
Last commit made on 2024-11-22
Get this branch:
git clone -b debian/development https://git.launchpad.net/~profzoom/macaulay2/+git/ppa

Branch merges

Branch information


Recent commits

a3c406e... by Doug Torrance

Skip a couple failing tests

9c1ca5c... by Doug Torrance

add latest build failures

9d4dd5b... by Doug Torrance

d/p/use-cached-examples.patch: Fix missing comma

eda68a5... by Doug Torrance

Cached ThreadedGB::ThreadedGB example

ef5da7a... by Doug Torrance

Allow null entries in list of problem examples

Then we can keep trailing commas

14ba41e... by Doug Torrance

Cache SuperLinearAlgebra::superTrace example

4f51e24... by Doug Torrance

Bump to version 1.24.11-51-g3c26ddda95

a2353f2... by Doug Torrance

Merge branch 'development' of https://github.com/Macaulay2/M2 into debian/development

3c26ddd... by Mike Stillman <email address hidden>

Merge pull request #3526 from mikestillman/complexes-pr-3

Complexes pr 3

fab6794... by Mahrud Sayrafi <email address hidden>

switched to actions/checkout@v4 for the testbot

[skip ci]