
Last commit made on 2019-09-30
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Recent commits

2d6054b... by Dan Watkins

curthooks: use correct grub-efi package name on i386

i.e. grub-efi-ia32 instead of grub-efi-i386.

LP: #1845914

2d059d1... by Paride Legovini

vmtests: use file locking on the images

This change implements a file locking mechanism in the
jenkins-runner and vmtest-sync-images scripts.

The vmtest-sync-images script requires two exclusive locks
to start updating the images: a lock on IMAGE_DIR and a
lock on a lockfile. The script will wait to get both locks
locks before actually updating the images.

The jenkins-runner script does the following:

 (1) set a shared lock on IMAGE_DIR
 (2) set a shared lock on the lockfile
 (3) release the lock on IMAGE_DIR
 (4) run the vmtests
 (5) exit (releasing the lock on the lockfile)

The jenkins-runner does not hold a lock on IMAGE_DIR while
running, allowing vmtest-sync-images to set a lock there,
prevending further jenkins-runners from running the vmtests
while the images are being updated. In other words
vmtest-sync-images can "book" the images for the next
available slot.

Steps (1) and (3) can be skipped by passing the
--skip-images-dirlock option to jenkins-runner. In this way
jenkins-runner has precedence over vmtest-sync-images. This
is useful when it should run ASAP, for example in CI runs.

6f8ed52... by Paride Legovini

vmtest: enable arm64

 * Call qemu with the correct -machine/-cpu options
 * Default to UEFI boot
 * Boot the Ubuntu "ga" arm64 kernel
 * Disable the unsupported configurations (e.g. CentOS tests)

vmtest: bump the VM memory for Cosmic to 2GB

112b024... by Paride Legovini

Make the vmtests/test_basic test suite run on ppc64el

 - On ppc64el inject a PReP partition to the storage configuration
 - Expect a GPT partition table and not a DOS one on ppc64el
 - Skip XenialGAi386TestBasic if target_arch != amd64
 - Skip XenialGAi386TestZfsRoot if target_arch != amd64
 - Skip XenialGAi386TestZfsRootFsType if target_arch != amd64
 - Skip test_partition_is_zero on ppc64el (LP: #1843288)
 - Skip all the CentOS tests if target_arch = ppc64el

692baee... by Paride Legovini

vmtests: separate arch and target_arch in tests

In tests 'arch' is now the arch of the host system, while target_arch
is the architecture the test targets. By default target_arch = arch.

Modify find_arches() to return all the target arches which not excluded
with arch_skip.

17b516a... by Paride Legovini

vmtests: new decorator: skip_if_arch

Introduce the skip_in_arch decorator. It looks a lot like skip_if_flag,
but would compares the 'arch' attr to the passed in value.

8c65c57... by Ryan Harper

vmtests: increase the VM memory for Bionic

Bionic instances are now OOM'ing due to memory
footprint increase from snapd/lxd/updates

f7bac62... by Ryan Harper

vmtests: Skip Eoan ZFS Root tests until bug fix is complete

Eoan zfsutils-linux package has issues with importing a recently
used rpool. This is broken in Eoan but not in Disco or older.

65d38cb... by Dan Watkins

Merge branch 'fix_merge_conflicts'

This is required because master and the ubuntu/* branches now conflict
on merge, due to different Depends lines for probert. This commit being
present in master and in each of the packaging branches gives git enough
information to not conflict.

c13412d... by Dimitri John Ledkov

d/control: update Depends for new probert package names

Matching commit to curtin for