is used for item preview
2704 {
2705 $Obj = NULL;
2706 return $Obj;
2707 }
2709 if( isset( $this->cache[$obj_ID] ) )
2710- { // Already in cache, do nothing!
2711+ {
2712+ // Already in cache, do nothing!
2713 }
2714 elseif( isset( $this->shadow_cache[$obj_ID] ) )
2715- { // Already in shadow, recycle object:
2716+ {
2717+ // Already in shadow, recycle object
2718 $this->add( $this->shadow_cache[$obj_ID] );
2719 }
2720 else
2721- { // Not already cached, add new object:
2722+ {
2723+ // Not already cached, add new object
2724 $this->add( $this->new_obj( $db_row ) );
2725 }
2727@@ -321,12 +304,12 @@
2729 /**
2730 * Clear the cache **extensively**
2731- *
2732 */
2733 function clear( $keep_shadow = false )
2734 {
2735 if( $keep_shadow )
2736- { // Keep copy of cache in case we try to re instantiate previous object:
2737+ {
2738+ // Keep copy of cache in case we try to re instantiate previous object
2739 $this->shadow_cache = $this->cache;
2740 }
2741 else
2742@@ -341,33 +324,30 @@
2743 }
2746- /**
2747- * This provides a simple interface for looping over the contents of the Cache.
2748+ /**
2749+ * This provides a simple interface for looping over the contents of the Cache
2750 *
2751- * This should only be used for basic enumeration.
2752- * If you need complex filtering of the cache contents, you should probablt use a DataObjectList instead.
2753+ * This should only be used for basic enumeration. If you need complex filtering
2754+ * of the cache contents, you should probablt use a DataObjectList instead.
2755 *
2756 * @see DataObject::get_next()
2757- *
2758 * @return DataObject
2759 */
2760 function & get_first()
2761 {
2762 $this->load_all();
2764 $this->current_idx = -1;
2765 return $this->get_next();
2766 }
2769- /**
2770- * This provides a simple interface for looping over the contents of the Cache.
2771+ /**
2772+ * This provides a simple interface for looping over the contents of the Cache
2773 *
2774- * This should only be used for basic enumeration.
2775- * If you need complex filtering of the cache contents, you should probablt use a DataObjectList instead.
2776+ * This should only be used for basic enumeration. If you need complex filtering
2777+ * of the cache contents, you should probably use a DataObjectList instead.
2778 *
2779 * @see DataObject::get_first()
2780- *
2781 * @return DataObject
2782 */
2783 function & get_next()
2784@@ -397,11 +377,11 @@
2785 */
2786 function & get_by_ID( $req_ID, $halt_on_error = true, $halt_on_empty = true )
2787 {
2788- global $DB, $Debuglog;
2789+ global $DB;
2791- if( empty($req_ID) )
2792+ if( empty( $req_ID ) )
2793 {
2794- if($halt_on_empty)
2795+ if( $halt_on_empty )
2796 {
2797 debug_die( "Requested $this->objtype from $this->dbtablename without ID!" );
2798 }
2799@@ -409,41 +389,37 @@
2800 return $r;
2801 }
2803- if( !empty( $this->cache[ $req_ID ] ) )
2804- { // Already in cache
2805- // $Debuglog->add( "Accessing $this->objtype($req_ID) from cache", 'dataobjects' );
2806- return $this->cache[ $req_ID ];
2807+ if( ! empty( $this->cache[$req_ID] ) )
2808+ {
2809+ // Already in cache
2810+ return $this->cache[$req_ID];
2811 }
2812- elseif( !$this->all_loaded )
2813- { // Not in cache, but not everything is loaded yet
2814+ elseif( ! $this->all_loaded )
2815+ {
2816+ // Not in cache, but not everything is loaded yet
2817 if( $this->load_all )
2818- { // It's ok to just load everything:
2819+ {
2820+ // It's ok to just load everything
2821 $this->load_all();
2822 }
2823 else
2824- { // Load just the requested object:
2825- $Debuglog->add( "Loading <strong>$this->objtype($req_ID)</strong> into cache", 'dataobjects' );
2826+ {
2827+ // Load just the requested object
2828 // Note: $req_ID MUST be an unsigned integer. This is how DataObject works.
2829- $sql = "SELECT *
2830- FROM $this->dbtablename
2831- WHERE $this->dbIDname = $req_ID";
2832+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->dbtablename WHERE $this->dbIDname = $req_ID";
2833 if( $row = $DB->get_row( $sql, OBJECT, 0, 'DataObjectCache::get_by_ID()' ) )
2834 {
2835 if( ! $this->instantiate( $row ) )
2836 {
2837- $Debuglog->add( 'Could not add() object to cache!', 'dataobjects' );
2838+ // debuglog-add removed
2839 }
2840 }
2841- else
2842- {
2843- $Debuglog->add( 'Could not get DataObject by ID. Query: '.$sql, 'dataobjects' );
2844- }
2845 }
2846 }
2848- if( empty( $this->cache[ $req_ID ] ) )
2849- { // Requested object does not exist
2850- // $Debuglog->add( 'failure', 'dataobjects' );
2851+ if( empty( $this->cache[$req_ID] ) )
2852+ {
2853+ // Requested object does not exist
2854 if( $halt_on_error )
2855 {
2856 debug_die( "Requested $this->objtype does not exist!" );
2857@@ -452,7 +428,7 @@
2858 return $r;
2859 }
2861- return $this->cache[ $req_ID ];
2862+ return $this->cache[$req_ID];
2863 }
2866@@ -468,45 +444,30 @@
2867 */
2868 function & get_by_name( $req_name, $halt_on_error = true, $halt_on_empty = true )
2869 {
2870- global $DB, $Debuglog;
2871+ global $DB;
2873 if( empty( $this->name_field ) )
2874 {
2875 debug_die( 'DataObjectCache::get_by_name() : No name field to query on' );
2876 }
2878- if( empty($req_name) )
2879+ if( empty( $req_name ) )
2880 {
2881- if($halt_on_empty) { debug_die( "Requested $this->objtype from $this->dbtablename without name!" ); }
2882+ if( $halt_on_empty ) { debug_die( "Requested $this->objtype from $this->dbtablename without name!" ); }
2883 $r = NULL;
2884 return $r;
2885 }
2887- // Load just the requested object:
2888- $Debuglog->add( "Loading <strong>$this->objtype($req_name)</strong>", 'dataobjects' );
2889- $sql = "SELECT *
2890- FROM $this->dbtablename
2891- WHERE $this->name_field = ".$DB->quote($req_name);
2892+ // Load just the requested object
2893+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->dbtablename WHERE $this->name_field = ".$DB->quote( $req_name );
2895 if( $db_row = $DB->get_row( $sql, OBJECT, 0, 'DataObjectCache::get_by_name()' ) )
2896 {
2897 $resolved_ID = $db_row->{$this->dbIDname};
2898- $Debuglog->add( 'success; ID = '.$resolved_ID, 'dataobjects' );
2899- if( ! isset( $this->cache[$resolved_ID] ) )
2900- { // Object is not already in cache:
2901- $Debuglog->add( 'Adding to cache...', 'dataobjects' );
2902- //$Obj = new $this->objtype( $row ); // COPY !!
2903- //if( ! $this->add( $this->new_obj( $db_row ) ) )
2904- if( ! $this->add( $this->new_obj( $db_row ) ) )
2905- { // could not add
2906- $Debuglog->add( 'Could not add() object to cache!', 'dataobjects' );
2907- }
2908- }
2909 return $this->cache[$resolved_ID];
2910 }
2911 else
2912 {
2913- $Debuglog->add( 'Could not get DataObject by name.', 'dataobjects' );
2914 if( $halt_on_error )
2915 {
2916 debug_die( "Requested $this->objtype does not exist!" );
2917@@ -529,7 +490,7 @@
2920 /**
2921- * Delete an object from DB by ID.
2922+ * Delete an object from DB by ID
2923 *
2924 * @param integer ID of object to delete
2925 * @return boolean
2926@@ -540,10 +501,8 @@
2927 {
2928 // Delete from db
2929 $this->cache[$req_ID]->dbdelete();
2931 // Remove from cache
2932 $this->remove_by_ID( $req_ID );
2934 return true;
2935 }
2936 else
2937@@ -572,13 +531,16 @@
2938 }
2940 if( ! $this->all_loaded && $this->load_all )
2941- { // We have not loaded all items so far, but we're allowed to.
2942- if ( empty( $ignore_IDs ) )
2943- { // just load all items
2944+ {
2945+ // We have not loaded all items so far, but we're allowed to
2946+ if( empty( $ignore_IDs ) )
2947+ {
2948+ // just load all items
2949 $this->load_all();
2950 }
2951 else
2952- { // only load those items not listed in $ignore_IDs
2953+ {
2954+ // only load those items not listed in $ignore_IDs
2955 $this->load_list( implode( ',', $ignore_IDs ), true );
2956 }
2957 }
2958@@ -588,22 +550,23 @@
2959 if( $allow_none )
2960 {
2961 $r .= '<option value="'.$this->none_option_value.'"';
2962- if( empty($default) ) $r .= ' selected="selected"';
2963- $r .= '>'.format_to_output($this->none_option_text).'</option>'."\n";
2964+ if( empty( $default ) ) $r .= ' selected="selected"';
2965+ $r .= '>'.format_to_output( $this->none_option_text ).'</option>'."\n";
2966 }
2968 foreach( $this->cache as $loop_Obj )
2969 {
2970- if ( in_array( $loop_Obj->ID, $ignore_IDs ) )
2971- { // Ignore this ID
2972+ if( in_array( $loop_Obj->ID, $ignore_IDs ) )
2973+ {
2974+ // Ignore this ID
2975 continue;
2976 }
2978- $r .= '<option value="'.$loop_Obj->ID.'"';
2979+ $r .= '<option value="'.$loop_Obj->ID.'"';
2980 if( in_array( $loop_Obj->ID, $default ) ) $r .= ' selected="selected"';
2981 $r .= '>';
2982 $r .= format_to_output( $loop_Obj->$method(), 'htmlbody' );
2983- $r .= '</option>'."\n";
2984+ $r .= '</option>'."\n";
2985 }
2987 return $r;
2988@@ -622,13 +585,16 @@
2989 function get_option_array( $method = 'get_name', $ignore_IDs = array() )
2990 {
2991 if( ! $this->all_loaded && $this->load_all )
2992- { // We have not loaded all items so far, but we're allowed to.
