
Last commit made on 2023-07-01
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git clone -b debian/bookworm/updates https://git.launchpad.net/~pkg-mate-team/mate-desktop/+git/mate-control-center-debpackaging

Branch merges

Branch information

Recent commits

6381936... by Mike Gabriel

upload to bookworm (debian/1.26.0-2+deb12u1)

480ecab... by Mike Gabriel

debian/patches: Add various memleak fix patches (0007, 0008, 0009, 0010, 0011, 0013, 0014, 0016 and 0017). Cherry-picked from 1.26.1 upstream release. (Closes: #1040019).

ce380ef... by Martin Wimpress 

debian/patches: Add 2002-remove_obsolete_lock_button.patch (LP: #1955339)

377b525... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.26.0-2)

e03a3e1... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Bump minimal build requirement version of libmate-desktop-dev to (>= 1.25).

7533acd... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.26.0-1)

d0f9f6c... by Mike Gabriel

debian/libmate-window-settings1.symbols: Add Build-Depends-Package: meta data field for all .so files mentioned.

59cf449... by Mike Gabriel

debian/copyright: Update copyright attributions.

b130f11... by Mike Gabriel

debian/watch: Use format version 4.

f0fd3e2... by Martin Wimpress 

debian/.symbols: Dependencies updated for MATE 1.26.