FAILED: Continuous integration, rev:8a0521081e045944233b49eca1b9fc09cffb033e No commit message was specified in the merge proposal. Click on the following link and set the commit message (if you want a jenkins rebuild you need to trigger it yourself): Executed test runs: SUCCESS: Checkout SUCCESS: Unit & Style Tests SUCCESS: Ubuntu LTS: Build SUCCESS: Ubuntu LTS: Integration IN_PROGRESS: Declarative: Post Actions
Click here to trigger a rebuild:
« Back to merge proposal
FAILED: Continuous integration, rev:8a0521081e0 45944233b49eca1 b9fc09cffb033e /code.launchpad .net/~daniel- thewatkins/ cloud-init/ +git/cloud- init/+merge/ 364099/ +edit-commit- message
No commit message was specified in the merge proposal. Click on the following link and set the commit message (if you want a jenkins rebuild you need to trigger it yourself):
https:/ /jenkins. ubuntu. com/server/ job/cloud- init-ci/ 618/
Executed test runs:
SUCCESS: Checkout
SUCCESS: Unit & Style Tests
SUCCESS: Ubuntu LTS: Build
SUCCESS: Ubuntu LTS: Integration
IN_PROGRESS: Declarative: Post Actions
Click here to trigger a rebuild: /jenkins. ubuntu. com/server/ job/cloud- init-ci/ 618/rebuild