2993- if ( empty( $ignore_IDs ) )
2994- { // just load all items
2995+ {
2996+ // We have not loaded all items so far, but we're allowed to
2997+ if( empty( $ignore_IDs ) )
2998+ {
2999+ // just load all items
3000 $this->load_all();
3001 }
3002 else
3003- { // only load those items not listed in $ignore_IDs
3004+ {
3005+ // only load those items not listed in $ignore_IDs
3006 $this->load_list( implode( ',', $ignore_IDs ), true );
3007 }
3008 }
3009@@ -638,7 +604,8 @@
3010 foreach( $this->cache as $loop_Obj )
3011 {
3012 if( in_array( $loop_Obj->ID, $ignore_IDs ) )
3013- { // Ignore this ID
3014+ {
3015+ // Ignore this ID
3016 continue;
3017 }
3019@@ -650,5 +617,4 @@
3021 }
3025\ No newline at end of file
3028=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectlist.class.php'
3029--- qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectlist.class.php 2010-12-31 12:12:03 +0000
3030+++ qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectlist.class.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
3031@@ -1,66 +1,52 @@
3032 <?php
3033 /**
3034- * This file implements the abstract DataObjectList base class.
3035- *
3036- * This file is part of Quam Plures - {@link}
3037- * See also {@link}.
3038- *
3039- * @copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by the Quam Plures developers - {@link}
3040- * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
3041- *
3042- * {@internal License choice
3043- * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in
3044- * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms.
3045- * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from
3046- * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file:
3047- * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) -
3048- * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) -
3049- * }}
3050- *
3051- * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement:
3052- * }}
3053- *
3054- * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }}
3055- * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE
3056- *
3057- * @package pond
3058+ * This file implements the DataObjectList class
3059+ *
3060+ * This is typically an abstract class, useful only when derived. Holds DataObjects
3061+ * in an array and allows walking through...
3062+ *
3063+ * @todo (1111) vars type 'foo' need useful/valid descriptions
3064+ * @author {@link Ed Bennett}
3065+ * @author {@link Francois PLANQUE}
3066+ * @copyright (c) 2009 by {@link the Quam Plures project}
3067+ * @license GNU General Public License v3
3068+ * @package core
3069 */
3070-if( !defined('QP_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
3073+if(!defined('QP_MAIN_INIT')) die('fail');
3075 /**
3076- * Data Object List Base Class
3077- *
3078- * This is typically an abstract class, useful only when derived.
3079- * Holds DataObjects in an array and allows walking through...
3080- *
3081- * @version beta
3082- * @abstract
3083- *
3084- * @package pond
3085+ * DataObjectList class
3086+ *
3087+ * @package core
3088 */
3089 class DataObjectList extends Results
3090 {
3092 /**
3093 * The following should probably be obsoleted by Results::Cache
3094- */
3095- var $dbtablename;
3096+ * @var foo
3097+ */
3098+ var $dbtablename;
3099+ /**
3100+ * FIX THIS
3101+ * @var foo
3102+ */
3103 var $dbprefix;
3104+ /**
3105+ * FIX THIS
3106+ * @var foo
3107+ */
3108 var $dbIDname;
3110 /**
3111 * Class name of objects handled in this list
3112+ * @var foo
3113 */
3114 var $objType;
3116 /**
3117 * Object array
3118+ * @var foo
3119 */
3120 var $Obj = array();
3123 /**
3124 * Constructor
3125 *
3126@@ -75,8 +61,14 @@
3127 * @param string prefix to differentiate page/order params when multiple Results appear one same page
3128 * @param string default ordering of columns (special syntax)
3129 */
3130- function DataObjectList( $tablename, $prefix = '', $dbIDname = 'ID', $objType = 'Item', $sql = NULL,
3131- $limit = 20, $param_prefix = '', $default_order = NULL )
3132+ function DataObjectList(
3133+ $tablename, $prefix = '',
3134+ $dbIDname = 'ID',
3135+ $objType = 'Item',
3136+ $sql = NULL,
3137+ $limit = 20,
3138+ $param_prefix = '',
3139+ $default_order = NULL )
3140 {
3141 $this->dbtablename = $tablename;
3142 $this->dbprefix = $prefix;
3143@@ -84,12 +76,14 @@
3144 $this->objType = $objType;
3146 if( !is_null( $sql ) )
3147- { // We have an SQL query to execute:
3148+ {
3149+ // We have an SQL query to execute
3150 parent::Results( $sql, $param_prefix, $default_order, $limit );
3151 }
3152 else
3153- { // TODO: do we want to autogenerate a query here???
3154+ {
3155 // Temporary...
3156+ // @todo (0000) do we want to autogenerate a query here???
3157 parent::Results( $sql, $param_prefix, $default_order, $limit );
3158 }
3159 }
3160@@ -103,7 +97,8 @@
3161 function & get_next()
3162 {
3163 if( $this->current_idx >= $this->result_num_rows )
3164- { // No more comment in list
3165+ {
3166+ // No more comment in list
3167 $r = false;
3168 return $r;
3169 }
3170@@ -112,4 +107,4 @@
3172 }
3175\ No newline at end of file
3178=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectlist2.class.php'
3179--- qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectlist2.class.php 2010-12-31 12:12:03 +0000
3180+++ qp_inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectlist2.class.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
3181@@ -1,53 +1,34 @@
3182 <?php
3183 /**
3184- * This file implements the abstract DataObjectList2 base class.
3185- *
3186- * This file is part of Quam Plures - {@link}
3187- * See also {@link}.
3188- *
3189- * @copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by the Quam Plures developers - {@link}
3190- * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
3191- *
3192- * {@internal License choice
3193- * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in
3194- * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms.
3195- * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from
3196- * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file:
3197- * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) -
3198- * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) -
3199- * }}
3200- *
3201- * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement:
3202- * }}
3203- *
3204- * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }}
3205- * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE
3206- *
3207- * @package pond
3208+ * This file implements the abstract FilteredResults class
3209+ *
3210+ * @todo (1111) vars type 'foo' need useful/valid descriptions
3211+ * @author {@link Ed Bennett}
3212+ * @author {@link Francois PLANQUE}
3213+ * @copyright (c) 2009 by {@link the Quam Plures project}
3214+ * @license GNU General Public License v3
3215+ * @package core
3216 */
3217-if( !defined('QP_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
3221+if(!defined('QP_MAIN_INIT')) die('fail');
3223 /**
3224- * FilteredResults > Results
3225+ * FilteredResults class
3226 *
3227- * @package pond
3228+ * @package core
3229 */
3230 class FilteredResults extends Results
3231 {
3232 /**
3233 * Default filter set (used if no specific params are passed)
3234+ * @var foo
3235 */
3236 var $default_filters = array();
3238 /**
3239 * Current filter set (depending on user input)
3240+ * @var foo
3241 */
3242 var $filters = array();
3245 /**
3246 * Check if the Result set is filtered or not
3247 */
3248@@ -57,7 +38,6 @@
3249 {
3250 return false;
3251 }
3253 return ( $this->filters != $this->default_filters );
3254 }
3256@@ -67,7 +47,7 @@
3257 */
3258 function get_active_filter( $key )
3259 {
3260- if( isset($this->filters[$key]) )
3261+ if( isset( $this->filters[$key] ) )
3262 {
3263 return $this->filters[$key];
3264 }
3265@@ -76,7 +56,7 @@
3266 }
3269- /**
3270+ /**
3271 * Get every active filter that is not the same as the defaults
3272 */
3273 function get_active_filters()
3274@@ -85,10 +65,12 @@
3276 foreach( $this->default_filters as $key => $value )
3277 {
3278- if( !isset( $this->filters[$key] ) )
3279- { // Some value has not been copied over from defaults to active or specifically set:
3280- if( !is_null($value)) // Note: NULL value are not copied over. that's normal.
3281- { // A NON NULL value is missing
3282+ if( ! isset( $this->filters[$key] ) )
3283+ {
3284+ // Some value has not been copied over from defaults to active or specifically set:
3285+ if( ! is_null( $value ) ) // Note: NULL value are not copied over. that's normal.
3286+ {
3287+ // A NON NULL value is missing
3288 $r[] = $key;
3289 }
3290 }
3291@@ -101,17 +83,19 @@
3292 }
3295- /**
3296+ /**
3297 * Show every active filter that is not the same as the defaults
3298 */
3299 function dump_active_filters()
3300 {
3301 foreach( $this->default_filters as $key => $value )
3302 {
3303- if( !isset( $this->filters[$key] ) )
3304- { // SOme value has not been copied over from defaults to active or specifically set:
3305- if( !is_null($value)) // Note: NULL value ar enot copied over. that's normal.
3306- { // A NON NULL value is missing
3307+ if( ! isset( $this->filters[$key] ) )
3308+ {
3309+ // Some value has not been copied over from defaults to active or specifically set
3310+ if( ! is_null( $value ) ) // Note: NULL value are not copied over. that's normal.
3311+ {
3312+ // A NON NULL value is missing
3313 pre_dump( 'no active value for default '.$key );
3314 }
3315 }
3316@@ -125,60 +109,51 @@
3317 }
3321 /**
3322 * Data Object List Base Class 2
3323 *
3324- * This is typically an abstract class, useful only when derived.
3325- * Holds DataObjects in an array and allows walking through...
3326- *
3327- * This SECOND implementation will deprecate the first one when finished.
3328- *
3329- * @version beta
3330- * @abstract
3331- *
3332- * @package pond
3333+ * This is typically an abstract class, useful only when derived. Holds DataObjects
3334+ * in an array and allows walking through... This SECOND implementation will deprecate
3335+ * the first one when finished.
