
Last commit made on 2014-07-07
Get this branch:
git clone -b wheezy-bpo https://git.launchpad.net/~pkg-mate-team/mate-desktop/+git/mate-control-center-debpackaging

Branch merges

Branch information

Recent commits

dd8e703... by Mike Gabriel

upload to wheezy-backports (debian/1.8.1+dfsg1-4~bpo70+1)

da2f1fe... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.8.1+dfsg1-4)

9562d8e... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.8.1+dfsg1-4)


c63cd24... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Add D (mate-control-center): marco-common. (Closes: #751944).

6f6310d... by Mike Gabriel

upload to wheezy-backports (debian/1.8.1+dfsg1-3~bpo70+1)

77ab01d... by Mike Gabriel

Merge branch 'master' into wheezy-bpo

48eeeae... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.8.1+dfsg1-3)

dbda49a... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Add Breaks: field to mate-control-center-common. The package breaks mate-control-center (<< 1.8.1).

31ab9e4... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Add Breaks: field to mate-control-center-common. The package breaks mate-control-center (<< 1.8.1).

9548ac4... by Mike Gabriel

Revert "debian/control: Add Breaks: field to mate-control-center-common. The package breaks mate-control-center (<< 1.8.0+dfsg1-1)."

This reverts commit e85329394a6da07869985346225c4be6f11a9b61.