
Last commit made on 2024-11-03
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git clone -b debian/latest https://git.launchpad.net/~profzoom/+git/macaulay2
Only Doug Torrance can upload to this branch. If you are Doug Torrance please log in for upload directions.

Branch merges

Branch information


Recent commits

04cce13... by Doug Torrance

d/changelog: Upload 1.24.11+ds-3 to unstable (for real this time)

81243a8... by Doug Torrance

d/s/options: Sort lines.

045c084... by Doug Torrance

d/s/options: Escape some dots.

9e5f355... by Doug Torrance

d/s/options: Ignore files generated by autogen.sh.

c0341b3... by Doug Torrance

d/changelog: Upload 1.24.11+ds-3 to unstable

5ec7dc1... by Doug Torrance

d/t/control: Add msolve to Depends for package-tests

d2c33b3... by Doug Torrance

d/changelog: Upload 1.24.11+ds-2 to unstable

Also fix a couple typos in last entry

c367ff3... by Doug Torrance

d/p/skip-failing-package-tests.patch: Skip check(1, "Depth"); failing
frequently during autopkgtest.

a95ed1e... by Doug Torrance

d/p/skip-failing-package-tests.patch: Skip check(11, "SumsOfSquares")

99aae40... by Doug Torrance

d/p/skip-failing-package-tests.patch: Skip remaining Msolve tests on