
Last commit made on 2014-04-30
Get this branch:
git clone -b debian/jessie/updates https://git.launchpad.net/~pkg-mate-team/mate-desktop/+git/libmatekbd-debpackaging

Branch merges

Branch information


Recent commits

72d5363... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.8.0-2)

f4711ea... by Mike Gabriel

debian/copyright: Point to git.mate-desktop.org in Source: field.

b736cd0... by Mike Gabriel

debian/changelog: update from Git history

a8a3ec9... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Add Breaks:'n'Replaces: fields for previous dbg:packages.

7265b26... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Let libmatekbd4-dbg provide libmatekbd-dbg.

cf3b45b... by Mike Gabriel

upload to unstable (debian/1.8.0-1)

145f707... by Mike Gabriel

debian/changelog: update from git history

0cfc48c... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Drop B-D: dh-autoreconf.

9b54387... by Mike Gabriel

debian/copyright: Update copyright years for debian/ folder.

07ae8a2... by Mike Gabriel

debian/control: Mention libmatekbdui in bin:packages' LONG_DESCRIPTION texts.