
Created by Fabien Meghazi (OpenERP) and last modified
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OpenERP Core Team

Recent revisions

4998. By Fabien Meghazi (OpenERP)

[IMP] use AccessError for acl checks

4997. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

4996. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

4995. By Martin Trigaux (OpenERP)

[FIX] company: add missing on_change for font selection

4994. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] bunch of broken stuff over http requests in new routing thing

* make ModelConverter use its regex for data extraction so
  replacements can just fixup the request and don't have to mess with

* replace routing_map property by method, for unknown reasons the
  property does not work at least overridden (it's not found) and I
  don't care enough to wonder why

* arguments result from MapAdapter.match() is a mapping, not a
  sequence. Iterate through values()/itervalues() otherwise we'll
  never get a browse_record to do the uid substitution on, only
  strings (params names)

* inject arguments from URL map/match into the function before
  executing it, this was apparently lost during the transition

* reintroduce get_db_router for third-party code needing to generate

4993. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[IMP] new routing thing

* fix nameerror on SessionExpired exception not being imported
* remove pointless RequestUID instantiation by single placeholder object
  - may be replaceable with a LocalProxy or something along those lines?
* rename default/nodb routing map
* make better use of werkzeug API
* move lazy routing_map instantiation to property in ir_http.find_handler
  - do we have some sort of lazy_property?

4992. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

4991. By Antony Lesuisse (OpenERP)

[IMP] http move db dispatching to AbstractModel ir.http

Allow module to override the http dispatching process:
- The default implementation uses werkzeug.routing but any other method could
  be used, it'a also possible to pre/postprocess (i.e. url aliases)
- Authentication (auth param on route) is plugggable by defining now
- Error handler are overridable, any module can define a new exception and
  handle it by orverriding the _handle_<error_code> method.
- Add model converters for routes, to directly get the browse record example
  @route(['/job/detail/<model("hr.job"):job>'], type='http', auth="user")

This is done by splitting dispatching, when the db is unknown low level http.py
dispatching is used, it's only used by a few controller in base and web. When
the db is known, ir_http is used because it's a regular Model it is fully
overridable by openerp modules.

4990. By Stephane Wirtel (OpenERP)

[FIX] test_mail: Rewrite the XSS test

4989. By Quentin (OpenERP) <email address hidden>

[IMP] base, currency: second attempt to include this patch (previously added in revision 4982 then reverted in revision 4984 because of a bug in the server that was making an infinite loop -which has been fixed in previous revision-). Updated the type of name field of res.currency.rate in <datetime> instead of <date> for those who need to update the rate of currencies several times per day

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