3336+ *
3337+ * @package core
3338 */
3339 class DataObjectList2 extends FilteredResults
3340 {
3343 /**
3344 * Constructor
3345 *
3346 * If provided, executes SQL query via parent Results object
3347 *
3348 * @param DataObjectCache
3349- * @param integer number of lines displayed on one screen (null for default [20])
3350+ * @param integer number of lines displayed on one screen (null for default [20] )
3351 * @param string prefix to differentiate page/order params when multiple Results appear one same page
3352 * @param string default ordering of columns (special syntax)
3353 */
3354 function DataObjectList2( & $Cache, $limit = null, $param_prefix = '', $default_order = NULL )
3355 {
3356 // WARNING: we are not passing any SQL query to the Results object
3357- // This will make the Results object behave a little bit differently than usual:
3358+ // This will make the Results object behave a little bit differently than usual
3359 parent::Results( NULL, $param_prefix, $default_order, $limit, NULL, false );
3361 // The list objects will also be cached in this cache.
3362- // Tje Cache object may also be useful to get table information for the Items.
3363+ // The Cache object may also be useful to get table information for the Items
3364 $this->Cache = & $Cache;
3366 // Colum used for IDs
3367 $this->ID_col = $Cache->dbIDname;
3368 }
3372- * dummy docblock makes error-free autodocs
3373- */
3374+ /**
3375+ * dummy docblock
3376+ */
3377 function & get_row_by_idx( $idx )
3378 {
3379- return $this->rows[ $idx ];
3380+ return $this->rows[$idx];
3381 }
3384 /**
3385- * Instantiate an object for requested row and cache it:
3386+ * Instantiate an object for requested row and cache it
3387 */
3388 function & get_by_idx( $idx )
3389 {
3390@@ -192,13 +167,14 @@
3391 function & get_next()
3392 {
3393 if( $this->current_idx >= $this->result_num_rows )
3394- { // No more object in list
3395+ {
3396+ // No more object in list
3397 $this->current_Obj = NULL;
3398- $r = false; // TODO: try with NULL
3399+ $r = false;
3400 return $r;
3401 }
3403- // We also keep a local ref in case we want to use it for display:
3404+ // We also keep a local ref in case we want to use it for display
3405 $this->current_Obj = & $this->get_by_idx( $this->current_idx );
3406 $this->next_idx();
3408@@ -210,7 +186,6 @@
3409 * Display a global title matching filter params
3410 *
3411 * @todo implement $order
3412- *
3413 * @param string prefix to display if a title is generated
3414 * @param string suffix to display if a title is generated
3415 * @param string glue to use if multiple title elements are generated
3416@@ -221,12 +196,12 @@
3417 {
3418 $title_array = $this->get_filter_titles();
3420- if( empty( $title_array ) )
3421- {
3422+ if( empty( $title_array ) )
3423+ {
3424 return '';
3425 }
3427- // We have something to display:
3428+ // We have something to display
3429 $r = implode( $glue, $title_array );
3430 $r = $prefix.format_to_output( $r, $format ).$suffix;
3431 return $r;
3432@@ -245,7 +220,7 @@
3434 $DB->begin();
3436- if( ($obj = & $this->Cache->get_by_ID( $id )) === false )
3437+ if( ( $obj = & $this->Cache->get_by_ID( $id ) ) === false )
3438 {
3439 $Messages->head = T_('Cannot edit entry!');
3440 $Messages->add( T_('Requested entry does not exist any longer.'), 'error' );
3441@@ -256,24 +231,21 @@
3443 // Get the ID of the inferior element which his order is the nearest
3444 $rows = $DB->get_results( 'SELECT '.$this->Cache->dbIDname
3445- .' FROM '.$this->Cache->dbtablename
3446- .' WHERE '.$this->Cache->dbprefix.'order < '.$order
3447- .' ORDER BY '.$this->Cache->dbprefix.'order DESC
3448- LIMIT 0,1' );
3449+ .' FROM '.$this->Cache->dbtablename
3450+ .' WHERE '.$this->Cache->dbprefix.'order < '.$order
3451+ .' ORDER BY '.$this->Cache->dbprefix.'order DESC
3452+ LIMIT 0, 1' );
3454 if( count( $rows ) )
3455 {
3456 // instantiate the inferior element
3457 $obj_inf = & $this->Cache->get_by_ID( $rows[0]->{$this->Cache->dbIDname} );
3459- // Update element order
3460+ // Update element order
3461 $obj->set( 'order', $obj_inf->order );
3462 $obj->dbupdate();
3464 // Update inferior element order
3465 $obj_inf->set( 'order', $order );
3466 $obj_inf->dbupdate();
3469 $result_fadeout[$this->Cache->dbIDname][] = $id;
3470 $result_fadeout[$this->Cache->dbIDname][] = $obj_inf->ID;
3471@@ -294,11 +266,13 @@
3472 */
3473 function move_down( $id )
3474 {
3475- global $DB, $Messages, $result_fadeout;
3476+ global $DB;
3477+ global $Messages;
3478+ global $result_fadeout;
3480 $DB->begin();
3482- if( ($obj = & $this->Cache->get_by_ID( $id )) === false )
3483+ if( ( $obj = & $this->Cache->get_by_ID( $id ) ) === false )
3484 {
3485 $Messages->head = T_('Cannot edit entry!');
3486 $Messages->add( T_('Requested entry does not exist any longer.'), 'error' );
3487@@ -309,24 +283,21 @@
3489 // Get the ID of the inferior element which his order is the nearest
3490 $rows = $DB->get_results( 'SELECT '.$this->Cache->dbIDname
3491- .' FROM '.$this->Cache->dbtablename
3492- .' WHERE '.$this->Cache->dbprefix.'order > '.$order
3493- .' ORDER BY '.$this->Cache->dbprefix.'order ASC
3494- LIMIT 0,1' );
3495+ .' FROM '.$this->Cache->dbtablename
3496+ .' WHERE '.$this->Cache->dbprefix.'order > '.$order
3497+ .' ORDER BY '.$this->Cache->dbprefix.'order ASC
3498+ LIMIT 0, 1' );
3500 if( count( $rows ) )
3501 {
3502 // instantiate the inferior element
3503 $obj_sup = & $this->Cache->get_by_ID( $rows[0]->{$this->Cache->dbIDname} );
3505- // Update element order
3506+ // Update element order
3507 $obj->set( 'order', $obj_sup->order );
3508 $obj->dbupdate();
3510 // Update inferior element order
3511 $obj_sup->set( 'order', $order );
3512 $obj_sup->dbupdate();
3515 $result_fadeout[$this->Cache->dbIDname][] = $id;
3516 $result_fadeout[$this->Cache->dbIDname][] = $obj_sup->ID;
3517@@ -339,4 +310,4 @@
3518 }
3519 }
3522\ No newline at end of file
3525=== modified file 'qp_inc/_core/model/db/_db.class.php'
3526--- qp_inc/_core/model/db/_db.class.php 2010-12-31 12:12:03 +0000
3527+++ qp_inc/_core/model/db/_db.class.php 2013-03-20 18:13:29 +0000
3528@@ -1,80 +1,55 @@
3529 <?php
3530 /**
3531- * This file implements the DB class.
3532- *
3533- * Based on ezSQL - Class to make it very easy to deal with MySQL database connections.
3534- * b2evo Additions:
3535- * - nested transactions
3536- * - symbolic table names
3537- * - query log
3538- * - get_list
3539- * - dynamic extension loading
3540- * - Debug features (EXPLAIN...)
3541- * and more...
3542- *
3543- * This file is part of the Quam Plures project - {@link}.
3544- * See also {@link}.
3545- *
3546- * @copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by the Quam Plures developers - {@link}
3547- * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}.
3548- * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004 by Justin Vincent - {@link}
3549- * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2005 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
3550- *
3551- * {@internal License choice
3552- * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in
3553- * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms.
3554- * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from
3555- * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file:
3556- * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) -
3557- * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) -
3558- * }}
3559- *
3560- * {@internal Origin:
3561+ * This file implements the DB base class
3562+ *
3563 * This file is based on the following package (excerpt from ezSQL's readme.txt):
3564 * =======================================================================
3565- * Author: Justin Vincent (
3566- * Web:
3567- * Name: ezSQL
3568- * Desc: Class to make it very easy to deal with database connections.
3569+ * Author: Justin Vincent (
3570+ * Web:
3571+ * Name: ezSQL
3572+ * Desc: Class to make it very easy to deal with database connections.
3573 * License: FREE / Donation (LGPL - You may do what you like with ezSQL - no exceptions.)
3574 * =======================================================================
3575 * A $10 donation has been made to Justin VINCENT on behalf of the b2evolution team.
3576 * The package has been relicensed as GPL based on
3577 * "You may do what you like with ezSQL - no exceptions."
3578 * 2004-10-14 (email): Justin VINCENT grants Francois PLANQUE the right to relicense
3579- * this modified class under other licenses. "Just include a link to where you got it from."
3580- * }}
3581- *
3582- * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement:
3583- * Daniel HAHLER grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license
3584- * Daniel HAHLER's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project
3585- * under any OSI approved OSS license (
3586- * }}
3587- *
3588- * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }}
3589- * @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER
3590- * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE
3591- * @author Justin VINCENT
3592- *
3593- * @todo transaction support
3594- *
3595- * @package pond
3596+ * this modified class under other licenses. "Just include a link to where you got
3597+ * it from."
3598+ *
3599+ * @todo (1111) vars type 'foo' need useful/valid descriptions
3600+ * @todo (0000) transaction support
3601+ * @author {@link Ed Bennett}
3602+ * @author {@link Daniel HAHLER}
3603+ * @author {@link Francois PLANQUE}
3604+ * @author {@link Justin VINCENT}
3605+ * @copyright (c) 2009 by {@link the Quam Plures project}
3606+ * @license GNU General Public License v3
3607+ * @package core
3608 */
3609-if( !defined('QP_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
3610+if(!defined('QP_MAIN_INIT')) die('fail');
3612 /**
3613 * ezSQL Constants
3614 */
3615 define( 'EZSQL_VERSION', '1.25' );
3617+ * ezSQL Constants
3618+ */
3619 define( 'OBJECT', 'OBJECT', true );
3621+ * ezSQL Constants
3622+ */
3623 define( 'ARRAY_A', 'ARRAY_A', true);
3625+ * ezSQL Constants
3626+ */
3627 define( 'ARRAY_N', 'ARRAY_N', true);
3630 /**
3631- * The Main Class
3632+ * DB base class
3633 *
3634- * @package pond
3635+ * @package core
3636 */
3637 class DB
3638 {
3639@@ -94,7 +69,7 @@
3640 */
3641 var $error = false;
3642 /**
3643- * Number of done queries.
