
Last commit made on 2017-10-26
Get this branch:
git clone -b parrot/3.7 https://git.launchpad.net/~pkg-mate-team/mate-desktop/+git/mate-notification-daemon-debpackaging

Branch merges

Branch information

Recent commits

d2fa666... by Vangelis Mouhtsis

debian/changelog: upload to parrot/testing (parrot/1.18.1-0parrot1).

e6510fa... by Vangelis Mouhtsis

debian/patches: Drop 0001_fix_high_cpu_usage_with_large_timeouts.patch. Applied upstream.

697f32d... by Vangelis Mouhtsis

debian/chagelog: upload to parrot/testing (parrot/1.18.0-0parrot2).

a089acb... by Martin Wimpress 

debian/patches: Add 0001_fix_high_cpu_usage_with_large_timeouts.patch. (LP: #1450804)

c4d4733... by Vangelis Mouhtsis

debian/changelog: upload to parrot/testing (parrot/1.18.0-0parrot1).

ad7102a... by Vangelis Mouhtsis

debian/changelog: update debian/changelog from Git history.

247765a... by Vangelis Mouhtsis

debian/rules: Disable autoreconf, handled by autogen.sh.

f0f78d0... by Vangelis Mouhtsis

debian/changelog: update debian/changelog from Git history.

7df7ec5... by Vangelis Mouhtsis

debian/control: Bump Standards-Version: to 4.0.0. No changes needed.

f3919e4... by Vangelis Mouhtsis

debian/changelog: Convert debhelper version to (>= 10.3~).