
Last commit made on 2014-05-02
Get this branch:
git clone -b wheezy-bpo https://git.launchpad.net/~pkg-mate-team/mate-desktop/+git/mate-notification-daemon-debpackaging

Branch merges

Branch information

Recent commits

e7baf0f... by Mike Gabriel

upload to wheezy-backports (debian/1.8.0-2~bpo70+1)

c170111... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.8.0-2)

2537962... by Mike Gabriel

man pages: Use mate-notification-properties man page as provided by upstream since 1.8.0.

72d3e13... by Mike Gabriel

debian/rules: Fix cleaning up of unwanted .la files during build.

2d571a2... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Improve LONG_DESCRIPTION of dbg:package

d908d4b... by Mike Gabriel

debian/rules: Turn on compiler commands during package build (configure option: --disable-silent-rules).

7957b98... by Mike Gabriel

debian/rules: Enable parallel builds.

e6e8d66... by Mike Gabriel

update changelog from Git history

53f9357... by Mike Gabriel

debian/copyright: Point to git.mate-desktop.org in Source: field.

ca1b57d... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.8.0-1)