3644+ * Number of done queries
3645 * @var integer
3646 */
3647 var $num_queries = 0;
3648@@ -108,168 +83,150 @@
3649 * @var string
3650 */
3651 var $last_error = '';
3653 /**
3654 * Last insert ID
3655 * @var integer
3656 */
3657 var $insert_id = 0;
3659 /**
3660 * Last query's resource
3661- * @access protected
3662 * @var resource
3663 */
3664 var $result;
3666 /**
3667 * Last result's rows
3668 * @var array
3669 */
3670 var $last_result;
3672 /**
3673 * Number of rows in result set (after a select)
3674+ * @var foo
3675 */
3676 var $num_rows = 0;
3678 /**
3679 * Number of rows affected by insert, delete, update or replace
3680+ * @var foo
3681 */
3682 var $rows_affected = 0;
3684 /**
3685- * Aliases that will be replaced in queries:
3686+ * Aliases that will be replaced in queries
3687+ * @var foo
3688 */
3689 var $dbaliases = array();
3690 /**
3691- * Strings that will replace the aliases in queries:
3692+ * Strings that will replace the aliases in queries
3693+ * @var foo
3694 */
3695 var $dbreplaces = array();
3697 /**
3698- * CREATE TABLE options.
3699- *
3700- * This gets appended to every "CREATE TABLE" query.
3701- *
3702- * Edit those if you have control over you MySQL server and want a more professional
3703- * database than what is commonly offered by popular hosting providers.
3704- *
3705- * @todo dh> If the query itself uses already e.g. "CHARACTER SET latin1" it should not get overridden..
3706+ * CREATE TABLE options
3707+ *
3708+ * This gets appended to every "CREATE TABLE" query. Edit those if you have control over your MySQL
3709+ * server and want a more professional database than what is commonly offered by popular hosting providers.
3710+ *
3711 * @var string
3712 */
3713 var $table_options = '';
3715 /**
3716 * Use transactions in DB?
3717 *
3718- * You need to use InnoDB in order to enable this. See the {@link $app_db_config "table_options" key}.
3719+ * You need to use InnoDB in order to enable this. See the {@link $app_db_config
3720+ * "table_options" key}.
3721+ *
3722+ * @var foo
3723 */
3724 var $use_transactions = false;
3726 /**
3727 * How many transactions are currently nested?
3728+ * @var foo
3729 */
3730 var $transaction_nesting_level = 0;
3732 /**
3733 * Rememeber if we have to rollback at the end of a nested transaction construct
3734+ * @var foo
3735 */
3736 var $rollback_nested_transaction = false;
3738 /**
3739 * MySQL Database handle
3740 * @var object
3741 */
3742 var $dbhandle;
3744 /**
3745 * Database username
3746 * @var string
3747 */
3748 var $dbuser;
3750 /**
3751 * Database username's password
3752 * @var string
3753 */
3754 var $dbpassword;
3756 /**
3757 * Database name
3758 * @var string
3759- * @see select()
3760 */
3761 var $dbname;
3763 /**
3764 * Database hostname
3765 * @var string
3766 */
3767 var $dbhost = 'localhost';
3769 /**
3770 * Current connection charset
3771 * @var string
3772 * @see DB::set_connection_charset()
3773 */
3774 var $connection_charset;
3777- // DEBUG:
3779 /**
3780 * Do we want to log queries?
3781- * If null, it gets set according to {@link $debug}.
3782- * A subclass may set it by default (e.g. DbUnitTestCase_DB).
3783+ *
3784+ * If null, it gets set according to {@link $debug}. A subclass may set it by
3785+ * default (e.g. DbUnitTestCase_DB).
3786+ *
3787 * @var boolean
3788 */
3789 var $log_queries;
3791 /**
3792- * Log of queries:
3793+ * Log of queries
3794 * @var array
3795 */
3796 var $queries = array();
3798 /**
3799 * Do we want to explain joins?
3800+ *
3801 * This requires {@link DB::$log_queries} to be true.
3802 *
3803- * @todo fp> we'd probably want to group all the advanced debug vars under a single setting now. We might even auto enable it when $debug=2. (And we might actually want to include a $debug="cookie" mode for easy switching with bookmarks or a bookmarklet)
3804- *
3805+ * @todo (0000) fp> we'd probably want to group all the advanced debug vars under a single setting now. We might even auto enable it when $debug=2. (And we might actually want to include a $debug="cookie" mode for easy switching with bookmarks or a bookmarklet)
3806 * @var boolean
3807 */
3808 var $debug_explain_joins = false;
3810 /**
3811 * Do we want to output a function backtrace for every query?
3812+ *
3813 * Number of stack entries to show (from last to first) (Default: 0); true means 'all'.
3814- *
3815 * This requires {@link DB::$log_queries} to be true.
3816 *
3817 * @var integer
3818 */
3819 var $debug_dump_function_trace_for_queries = 0;
3821 /**
3822 * Number of rows we want to dump in debug output (0 disables it)
3823+ *
3824 * This requires {@link DB::$log_queries} to be true.
3825+ *
3826 * @var integer
3827 */
3828 var $debug_dump_rows = 0;
3830 /**
3831- * Time in seconds that is considered a fast query (green).
3832+ * Time in seconds that is considered a fast query (green)
3833+ * @see dump_queries()
3834 * @var float
3835- * @see dump_queries()
3836 */
3837 var $query_duration_fast = 0.05;
3839 /**
3840- * Time in seconds that is considered a slow query (red).
3841+ * Time in seconds that is considered a slow query (red)
3842+ * @see dump_queries()
3843 * @var float
3844- * @see dump_queries()
3845 */
3846 var $query_duration_slow = 0.3;
3848@@ -279,32 +236,36 @@
3849 *
3850 * Connects to the server and selects a database.
3851 *
3852+ * Mandatory parameters:
3853+ * - 'user': username to connect with
3854+ * - 'password': password to connect with OR
3855+ * - 'handle': a MySQL Database handle (from a previous {@link mysql_connect()})
3856+ *
3857+ * Optional parameters:
3858+ * - 'name': the name of the default database, see {@link DB::select()}
3859+ * - 'host': host of the database; Default: 'localhost'
3860+ * - 'show_errors': Display SQL errors? (true/false); Default: don't change member
3861+ * default ({@link $show_errors})
3862+ * - 'halt_on_error': Halt on error? (true/false); Default: don't change member
3863+ * default ({@link $halt_on_error})
3864+ * - 'table_options': sets {@link $table_options}
3865+ * - 'use_transactions': sets {@link $use_transactions}
3866+ * - 'aliases': Aliases for tables (array( alias => table name )); Default: no aliases.
3867+ * - 'new_link': create a new link to the DB, even if there was a mysql_connect() with
3868+ * the same params before. (requires PHP 4.2)
3869+ * - 'client_flags': optional settings like compression or SSL encryption. See
3870+ * {@link}.
3871+ *
3872 * @param array An array of parameters.
3873- * Manadatory:
3874- * - 'user': username to connect with
3875- * - 'password': password to connect with
3876- * OR
3877- * - 'handle': a MySQL Database handle (from a previous {@link mysql_connect()})
3878- * Optional:
3879- * - 'name': the name of the default database, see {@link DB::select()}
3880- * - 'host': host of the database; Default: 'localhost'
3881- * - 'show_errors': Display SQL errors? (true/false); Default: don't change member default ({@link $show_errors})
3882- * - 'halt_on_error': Halt on error? (true/false); Default: don't change member default ({@link $halt_on_error})
3883- * - 'table_options': sets {@link $table_options}
3884- * - 'use_transactions': sets {@link $use_transactions}
3885- * - 'aliases': Aliases for tables (array( alias => table name )); Default: no aliases.
3886- * - 'new_link': create a new link to the DB, even if there was a mysql_connect() with
3887- * the same params before. (requires PHP 4.2)
3888- * - 'client_flags': optional settings like compression or SSL encryption. See {@link}.
