
Last commit made on 2021-05-31
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git clone -b ppa/bionic https://git.launchpad.net/~profzoom/macaulay2/+git/singular

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Recent commits

00a7c59... by Doug Torrance

debian/changelog: Update for PPA build.

23c5134... by Doug Torrance

debian/control: Add bison to Build-Depends; needed now that we are
building factory with --enable-streamio.

38e1105... by Doug Torrance

debian/control: Clean up with wrap-and-sort.

5c3ebbf... by Doug Torrance

debian/salsa-ci.yml: Add Salsa pipeline config file.

5abdd1b... by Doug Torrance

debian/rules: Build factory with --enable-streamio (Closes: #974103)

6a2b8be... by Doug Torrance

debian/patches/fix-spelling-errors.patch: Fix
spelling-error-in-binary Lintian warnings.

b395773... by Doug Torrance

debian/control: Add Rules-Requires-Root field, set to "no".

ea57d3d... by Doug Torrance

debian/control: Bump to Standards-Version 4.5.1

ef0b9eb... by Doug Torrance

debian/rules: Build with mathicgb.

2c2c50e... by Doug Torrance

debian/control: Add libmemtailor-dev, libmathic-dev, and
libmathicgb-dev to Build-Depends.