Merge lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/7.0-opw-589931-rgo into lp:openobject-addons

Proposed by Lithin T
Status: Rejected
Rejected by: Naresh(OpenERP)
Proposed branch: lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/7.0-opw-589931-rgo
Merge into: lp:openobject-addons
Diff against target: 208 lines (+177/-0) (has conflicts)
1 file modified
audittrail/ (+177/-0)
Text conflict in audittrail/
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/7.0-opw-589931-rgo
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Lithin T (community) Disapprove
Review via email:

Commit message

This fix is not traking when we deleting the records. So it should not be merged to the branch

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Revision history for this message
Lithin T (lithint-mail) :
review: Disapprove
Revision history for this message
Naresh(OpenERP) (nch-openerp) wrote :

Hello Lithin,

Please don't propose a merge proposal to its opposite source version. Here you proposed this to trunk source while it was intended for stable 7.0. Infact already a merge proposal was available for stable 7.0 so there was no need to do this extra work.

Please keep this note for future reference. It will save time for all of us.


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1=== modified file 'audittrail/'
2--- audittrail/ 2013-03-29 14:37:20 +0000
3+++ audittrail/ 2013-10-16 08:27:50 +0000
4@@ -284,6 +284,7 @@
5 res_ids = []
6 if args:
7 res_ids = args[0]
8+<<<<<<< TREE
9 if isinstance(res_ids, (long, int)):
10 res_ids = [res_ids]
11 if res_ids:
12@@ -305,6 +306,88 @@
13 This function simply read all the fields of the given res_ids, and also recurisvely on
14 all records of a x2m fields read that need to be logged. Then it returns the result in
15 convenient structure that will be used as comparison basis.
17+ old_values = self.get_data(cr, uid_orig, pool, res_ids, model, method)
18+ res = fct_src(cr, uid_orig, model.model, method, *args, **kw)
19+ else: # method is write, action or workflow action
20+ res_ids = []
21+ if args:
22+ res_ids = args[0]
23+ if isinstance(res_ids, (long, int)):
24+ res_ids = [res_ids]
25+ if res_ids:
26+ # store the old values into a dictionary
27+ old_values = self.get_data(cr, uid_orig, pool, res_ids, model, method)
28+ # process the original function, workflow trigger...
29+ res = fct_src(cr, uid_orig, model.model, method, *args, **kw)
30+ if method == 'copy':
31+ res_ids = [res]
32+ if res_ids:
33+ # check the new values and store them into a dictionary
34+ new_values = self.get_data(cr, uid_orig, pool, res_ids, model, method)
35+ # compare the old and new values and create audittrail log if needed
36+ self.process_data(cr, uid_orig, pool, res_ids, model, method, old_values, new_values, field_list)
37+ return res
39+ def get_data(self, cr, uid, pool, res_ids, model, method):
40+ """
41+ This function simply read all the fields of the given res_ids, and also recurisvely on
42+ all records of a x2m fields read that need to be logged. Then it returns the result in
43+ convenient structure that will be used as comparison basis.
45+ :param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
46+ :param uid: the current user’s ID. This parameter is currently not used as every
47+ operation to get data is made as super admin. Though, it could be usefull later.
48+ :param pool: current db's pooler object.
49+ :param res_ids: Id's of resource to be logged/compared.
50+ :param model: Object whose values are being changed
51+ :param method: method to log: create, read, unlink, write, actions, workflow actions
52+ :return: dict mapping a tuple (model_id, resource_id) with its value and textual value
53+ { (model_id, resource_id): { 'value': ...
54+ 'textual_value': ...
55+ },
56+ }
57+ """
58+ data = {}
59+ resource_pool = pool.get(model.model)
60+ # read all the fields of the given resources in super admin mode
61+ for resource in, SUPERUSER_ID, res_ids):
62+ values = {}
63+ values_text = {}
64+ resource_id = resource['id']
65+ # loop on each field on the res_ids we just have read
66+ for field in resource:
67+ if field in ('__last_update', 'id') or not resource_pool._all_columns.get(field):
68+ continue
69+ values[field] = resource[field]
70+ # get the textual value of that field for this record
71+ values_text[field] = self.get_value_text(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, pool, resource_pool, method, field, resource[field])
73+ field_obj = resource_pool._all_columns.get(field).column
74+ if field_obj._type in ('one2many','many2many'):
75+ # check if an audittrail rule apply in super admin mode
76+ if self.check_rules(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, field_obj._obj, method):
77+ # check if the model associated to a *2m field exists, in super admin mode
78+ x2m_model_ids = pool.get('ir.model').search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('model', '=', field_obj._obj)])
79+ x2m_model_id = x2m_model_ids and x2m_model_ids[0] or False
80+ assert x2m_model_id, _("'%s' Model does not exist..." %(field_obj._obj))
81+ x2m_model = pool.get('ir.model').browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, x2m_model_id)
82+ field_resource_ids = list(set(resource[field]))
83+ if model.model == x2m_model.model:
84+ # we need to remove current resource_id from the many2many to prevent an infinit loop
85+ if resource_id in field_resource_ids:
86+ field_resource_ids.remove(resource_id)
87+ data.update(self.get_data(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, pool, field_resource_ids, x2m_model, method))
89+ data[(, resource_id)] = {'text':values_text, 'value': values}
90+ return data
92+ def prepare_audittrail_log_line(self, cr, uid, pool, model, resource_id, method, old_values, new_values, field_list=None):
93+ """
94+ This function compares the old data (i.e before the method was executed) and the new data
95+ (after the method was executed) and returns a structure with all the needed information to
96+ log those differences.
97+>>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE
99 :param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
100 :param uid: the current user’s ID. This parameter is currently not used as every
101@@ -346,6 +429,7 @@
102 field_resource_ids = list(set(resource[field]))
103 if model.model == x2m_model.model:
104 # we need to remove current resource_id from the many2many to prevent an infinit loop
105+<<<<<<< TREE
106 if resource_id in field_resource_ids:
107 field_resource_ids.remove(resource_id)
108 data.update(get_data(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, pool, field_resource_ids, x2m_model, method))
109@@ -502,6 +586,99 @@
110 return True
111 elif method not in ('default_get','read','fields_view_get','fields_get','search','search_count','name_search','name_get','get','request_get', 'get_sc', 'unlink', 'write', 'create', 'read_group', 'import_data'):
112 if rule['log_action']:
114+ if resource_id in res_ids:
115+ res_ids.remove(resource_id)
116+ for res_id in res_ids:
117+ lines.update(self.prepare_audittrail_log_line(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, pool, x2m_model, res_id, method, old_values, new_values, field_list))
118+ # if the value value is different than the old value: record the change
119+ if key not in old_values or key not in new_values or old_values[key]['value'][field_name] != new_values[key]['value'][field_name]:
120+ data = {
121+ 'name': field_name,
122+ 'new_value': key in new_values and new_values[key]['value'].get(field_name),
123+ 'old_value': key in old_values and old_values[key]['value'].get(field_name),
124+ 'new_value_text': key in new_values and new_values[key]['text'].get(field_name),
125+ 'old_value_text': key in old_values and old_values[key]['text'].get(field_name)
126+ }
127+ lines[key].append(data)
128+ return lines
130+ def process_data(self, cr, uid, pool, res_ids, model, method, old_values=None, new_values=None, field_list=None):
131+ """
132+ This function processes and iterates recursively to log the difference between the old
133+ data (i.e before the method was executed) and the new data and creates audittrail log
134+ accordingly.
136+ :param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
137+ :param uid: the current user’s ID,
138+ :param pool: current db's pooler object.
139+ :param res_ids: Id's of resource to be logged/compared.
140+ :param model: model object which values are being changed
141+ :param method: method to log: create, read, unlink, write, actions, workflow actions
142+ :param old_values: dict of values read before execution of the method
143+ :param new_values: dict of values read after execution of the method
144+ :param field_list: optional argument containing the list of fields to log. Currently only
145+ used when performing a read, it could be usefull later on if we want to log the write
146+ on specific fields only.
147+ :return: True
148+ """
149+ if field_list is None:
150+ field_list = []
151+ # loop on all the given ids
152+ for res_id in res_ids:
153+ # compare old and new values and get audittrail log lines accordingly
154+ lines = self.prepare_audittrail_log_line(cr, uid, pool, model, res_id, method, old_values, new_values, field_list)
156+ # if at least one modification has been found
157+ for model_id, resource_id in lines:
158+ current_model = pool.get('ir.model').browse(cr, uid, model_id).model
159+ if method == 'unlink':
160+ name = old_values[(model_id, resource_id)]['text'].get(pool.get(current_model)._rec_name)
161+ else:
162+ name = pool.get(current_model).name_get(cr, uid, [resource_id])[0][1]
163+ vals = {
164+ 'method': method,
165+ 'object_id': model_id,
166+ 'user_id': uid,
167+ 'res_id': resource_id,
168+ 'name': name,
169+ }
170+ if (model_id, resource_id) not in old_values and method not in ('copy', 'read'):
171+ # the resource was not existing so we are forcing the method to 'create'
172+ # (because it could also come with the value 'write' if we are creating
173+ # new record through a one2many field)
174+ vals.update({'method': 'create'})
175+ if (model_id, resource_id) not in new_values and method not in ('copy', 'read'):
176+ # the resource is not existing anymore so we are forcing the method to 'unlink'
177+ # (because it could also come with the value 'write' if we are deleting the
178+ # record through a one2many field)
179+ vals.update({'method': 'unlink'})
180+ # create the audittrail log in super admin mode, only if a change has been detected
181+ if lines[(model_id, resource_id)]:
182+ log_id = pool.get('audittrail.log').create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, vals)
183+ model = pool.get('ir.model').browse(cr, uid, model_id)
184+ self.create_log_line(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, log_id, model, lines[(model_id, resource_id)])
185+ return True
187+ def check_rules(self, cr, uid, model, method):
188+ """
189+ Checks if auditrails is installed for that db and then if one rule match
190+ @param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
191+ @param uid: the current user’s ID,
192+ @param model: value of _name of the object which values are being changed
193+ @param method: method to log: create, read, unlink,write,actions,workflow actions
194+ @return: True or False
195+ """
196+ pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
197+ if 'audittrail.rule' in pool.models:
198+ model_ids = pool.get('ir.model').search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('model', '=', model)])
199+ model_id = model_ids and model_ids[0] or False
200+ if model_id:
201+ rule_ids = pool.get('audittrail.rule').search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('object_id', '=', model_id), ('state', '=', 'subscribed')])
202+ for rule in pool.get('audittrail.rule').read(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, rule_ids, ['user_id','log_read','log_write','log_create','log_unlink','log_action','log_workflow']):
203+ if len(rule['user_id']) == 0 or uid in rule['user_id']:
204+ if rule.get('log_'+method,0):
205+>>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE
206 return True
208 # Replace the openerp.service.model functions.


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