3889- * (requires PHP 4.3)
3890 */
3891 function DB( $params )
3892 {
3893 global $debug;
3895- // Mandatory parameters:
3896+ // Mandatory parameters
3897 if( isset( $params['handle'] ) )
3898- { // DB-Link provided:
3899+ {
3900+ // DB-Link provided
3901 $this->dbhandle = $params['handle'];
3902 }
3903 else
3904@@ -313,35 +274,73 @@
3905 $this->dbpassword = $params['password'];
3906 }
3908- // Optional parameters (Allow overriding through $params):
3909- if( isset($params['name']) ) $this->dbname = $params['name'];
3910- if( isset($params['host']) ) $this->dbhost = $params['host'];
3911- if( isset($params['show_errors']) ) $this->show_errors = $params['show_errors'];
3912- if( isset($params['halt_on_error']) ) $this->halt_on_error = $params['halt_on_error'];
3913- if( isset($params['table_options']) ) $this->table_options = $params['table_options'];
3914- if( isset($params['use_transactions']) ) $this->use_transactions = $params['use_transactions'];
3915- if( isset($params['debug_dump_rows']) ) $this->debug_dump_rows = $params['debug_dump_rows']; // Nb of rows to dump
3916- if( isset($params['debug_explain_joins']) ) $this->debug_explain_joins = $params['debug_explain_joins'];
3917- if( isset($params['debug_dump_function_trace_for_queries']) ) $this->debug_dump_function_trace_for_queries = $params['debug_dump_function_trace_for_queries'];
3919- if( isset($debug) && ! isset($this->log_queries) )
3920- { // $log_queries follows $debug and respects subclasses, which may define it:
3921+ // Optional parameters (Allow overriding through $params)
3922+ if( isset( $params['name'] ) )
3923+ {
3924+ $this->dbname = $params['name'];
3925+ }
3927+ if( isset( $params['host'] ) )
3928+ {
3929+ $this->dbhost = $params['host'];
3930+ }
3932+ if( isset( $params['show_errors'] ) )
3933+ {
3934+ $this->show_errors = $params['show_errors'];
3935+ }
3937+ if( isset( $params['halt_on_error'] ) )
3938+ {
3939+ $this->halt_on_error = $params['halt_on_error'];
3940+ }
3942+ if( isset( $params['table_options'] ) )
3943+ {
3944+ $this->table_options = $params['table_options'];
3945+ }
3947+ if( isset( $params['use_transactions'] ) )
3948+ {
3949+ $this->use_transactions = $params['use_transactions'];
3950+ }
3952+ if( isset( $params['debug_dump_rows'] ) )
3953+ {
3954+ $this->debug_dump_rows = $params['debug_dump_rows']; // Nb of rows to dump
3955+ }
3957+ if( isset( $params['debug_explain_joins'] ) )
3958+ {
3959+ $this->debug_explain_joins = $params['debug_explain_joins'];
3960+ }
3962+ if( isset( $params['debug_dump_function_trace_for_queries'] ) )
3963+ {
3964+ $this->debug_dump_function_trace_for_queries = $params['debug_dump_function_trace_for_queries'];
3965+ }
3967+ if( isset( $debug ) && ! isset( $this->log_queries ) )
3968+ {
3969+ // $log_queries follows $debug and respects subclasses, which may define it
3970 $this->log_queries = $debug;
3971 }
3973- if( ! extension_loaded('mysql') )
3974- { // The mysql extension is not loaded, try to dynamically load it:
3975+ if( ! extension_loaded( 'mysql' ) )
3976+ {
3977+ // The mysql extension is not loaded, try to dynamically load it
3978 $mysql_ext_file = is_windows() ? 'php_mysql.dll' : '';
3979 $php_errormsg = null;
3980- $old_track_errors = ini_set('track_errors', 1);
3981- $old_html_errors = ini_set('html_errors', 0);
3982+ $old_track_errors = ini_set( 'track_errors', 1 );
3983+ $old_html_errors = ini_set( 'html_errors', 0 );
3984 @dl( $mysql_ext_file );
3985 $error_msg = $php_errormsg;
3986- if( $old_track_errors !== false ) ini_set('track_errors', $old_track_errors);
3987- if( $old_html_errors !== false ) ini_set('html_errors', $old_html_errors);
3988+ if( $old_track_errors !== false ) ini_set( 'track_errors', $old_track_errors );
3989+ if( $old_html_errors !== false ) ini_set( 'html_errors', $old_html_errors );
3991- if( ! extension_loaded('mysql') )
3992- { // Still not loaded:
3993+ if( ! extension_loaded( 'mysql' ) )
3994+ {
3995+ // Still not loaded
3996 $this->print_error( 'The PHP MySQL module could not be loaded.', '
3997 <p><strong>Error:</strong> '.$error_msg.'</p>
3998 <p>You probably have to edit your php configuration (php.ini) and enable this module ('.$mysql_ext_file.').</p>
3999@@ -354,16 +353,17 @@
4000 $client_flags = isset( $params['client_flags'] ) ? $params['client_flags'] : 0;
4002 if( ! $this->dbhandle )
4003- { // Connect to the Database:
4004+ {
4005+ // Connect to the Database
4006 // mysql_error() is tied to an established connection
4007 // if the connection fails we need a different method to get the error message
4008 $php_errormsg = null;
4009- $old_track_errors = ini_set('track_errors', 1);
4010- $old_html_errors = ini_set('html_errors', 0);
4011+ $old_track_errors = ini_set( 'track_errors', 1 );
4012+ $old_html_errors = ini_set( 'html_errors', 0 );
4013 $this->dbhandle = @mysql_connect( $this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpassword, $new_link, $client_flags );
4014 $mysql_error = $php_errormsg;
4015- if( $old_track_errors !== false ) ini_set('track_errors', $old_track_errors);
4016- if( $old_html_errors !== false ) ini_set('html_errors', $old_html_errors);
4017+ if( $old_track_errors !== false ) ini_set( 'track_errors', $old_track_errors );
4018+ if( $old_html_errors !== false ) ini_set( 'html_errors', $old_html_errors );
4019 }
4021 if( ! $this->dbhandle )
4022@@ -371,18 +371,19 @@
4023 $this->print_error( 'Error establishing a database connection!', '
4024 <p>('.$mysql_error.')</p>
4025 <ol>
4026- <li>Are you sure you have typed the correct user/password?</li>
4027- <li>Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?</li>
4028- <li>Are you sure that the database server is running?</li>
4029+ <li>Are you sure you have typed the correct user/password?</li>
4030+ <li>Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?</li>
4031+ <li>Are you sure that the database server is running?</li>
4032 </ol>', false );
4033 }
4034- elseif( isset($this->dbname) )
4035+ elseif( isset( $this->dbname ) )
4036 {
4037- $this->select($this->dbname);
4038+ $this->select( $this->dbname );
4039 }
4041- if( !empty($params['connection_charset']) )
4042- { // Specify which charset we are using on the client:
4043+ if( ! empty( $params['connection_charset'] ) )
4044+ {
4045+ // Specify which charset we are using on the client
4046 $this->set_connection_charset( $params['connection_charset'] );
4047 }
4049@@ -395,8 +396,9 @@
4050 */
4053- if( isset($params['aliases']) )
4054- { // Prepare aliases for replacements:
4055+ if( isset( $params['aliases'] ) )
4056+ {
4057+ // Prepare aliases for replacements
4058 foreach( $params['aliases'] as $dbalias => $dbreplace )
4059 {
4060 $this->dbaliases[] = '#\b'.$dbalias.'\b#'; // \b = word boundary
4061@@ -405,7 +407,8 @@
4062 }
4064 if( $debug )
4065- { // Force MySQL strict mode
4066+ {
4067+ // Force MySQL strict mode
4068 // TRADITIONAL mode is only available to mysql > 5.0.2
4069 $mysql_version = $this->get_version( 'we do this in DEBUG mode only' );
4070 if( version_compare( $mysql_version, '5.0.2' ) > 0 )
4071@@ -419,15 +422,15 @@
4072 /**
4073 * Select a DB (if another one needs to be selected)
4074 */
4075- function select($db)
4076+ function select( $db )
4077 {
4078- if( !@mysql_select_db($db, $this->dbhandle) )
4079+ if( !@mysql_select_db( $db, $this->dbhandle ) )
4080 {
4081 $this->print_error( 'Error selecting database ['.$db.']!', '
4082 <ol>
4083- <li>Are you sure the database exists?</li>
4084- <li>Are you sure the DB user is allowed to use that database?</li>
4085- <li>Are you sure there is a valid database connection?</li>
4086+ <li>Are you sure the database exists?</li>
4087+ <li>Are you sure the DB user is allowed to use that database?</li>
4088+ <li>Are you sure there is a valid database connection?</li>
4089 </ol>', false );
4090 }
4091 }
4092@@ -436,19 +439,19 @@
4093 /**
4094 * Format a string correctly for safe insert under all PHP conditions
4095 */
4096- function escape($str)
4097+ function escape( $str )
4098 {
4099- return mysql_real_escape_string($str, $this->dbhandle);
4100+ return mysql_real_escape_string( $str, $this->dbhandle );
4101 }
4104 /**
4105- * Quote a value, either in single quotes (and escaped) or if it's NULL as 'NULL'.
4106+ * Quote a value, either in single quotes (and escaped) or if it's NULL as 'NULL'
4107 *
4108 * @param string|array|null
4109 * @return string Quoted (and escaped) value or 'NULL'.
4110 */
4111- function quote($str)
4112+ function quote( $str )
4113 {
4114 if( is_null( $str ) )
4115 {
4116@@ -459,26 +462,30 @@
4117 $r = '';
4118 foreach( $str as $elt )
4119 {
4120- $r .= $this->quote($elt).',';
4121+ $r .= $this->quote( $elt ).',';
4122 }
4123 return substr( $r, 0, -1 );
4124 }
4125 else
4126 {
4127- return "'".mysql_real_escape_string($str, $this->dbhandle)."'";
4128+ return "'".mysql_real_escape_string( $str, $this->dbhandle )."'";
4129 }
4130 }
4133 /**
4134- * @return string Return the given value or 'NULL', if it's === NULL.
4135+ * @return string Return the given value or 'NULL', if it's === NULL
4136 */
4137- function null($val)
4138+ function null( $val )
4139 {
4140 if( $val === NULL )
4141+ {
4142 return 'NULL';
4143+ }
4144 else
4145+ {
4146 return $val;
4147+ }
4148 }
4151@@ -486,7 +493,6 @@
4152 * Returns the correct WEEK() function to get the week number for the given date.
4153 *
4154 * @link
4155- *
4156 * @todo disable when MySQL < 4
4157 * @param string will be used as is
4158 * @param integer 0 for sunday, 1 for monday
4159@@ -494,20 +500,18 @@
4160 function week( $date, $startofweek )
4161 {
4162 if( $startofweek == 1 )
4163- { // Week starts on Monday, week 1 must have a monday in this year:
4164+ {
4165+ // Week starts on Monday, week 1 must have a monday in this year
4166 return ' WEEK( '.$date.', 5 ) ';
4167 }
4169- // Week starts on Sunday, week 1 must have a sunday in this year:
4170+ // Week starts on Sunday, week 1 must have a sunday in this year
4171 return ' WEEK( '.$date.', 0 ) ';
4172 }
4175 /**
4176- * Print SQL/DB error.
4177- *
4178- * TODO: fp> bloated: it probably doesn't make sense to display errors if we don't stop. Any use case?
4179- * dh> Sure. Local testing (and test cases).
