
Last commit made on 2015-07-29
Get this branch:
git clone -b debian/experimental https://git.launchpad.net/~pkg-mate-team/mate-desktop/+git/mate-backgrounds-debpackaging

Branch merges

Branch information

Recent commits

eb66d4e... by Martin Wimpress 

debian/changelog: update changelog

1ceb1a7... by Martin Wimpress 

debian/rules: Add --parallel builds.

088ff84... by Martin Wimpress 

debian/control: Remove superfluous libglib2.0-dev build dependency.

eb9c996... by Mike Gabriel

upload to experimental (debian/1.10.0-1~exp1)

273ec3f... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Provide more package info in LONG_DESCRIPTION. (Sedate lintian complaining about a too-short-long-description).

42178c3... by Mike Gabriel

debian/rules: Use upstream's NEWS file as upstream ChangeLog.

75934ec... by Mike Gabriel

debian/copyright: Really mention all files. Add copyright info for desktop/Float-into-MATE.png, desktop/Stripes.png. Typo fix in filename nature/Dune.jpg.

43c7ddb... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Versioned B-D: mate-common (>= 1.10).

67df150... by Martin Wimpress 

debian/control processed with wrap-and-sort.

6484b27... by Martin Wimpress 

Whitespace cleanup.