
Last commit made on 2014-05-02
Get this branch:
git clone -b debian/jessie/updates https://git.launchpad.net/~pkg-mate-team/mate-desktop/+git/mate-backgrounds-debpackaging

Branch merges

Branch information

Recent commits

ea94c76... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.8.0-2)

b2c27d9... by Mike Gabriel

debian/changelog: Fix typo (opinion -> option).

da05e08... by Mike Gabriel

update changelog from Git history

b9866f7... by Mike Gabriel

debian/copyright: Point to git.mate-desktop.org in Source: field.

f28d07f... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.8.0-1)

6e0b2b3... by Mike Gabriel

update changelog from Git history

3aaeb0e... by Mike Gabriel

debian/copyright: Update copyright file after new upstream release.

0a21604... by Mike Gabriel

debian/watch: Use tagged CGit tarball snapshots as upstream source.

a931283... by Mike Gabriel

bump upstream version to 1.8.0

2caa591... by Mike Gabriel

prepare for next upstream release (1.6.2), skipping 1.6.1 due to missing autogen.sh file