4180+ * Print SQL/DB error
4181 *
4182 * @param string Short error (no HTML)
4183 * @param string Extended description/help for the error (for HTML)
4184@@ -515,17 +519,19 @@
4185 */
4186 function print_error( $title = '', $html_str = '', $query_title = '' )
4187 {
4188- // All errors go to the global error array $EZSQL_ERROR..
4189- global $EZSQL_ERROR, $is_cli;
4190+ // All errors go to the global error array $EZSQL_ERROR
4191+ global $EZSQL_ERROR;
4192+ global $is_cli;
4194 $this->error = true;
4196- // If no special error string then use mysql default..
4197- if( ! strlen($title) )
4198+ // If no special error string then use mysql default
4199+ if( ! strlen( $title ) )
4200 {
4201- if( is_resource($this->dbhandle) )
4202- { // use mysql_error:
4203- $this->last_error = mysql_error($this->dbhandle).'(Errno='.mysql_errno($this->dbhandle).')';
4204+ if( is_resource( $this->dbhandle ) )
4205+ {
4206+ // use mysql_error
4207+ $this->last_error = mysql_error( $this->dbhandle ).'(Errno='.mysql_errno( $this->dbhandle ).')';
4208 }
4209 else
4210 {
4211@@ -540,23 +546,26 @@
4212 // Log this error to the global array..
4213 $EZSQL_ERROR[] = array(
4214 'query' => $this->last_query,
4215- 'error_str' => $this->last_error
4216+ 'error_str' => $this->last_error
4217 );
4219 if( ! ( $this->halt_on_error || $this->show_errors ) )
4220- { // no reason to generate a nice message:
4221+ {
4222+ // no reason to generate a nice message
4223 return;
4224 }
4226 if( $this->halt_on_error && ! $this->show_errors )
4227- { // do not show errors, just die:
4228+ {
4229+ // do not show errors, just die
4230 die();
4231 }
4233 if( $is_cli )
4234- { // Clean error message for command line interface:
4235+ {
4236+ // Clean error message for command line interface
4237 $err_msg = "MySQL error!\n{$this->last_error}\n";
4238- if( ! empty($this->last_query) && $query_title !== false )
4239+ if( ! empty( $this->last_query ) && $query_title !== false )
4240 {
4241 $err_msg .= "Your query: $query_title\n";
4242 $err_msg .= $this->format_query( $this->last_query, false );
4243@@ -567,7 +576,7 @@
4244 $err_msg = '<p class="error">MySQL error!</p>'."\n";
4245 $err_msg .= "<div><p><strong>{$this->last_error}</strong></p>\n";
4246 $err_msg .= $html_str;
4247- if( !empty($this->last_query) && $query_title !== false )
4248+ if( ! empty( $this->last_query ) && $query_title !== false )
4249 {
4250 $err_msg .= '<p class="error">Your query: '.$query_title.'</p>';
4251 $err_msg .= '<pre>';
4252@@ -579,7 +588,7 @@
4254 if( $this->halt_on_error )
4255 {
4256- if( function_exists('debug_die') )
4257+ if( function_exists( 'debug_die' ) )
4258 {
4259 debug_die( $err_msg );
4260 }
4261@@ -589,7 +598,8 @@
4262 }
4263 }
4264 elseif( $this->show_errors )
4265- { // If there is an error then take note of it
4266+ {
4267+ // If there is an error then take note of it
4268 echo '<div class="error">';
4269 echo $err_msg;
4270 echo '</div>';
4271@@ -623,8 +633,9 @@
4272 $this->show_errors = false;
4273 $this->halt_on_error = false;
4275- if( ($this->version_long = $this->get_var( 'SELECT VERSION()', 0, 0, $query_title ) ) === NULL )
4276- { // Very old version ( < 4.0 )
4277+ if( ( $this->version_long = $this->get_var( 'SELECT VERSION()', 0, 0, $query_title ) ) === NULL )
4278+ {
4279+ // Very old version ( < 4.0 )
4280 $this->version = '';
4281 $this->version_long = '';
4282 }
4283@@ -646,10 +657,10 @@
4284 function save_error_state()
4285 {
4286 $this->saved_error_states[] = array(
4287- 'show_errors' => $this->show_errors,
4288+ 'show_errors' => $this->show_errors,
4289 'halt_on_error' => $this->halt_on_error,
4290- 'last_error' => $this->last_error,
4291- 'error' => $this->error,
4292+ 'last_error' => $this->last_error,
4293+ 'error' => $this->error,
4294 );
4295 }
4297@@ -661,17 +672,16 @@
4298 */
4299 function restore_error_state()
4300 {
4301- if( empty($this->saved_error_states)
4302- || ! is_array($this->saved_error_states) )
4303+ if( empty( $this->saved_error_states ) || ! is_array( $this->saved_error_states ) )
4304 {
4305 return false;
4306 }
4307- $state = array_pop($this->saved_error_states);
4308+ $state = array_pop( $this->saved_error_states );
4310- $this->show_errors = $state['show_errors'];
4311+ $this->show_errors = $state['show_errors'];
4312 $this->halt_on_error = $state['halt_on_error'];
4313- $this->last_error = $state['last_error'];
4314- $this->error = $state['error'];
4315+ $this->last_error = $state['last_error'];
4316+ $this->error = $state['error'];
4317 }
4320@@ -690,54 +700,63 @@
4321 // initialise return
4322 $return_val = 0;
4324- // Flush cached values..
4325+ // Flush cached values
4326 $this->flush();
4328- // Replace aliases:
4329- if( ! empty($this->dbaliases) )
4330+ // Replace aliases
4331+ if( ! empty( $this->dbaliases ) )
4332 {
4333- // TODO: this should only replace the table name part(s), not the whole query!
4334- // blueyed> I've changed it to replace in table name parts for UPDATE, INSERT and REPLACE, because
4335- // it corrupted serialized data..
4336- // IMHO, a cleaner solution would be to use {T_xxx} in the queries and replace it here. In object properties (e.g. DataObject::$dbtablename), only "T_xxx" would get used and surrounded by "{..}" in the queries it creates.
4337+ // @todo (0000) this should only replace the table name part(s), not the whole
4338+ // query! blueyed> I've changed it to replace in table name parts for UPDATE,
4339+ // INSERT and REPLACE, because it corrupted serialized data. IMHO, a cleaner
4340+ // solution would be to use {T_xxx} in the queries and replace it here. In
4341+ // object properties (e.g. DataObject::$dbtablename), only "T_xxx" would get
4342+ // used and surrounded by "{..}" in the queries it creates.
4344 if( preg_match( '~^\s*(UPDATE\s+)(.*?)(\sSET\s.*)$~is', $query, $match ) )
4345- { // replace only between UPDATE and SET:
4346+ {
4347+ // replace only between UPDATE and SET
4348 $query = $match[1].preg_replace( $this->dbaliases, $this->dbreplaces, $match[2] ).$match[3];
4349 }
4350 elseif( preg_match( '~^\s*(INSERT|REPLACE\s+)(.*?)(\s(VALUES|SET)\s.*)$~is', $query, $match ) )
4351- { // replace only between INSERT|REPLACE and VALUES|SET:
4352+ {
4353+ // replace only between INSERT|REPLACE and VALUES|SET
4354 $query = $match[1].preg_replace( $this->dbaliases, $this->dbreplaces, $match[2] ).$match[3];
4355 }
4356 else
4357- { // replace in whole query:
4358+ {
4359+ // replace in whole query
4360 $query = preg_replace( $this->dbaliases, $this->dbreplaces, $query );
4362- if( ! empty($this->table_options) && preg_match( '#^ \s* create \s* table \s #ix', $query) )
4363- { // Query is a table creation, we add table options:
4364+ if( ! empty( $this->table_options ) && preg_match( '#^ \s* create \s* table \s #ix', $query ) )
4365+ {
4366+ // Query is a table creation, we add table options
4367 $query = preg_replace( '~;\s*$~', '', $query ); // remove any ";" at the end
4368 $query .= ' '.$this->table_options;
4369 }
4370 }
4371 }
4372- elseif( ! empty($this->table_options) )
4373- { // No aliases, but table_options:
4374+ elseif( ! empty( $this->table_options ) )
4375+ {
4376+ // No aliases, but table_options
4377 if( preg_match( '#^ \s* create \s* table \s #ix', $query) )
4378- { // Query is a table creation, we add table options:
4379+ {
4380+ // Query is a table creation, we add table options
4381 $query = preg_replace( '~;\s*$~', '', $query ); // remove any ";" at the end
4382 $query .= $this->table_options;
4383 }
4384 }
4386- // Keep track of the last query for debug..
4387+ // Keep track of the last query for debug
4388 $this->last_query = $query;
4390- // Perform the query via std mysql_query function..
4391+ // Perform the query via std mysql_query function
4392 $this->num_queries++;
4394 if( $this->log_queries )
4395- { // We want to log queries:
4396- $this->queries[ $this->num_queries - 1 ] = array(
4397+ {
4398+ // We want to log queries
4399+ $this->queries[$this->num_queries-1] = array(
4400 'title' => $title,
4401 'sql' => $query,
4402 'rows' => -1,
4403@@ -745,67 +764,73 @@
4404 'results' => 'unknown' );
4405 }
4407- if( is_object($Timer) )
4408+ if( is_object( $Timer ) )
4409 {
4410 // Resume global query timer
4411 $Timer->resume( 'sql_queries' );
4412- // Start a timer for this particular query:
4413+ // Start a timer for this particular query
4414 $Timer->start( 'sql_query', false );
4416- // Run query:
4417+ // Run query
4418 $this->result = @mysql_query( $query, $this->dbhandle );
4420 if( $this->log_queries )
4421- { // We want to log queries:
4422- // Get duration for last query:
4423- $this->queries[ $this->num_queries - 1 ]['time'] = $Timer->get_duration( 'sql_query', 10 );
4424+ {
4425+ // We want to log queries
4426+ // Get duration for last query
4427+ $this->queries[$this->num_queries-1]['time'] = $Timer->get_duration( 'sql_query', 10 );
4428 }
4430- // Pause global query timer:
4431+ // Pause global query timer
4432 $Timer->pause( 'sql_queries' );
4433 }
4434 else
4435 {
4436- // Run query:
4437+ // Run query
4438 $this->result = @mysql_query( $query, $this->dbhandle );
4439 }
4441- // If there is an error then take note of it..
