This branch contains several modules containing official nomenclatures as part of the localization of OpenERP.
It is targeted to the stable OpenERP release 6.0.
New nomenclature modules should be pushed to lp:openerp-nomenclatures first, and only be ported back here when they are stable.
Supported nomenclatures
NACE (European Union)
The module l10n_eu_nace imports the NACE classification as partner categories. The NACE gives a common referential for demographics in the European Union.
NAF, with support for APE code (France)
The NAF is an extension to the European Union's NACE nomenclature.
The module l10n_fr_naf_ape imports the French NAF (nomenclature of activities) as partner categories, and adds a new o2m category field for the official APE (company's main activity) among the NAF nomenclature.
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:~openerp-expert-localization/openerp-nomenclatures/6.0
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 7. By Numerigraphe - Lionel Sausin <email address hidden>
[FIX] l10n_eu_nace used country codes instead of language codes in translations
- 6. By Numerigraphe - Lionel Sausin <email address hidden>
[IMP] l10n_eu_nace: generate .pot file along with translations
- 4. By Numerigraphe - Lionel Sausin <email address hidden>
[IMP] l10n_eu_nace: let users search for NACE codes ommiting the "."
- 3. By Numerigraphe - Lionel Sausin <email address hidden>
[REF] add a hint to a server branch containing a usefull feature in l10n_fr_ape_naf
- 2. By Numerigraphe - Lionel Sausin <email address hidden>
[ADD] l10n_fr_naf_ape: add French official NAF partner categories and APE activity
- 1. By Numerigraphe - Lionel Sausin <email address hidden>
[ADD] l10n_eu_nace: add European Union statistical partner categories
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)