
Created by Phil Mayers and last modified
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Phil Mayers

Recent revisions

113. By Phil Mayers <email address hidden>

forward port to trunk

112. By Jean-Paul Calderone

Fix assertions about client and server nonces

Previously, this test asserted that client_random() and server_random() returned non-identical
references. This was kind of a pointless assertion. What the methods should return is the
correct client or server nonce, whether called on the client or the server connection object.

111. By Jean-Paul Calderone

Actually add util.py :/ And move mktemp into it, and add cleanup code to tearDown

110. By Jean-Paul Calderone

Make it easier to be Python 2.3 compatible by making that the default

109. By Jean-Paul Calderone

Switch from Twisted's TestCase to the stdlib TestCase so there are fewer ways the test suite can be invoked

108. By Jean-Paul Calderone

Replace the out-dated factory function-style of extension type instantiation with instantiable type objects

107. By Jean-Paul Calderone

Change docstrings from being C programmer oriented to being Python programmer oriented

106. By Jean-Paul Calderone

Correctly handle extension initialization errors

105. By Jean-Paul Calderone

Credit where credit is due - Rick Dean wrote at least half of this stuff

104. By Jean-Paul Calderone

Add support for in-memory BIOs

OpenSSL.SSL.Connection now accepts None as the value for the socket/file object to
run over. In this case, it creates an in-memory buffer to use for reading and writing
instead. Connection objects also have several new methods; some for interacting with
this in-memory buffer, and others for inspecting the state of the SSL handshake (in
particular, for extracting the master, client, and session keys).

A bug in the crypto tests which caused them to fail on Windows has also been fixed.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
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