
Last commit made on 2024-11-01
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Only Doug Torrance can upload to this branch. If you are Doug Torrance please log in for upload directions.

Branch merges

Branch information


Recent commits

830ef64... by Doug Torrance

Update autogenerated doc files for 1.24.11

3b5bd82... by Doug Torrance

Update symbols for version 1.24.11

79f156e... by Doug Torrance

Bump version number to 1.24.11

837cf3d... by Doug Torrance

Remove extra ')'

7b8f139... by Doug Torrance

Fix typo in regex (missing backslash)

7ac348b... by Doug Torrance

Merge pull request #73 from d-torrance/filename-regex

Only match filenames using POSIX portable filename character set

9cab694... by Doug Torrance

Update filename-matching regular expression

In particular, compilation mode will only recognize paths containing
alphanumeric characters, "/", ".", "_", and "-" (or, as before,
paths enclosed in double quotes which will happen when they contain a
space). This should catch the vast majority of paths so we don't need
to worry about creating a specific blacklist for things like spaces,
"[", "{", "|", etc. Initial hyphens are disallowed.

Closes: #71

b71ec9f... by Doug Torrance

Exclude opening curly braces from filename regex

Closes: #71

f591294... by Doug Torrance

Call compilation-forget-errors when sending input to M2 process

This flushes compilation mode's cache so that we don't jump to the
wrong location after modifying and reloading a source file.

Closes: #65

a443b0f... by Doug Torrance

Add newline when at end of file in M2-send-to-program

This restores the original behavior of sending code to the M2 process
when the last line in the source file is nonempty.

One difference between this and the original behavior is that we do
not add a newline when the last line is empty.

Closes: #69