4442- if( is_resource($this->dbhandle) && mysql_error($this->dbhandle) )
4443+ // If there is an error then take note of it
4444+ if( is_resource( $this->dbhandle ) && mysql_error( $this->dbhandle ) )
4445 {
4446- @mysql_free_result($this->result);
4447+ @mysql_free_result( $this->result );
4448 $this->print_error( '', '', $title );
4449 return false;
4450 }
4452 if( preg_match( '#^\s*(INSERT|DELETE|UPDATE|REPLACE)\s#i', $query, $match ) )
4453- { // Query was an insert, delete, update, replace:
4454+ {
4455+ // Query was an insert, delete, update, replace
4457- $this->rows_affected = mysql_affected_rows($this->dbhandle);
4458+ $this->rows_affected = mysql_affected_rows( $this->dbhandle );
4459 if( $this->log_queries )
4460- { // We want to log queries:
4461- $this->queries[ $this->num_queries - 1 ]['rows'] = $this->rows_affected;
4462+ {
4463+ // We want to log queries
4464+ $this->queries[$this->num_queries-1]['rows'] = $this->rows_affected;
4465 }
4467- // Take note of the insert_id, for INSERT and REPLACE:
4468- $match[1] = strtoupper($match[1]);
4469+ // Take note of the insert_id, for INSERT and REPLACE
4470+ $match[1] = strtoupper( $match[1] );
4471 if( $match[1] == 'INSERT' || $match[1] == 'REPLACE' )
4472 {
4473- $this->insert_id = mysql_insert_id($this->dbhandle);
4474+ $this->insert_id = mysql_insert_id( $this->dbhandle );
4475 }
4477 // Return number of rows affected
4478 $return_val = $this->rows_affected;
4479 }
4480 else
4481- { // Query was a select, alter, etc...:
4482+ {
4483+ // Query was a select, alter, etc...:
4484 $this->num_rows = 0;
4486- if( is_resource($this->result) )
4487- { // It's not a resource for CREATE or DROP for example and can even trigger a fatal error (see
4488+ if( is_resource( $this->result ) )
4489+ {
4490+ // It's not a resource for CREATE or DROP for example and can even trigger
4491+ // a fatal error (see
4493 // Store Query Results
4494- while( $row = mysql_fetch_object($this->result) )
4495+ while( $row = mysql_fetch_object( $this->result ) )
4496 {
4497 // Store relults as an objects within main array
4498 $this->last_result[$this->num_rows] = $row;
4499@@ -814,8 +839,9 @@
4500 }
4502 if( $this->log_queries )
4503- { // We want to log queries:
4504- $this->queries[ $this->num_queries - 1 ]['rows'] = $this->num_rows;
4505+ {
4506+ // We want to log queries
4507+ $this->queries[$this->num_queries-1]['rows'] = $this->num_rows;
4508 }
4510 // Return number of rows selected
4511@@ -823,26 +849,28 @@
4512 }
4514 if( $this->log_queries )
4515- { // We want to log queries:
4516+ {
4517+ // We want to log queries
4518 if( $this->debug_dump_function_trace_for_queries )
4519 {
4520- $this->queries[ $this->num_queries - 1 ]['function_trace'] = debug_get_backtrace( $this->debug_dump_function_trace_for_queries, array( array( 'class' => 'DB' ) ), 1 ); // including first stack entry from class DB
4521+ $this->queries[$this->num_queries-1]['function_trace'] = debug_get_backtrace( $this->debug_dump_function_trace_for_queries, array( array( 'class' => 'DB' ) ), 1 ); // including first stack entry from class DB
4522 }
4524 if( $this->debug_dump_rows )
4525 {
4526- $this->queries[ $this->num_queries - 1 ]['results'] = $this->debug_get_rows_table( $this->debug_dump_rows );
4527+ $this->queries[$this->num_queries-1]['results'] = $this->debug_get_rows_table( $this->debug_dump_rows );
4528 }
4529 }
4531- // Free original query's result:
4532- @mysql_free_result($this->result);
4533+ // Free original query's result
4534+ @mysql_free_result( $this->result );
4536 // EXPLAIN JOINS ??
4537 if( $this->log_queries && $this->debug_explain_joins && preg_match( '#^ [\s(]* SELECT \s #ix', $query) )
4538- { // Query was a select, let's try to explain joins...
4539+ {
4540+ // Query was a select, let's try to explain joins...
4542- // save values:
4543+ // save values
4544 $saved_last_result = $this->last_result;
4545 $saved_num_rows = $this->num_rows;
4547@@ -853,19 +881,19 @@
4549 // Store Query Results
4550 $this->num_rows = 0;
4551- while( $row = @mysql_fetch_object($this->result) )
4552+ while( $row = @mysql_fetch_object( $this->result ) )
4553 {
4554 // Store results as an objects within main array
4555 $this->last_result[$this->num_rows] = $row;
4556 $this->num_rows++;
4557 }
4559- $this->queries[ $this->num_queries - 1 ]['explain'] = $this->debug_get_rows_table( 100, true );
4561- // Free "EXPLAIN" result resource:
4562- @mysql_free_result($this->result);
4564- // Restore:
4565+ $this->queries[$this->num_queries-1]['explain'] = $this->debug_get_rows_table( 100, true );
4567+ // Free "EXPLAIN" result resource
4568+ @mysql_free_result( $this->result );
4570+ // Restore
4571 $this->last_result = $saved_last_result;
4572 $this->num_rows = $saved_num_rows;
4573 }
4574@@ -875,28 +903,28 @@
4577 /**
4578- * Get one variable from the DB - see docs for more detail
4579+ * Get one variable from the DB
4580 *
4581 * Note: To be sure that you received NULL from the DB and not "no rows" check
4582- * for {@link $num_rows}.
4583+ * for {@link $num_rows}.
4584 *
4585 * @return mixed NULL if not found, the value otherwise (which may also be NULL).
4586 */
4587 function get_var( $query = NULL, $x = 0, $y = 0, $title = '' )
4588 {
4589- // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
4590+ // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results
4591 if( $query )
4592 {
4593- $this->query($query, $title);
4594+ $this->query( $query, $title );
4595 }
4597 // Extract var out of cached results based x,y vals
4598 if( $this->last_result[$y] )
4599 {
4600- $values = array_values(get_object_vars($this->last_result[$y]));
4601+ $values = array_values( get_object_vars( $this->last_result[$y] ) );
4602 }
4604- if( isset($values[$x]) )
4605+ if( isset( $values[$x] ) )
4606 {
4607 return $values[$x];
4608 }
4609@@ -906,40 +934,40 @@
4612 /**
4613- * Get one row from the DB - see docs for more detail
4614+ * Get one row from the DB
4615 *
4616 * @return mixed
4617 */
4618 function get_row( $query = NULL, $output = OBJECT, $y = 0, $title = '' )
4619 {
4620- // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
4621+ // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results
4622 if( $query )
4623 {
4624- $this->query($query, $title);
4625+ $this->query( $query, $title );
4626 }
4628- // If the output is an object then return object using the row offset..
4629+ // If the output is an object then return object using the row offset
4630 if( $output == OBJECT )
4631 {
4632 return $this->last_result[$y]
4633 ? $this->last_result[$y]
4634 : NULL;
4635 }
4636- // If the output is an associative array then return row as such..
4637+ // If the output is an associative array then return row as such
4638 elseif( $output == ARRAY_A )
4639 {
4640 return $this->last_result[$y]
4641 ? get_object_vars( $this->last_result[$y] )
4642 : array();
4643 }
4644- // If the output is an numerical array then return row as such..
4645+ // If the output is an numerical array then return row as such
4646 elseif( $output == ARRAY_N )
4647 {
4648 return $this->last_result[$y]
4649- ? array_values( get_object_vars($this->last_result[$y]) )
4650+ ? array_values( get_object_vars( $this->last_result[$y] ) )
4651 : array();
4652 }
4653- // If invalid output type was specified..
4654+ // If invalid output type was specified
4655 else
4656 {
4657 $this->print_error('DB::get_row(string query, output type, int offset) -- Output type must be one of: OBJECT, ARRAY_A, ARRAY_N', '', false);
4658@@ -949,13 +977,12 @@
4660 /**
4661 * Function to get 1 column from the cached result set based on X index
4662- * see docs for usage and info
4663 *
4664 * @return array
4665 */
4666 function get_col( $query = NULL, $x = 0, $title = '' )
4667 {
4668- // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
4669+ // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results
4670 if( $query )
4671 {
4672 $this->query( $query, $title );
4673@@ -963,7 +990,7 @@
4675 // Extract the column values
4676 $new_array = array();
4677- for( $i = 0, $count = count($this->last_result); $i < $count; $i++ )
4678+ for( $i = 0, $count = count( $this->last_result ); $i < $count; $i++ )
4679 {
4680 $new_array[$i] = $this->get_var( NULL, $x, $i );
4681 }
4682@@ -979,7 +1006,7 @@
4683 */
4684 function get_assoc( $query = NULL, $title = '' )
4685 {
4686- // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
4687+ // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results
4688 if( $query )
4689 {
4690 $this->query( $query, $title );
4691@@ -987,7 +1014,7 @@
4693 // Extract the column values
4694 $new_array = array();
4695- for( $i = 0, $count = count($this->last_result); $i < $count; $i++ )
4696+ for( $i = 0, $count = count( $this->last_result ); $i < $count; $i++ )
4697 {
4698 $key = $this->get_var( NULL, 0, $i );
4700@@ -999,16 +1026,16 @@
4703 /**
4704- * Return the the query as a result set - see docs for more details
4705+ * Return the the query as a result set
4706 *
4707 * @return mixed
4708 */
4709 function get_results( $query = NULL, $output = OBJECT, $title = '' )
4710 {
4711- // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results..
