
Created by Anand Dharampuriya(OpenERP) and last modified
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OpenERP R&D Team

Recent revisions

10017. By Anand Dharampuriya(OpenERP)

[FIX] Mail: Solve how to restrict user to delete existing groups Whole Company, Company Jobs and Company News

10016. By Anand Dharampuriya(OpenERP)

[FIX] Mail: Administrator shows twice when you creates a leads where customer and salesperson is administrator and send a message where admin is not in followers list

10015. By Anand Dharampuriya(OpenERP)

Solved while change department of an employee department_id not change.

10014. By Denis Ledoux (OpenERP)

[FIX] sale_stock: recreate delivery order generates only the remaining products to deliver

Like it should do, the feature was broken
Moreover, it resolves a performance issue (do with 100 lines took up to 10 minutes)

10013. By Martin Trigaux (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [FIX] stock: add product_lot group on Traceability group as some parts of this group are restricted to this group and you can have production_lot without tracking_lot, courtesy of Mohammad Alhashash

10012. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

10011. By Martin Trigaux (OpenERP)

[FIX] stock: pass the geven limit attribute in read_group call, courtesy of Guewen Baconnier

10010. By Martin Trigaux (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [FIX] stock: fix error when executing a read_group on stock.picking.in and out, courtesy of Yannick Vaucher (Camptocamp)

10009. By Denis Ledoux (OpenERP)

[FIX] hr_timesheet_sheet: allow writing attendance line not according to the date order, and check that the attendances satisfy the alternance constraint, even for delete operations

10008. By Martin Trigaux (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [FIX] account_voucher: in recompute_voucher_lines, ensure the price value is not modified when computing the writeoff_amount.

Using the remaining amount for writeoff does not make sense as the amount is already in credit or debit lines.
This issue could be observed in the payment wizard where the execution of _compute_writeoff_amount (through onchange) would be a negative value at the first execution.

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