4712+ // If there is a query then perform it if not then use cached results
4713 if( $query )
4714 {
4715- $this->query($query, $title);
4716+ $this->query( $query, $title );
4717 }
4719 // Send back array of objects. Each row is an object
4720@@ -1026,11 +1053,11 @@
4722 foreach( $this->last_result as $row )
4723 {
4724- $new_array[$i] = get_object_vars($row);
4725+ $new_array[$i] = get_object_vars( $row );
4727 if( $output == ARRAY_N )
4728 {
4729- $new_array[$i] = array_values($new_array[$i]);
4730+ $new_array[$i] = array_values( $new_array[$i] );
4731 }
4733 $i++;
4734@@ -1047,7 +1074,7 @@
4737 /**
4738- * Get a table (or "<p>No Results.</p>") for the SELECT query results.
4739+ * Get a table (or "<p>No Results.</p>") for the SELECT query results
4740 *
4741 * @return string HTML table or "No Results" if the
4742 */
4743@@ -1055,36 +1082,34 @@
4744 {
4745 $r = '';
4747- if( ! is_resource($this->result) )
4748+ if( ! is_resource( $this->result ) )
4749 {
4750 return '<p>No Results.</p>';
4751 }
4753- // Get column info:
4754+ // Get column info
4755 $col_info = array();
4756- $n = mysql_num_fields($this->result);
4757+ $n = mysql_num_fields( $this->result );
4758 $i = 0;
4759 while( $i < $n )
4760 {
4761- $col_info[$i] = mysql_fetch_field($this->result, $i);
4762+ $col_info[$i] = mysql_fetch_field( $this->result, $i );
4763 $i++;
4764 }
4766- // =====================================================
4767 // Results top rows
4768 $r .= '<table cellspacing="0" summary="Results for query"><tr>';
4769- for( $i = 0, $count = count($col_info); $i < $count; $i++ )
4770+ for( $i = 0, $count = count( $col_info ); $i < $count; $i++ )
4771 {
4772 $r .= '<th><span class="type">'.$col_info[$i]->type.' '.$col_info[$i]->max_length.'</span><br />'
4773 .$col_info[$i]->name.'</th>';
4774 }
4775 $r .= '</tr>';
4777- // ======================================================
4778 // print main results
4779 if( $this->last_result )
4780 {
4781- for( $i = 0, $n = min(count($this->last_result), $max_lines); $i < $n; $i++ )
4782+ for( $i = 0, $n = min( count( $this->last_result ), $max_lines ); $i < $n; $i++ )
4783 {
4784 $one_row = $this->get_row(NULL, ARRAY_N, $i);
4785 $r .= '<tr>';
4786@@ -1111,7 +1136,7 @@
4787 {
4788 $item = substr( $item, 0, 50 ).'...';
4789 }
4790- $r .= htmlspecialchars($item);
4791+ $r .= htmlspecialchars( $item );
4792 }
4793 $r .= '</td>';
4794 }
4795@@ -1119,14 +1144,14 @@
4796 $r .= '</tr>';
4797 }
4799- } // if last result
4800+ }
4801 else
4802 {
4803- $r .= '<tr><td colspan="'.(count($col_info)+1).'">No Results</td></tr>';
4804+ $r .= '<tr><td colspan="'.( count( $col_info )+1 ).'">No Results</td></tr>';
4805 }
4806 if( $i >= $max_lines )
4807 {
4808- $r .= '<tr><td colspan="'.(count($col_info)+1).'">Max number of dumped rows has been reached.</td></tr>';
4809+ $r .= '<tr><td colspan="'.( count( $col_info )+1 ).'">Max number of dumped rows has been reached.</td></tr>';
4810 }
4812 $r .= '</table>';
4813@@ -1137,8 +1162,7 @@
4815 /**
4816 * Format a SQL query
4817- * @static
4818- * @todo dh> Steal the code from phpMyAdmin :)
4819+ *
4820 * @param string SQL
4821 * @param boolean Format with/for HTML?
4822 */
4823@@ -1156,7 +1180,6 @@
4824 }
4826 // Split by FROM, WHERE, .. and AND, OR (if there's no comment sign before)
4827- // TODO: dh> should not wrap in comments/string literals
4828 $search = array(
4830 '~(AND |OR )~',
4831@@ -1179,6 +1202,7 @@
4832 function dump_queries( $html = true )
4833 {
4834 global $Timer;
4836 if( is_object( $Timer ) )
4837 {
4838 $time_queries = $Timer->get_duration( 'sql_queries' );
4839@@ -1191,7 +1215,7 @@
4840 $count_queries = 0;
4841 $count_rows = 0;
4843- if ( $html )
4844+ if( $html )
4845 {
4846 echo '<strong>DB queries:</strong> '.$this->num_queries."<br />\n";
4847 }
4848@@ -1201,11 +1225,12 @@
4849 }
4851 if( ! $this->log_queries )
4852- { // nothing more to do here..
4853+ {
4854+ // nothing more to do here
4855 return;
4856 }
4858- // Javascript function to toggle DIVs (EXPLAIN, results, backtraces).
4859+ // Javascript function to toggle DIVs (EXPLAIN, results, backtraces)
4860 if( $html )
4861 {
4862 echo '<script type="text/javascript">
4863@@ -1232,11 +1257,13 @@
4864 </script>';
4865 }
4869 foreach( $this->queries as $i => $query )
4870 {
4871 $count_queries++;
4873- if ( $html )
4874+ if( $html )
4875 {
4876 echo '<h4>Query #'.$count_queries.': '.$query['title']."</h4>\n";
4877 echo '<code>';
4878@@ -1270,7 +1297,7 @@
4879 }
4881 // Number of rows with time (percentage and graph, if total time available)
4882- if ( $html )
4883+ if( $html )
4884 {
4885 echo '<div class="query_info">';
4886 echo 'Rows: '.$query['rows'];
4887@@ -1289,7 +1316,8 @@
4888 echo number_format( $query['time'], 4 ).'s';
4890 if( $time_queries > 0 )
4891- { // We have a total time we can use to calculate percentage:
4892+ {
4893+ // We have a total time we can use to calculate percentage
4894 echo ' ('.number_format( 100/$time_queries * $query['time'], 2 ).'%)';
4895 }
4897@@ -1299,67 +1327,72 @@
4898 }
4900 if( $time_queries > 0 )
4901- { // We have a total time we can use to display a graph/bar:
4902+ {
4903+ // We have a total time we can use to display a graph/bar
4904 $perc = round( 100/$time_queries * $query['time'] );
4906- if ( $html )
4907+ if( $html )
4908 {
4909 echo '<div style="margin:0; padding:0; height:12px; width:'.$perc.'%;'.$style_time_graph.'"></div>';
4910 }
4911 else
4912- { // display an ASCII bar
4913+ {
4914+ // display an ASCII bar
4915 printf( "\n".'[%-50s]', str_repeat( '=', $perc / 2 ) );
4916 }
4917 }
4918 echo $html ? '</div>' : "\n\n";
4920- // Explain:
4921- if( isset($query['explain']) )
4922+ // Explain
4923+ if( isset( $query['explain'] ) )
4924 {
4925 if( $html )
4926 {
4927- $div_id = 'db_query_explain_'.$i.'_'.md5(serialize($query));
4928+ $div_id = 'db_query_explain_'.$i.'_'.md5( serialize( $query ) );
4929 echo '<div id="'.$div_id.'">';
4930 echo $query['explain'];
4931 echo '</div>';
4932 echo '<script type="text/javascript">debug_onclick_toggle_div("'.$div_id.'", "Show EXPLAIN", "Hide EXPLAIN");</script>';
4933 }
4934 else
4935- { // TODO: dh> contains html.
4936+ {
4937+ // @todo (0000) dh> contains html
4938 echo $query['explain'];
4939 }
4940 }
4942- // Results:
4943+ // Results
4944 if( $query['results'] != 'unknown' )
4945 {
4946 if( $html )
4947 {
4948- $div_id = 'db_query_results_'.$i.'_'.md5(serialize($query));
4949+ $div_id = 'db_query_results_'.$i.'_'.md5( serialize( $query ) );
4950 echo '<div id="'.$div_id.'">';
4951 echo $query['results'];
4952 echo '</div>';
4953 echo '<script type="text/javascript">debug_onclick_toggle_div("'.$div_id.'", "Show results", "Hide results");</script>';
4954 }
4955 else
4956- { // TODO: dh> contains html.
4957+ {
4958+ // @todo (0000) dh> contains html.
4959 echo $query['results'];
4960 }
4961 }
4963 // Function trace:
4964- if( isset($query['function_trace']) )
4965+ if( isset( $query['function_trace'] ) )
4966 {
4967 if( $html )
4968 {
4969- $div_id = 'db_query_backtrace_'.$i.'_'.md5(serialize($query));
4970+ $div_id = 'db_query_backtrace_'.$i.'_'.md5( serialize( $query ) );
4971 echo '<div id="'.$div_id.'">';
4972 echo $query['function_trace'];
4973 echo '</div>';
4974 echo '<script type="text/javascript">debug_onclick_toggle_div("'.$div_id.'", "Show function trace", "Hide function trace");</script>';
4975 }
4976 else
4977- { // TODO: dh> contains html.
4978+ {
4979+ // @todo (0000) dh> contains html.
4980 echo $query['function_trace'];
4981 }
4982 }
4983@@ -1376,7 +1409,7 @@
4984 $count_rows += $query['rows'];
4985 }
4987- if ( $html )
4988+ if( $html )
4989 {
4990 echo "\n<strong>Total rows:</strong> $count_rows<br />\n";
4991 }
4992@@ -1390,14 +1423,13 @@
4993 /**
4995 *
4996- * Note: By default, MySQL runs with autocommit mode enabled.
4997- * This means that as soon as you execute a statement that updates (modifies)
4998- * a table, MySQL stores the update on disk.
4999- * Once you execute a BEGIN, the updates are "pending" until you execute a
5000- * {@link DB::commit() COMMIT} or a {@link DB:rollback() ROLLBACK}
The diff has been truncated for viewing.


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