- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:~ninzo/+junk/zubleq_base_01
Branch information
- Owner:
- Bob Dinitto
- Status:
- Experimental
Recent revisions
- 157. By Bob Dinitto
A cornucopia of updates: Added ZubBot QML type for running unit-test background processes under zub scripting host, needed to test ZSettings update notifications for external process events. Upgraded Qt version to 5.13.1. Added help text to zub help message. Added zub -l option to list zub scripts on ZUB_PATH. Added zub -h option to print help message. Added envClear(), envGetList(), envSetValue(name, value), envGetValue(name) envValueExists(
name) methods to ZProcess type for controlling background process environment. Added ZioDevice: :writeString( ) and ZioDevice: :writeBytes( ) methods for transmitting data to background process with ZProcess QML type. Fixed data transfer bug in ZblApp::alert() method. ZScriptThread class will stringify JSON in compact mode to to simplify RPC packet parser. Updated qml documentation table of contents, fixed doc formatting bugs introduced by qdoc upgrade. Enabled all extensions for QJSEngine instances to integrate background script threads with Zuble/Qt logging system. Refactoring logging system back end to support extensible output modules (work in progress). - 156. By Bob Dinitto
Added zub subproject to create a zuble-based QML console application for testing Zuble QML extension plugins. zub uses the QQmlApplication
Engine class to host a non-GUI QML scripting environment that features the Zuble core plugin. Added ZblApp::exit() signal, ZblApp::quit() and ZblApp::exitApp() slots to allow Zuble applications to exit background threads and the main application event loop. Added ZProcess class to allow Zuble applications to spawn OS processes. Added ZByteArray: :getString( ) method to allow conversion from byte array to string. Added copyright and license notice to Zuble documentation. Added ZblApp::readLine() and ZblApp::printErr() methods, modified ZblApp::print() method to allow console-based input/output. - 155. By Bob Dinitto
SettingsView.qml is now a rectangle inside a workpad, not a workpad itself. Added newThread() function to ZblApp class so background threads can create threads. Added unit test harness and test cases for ZScriptThread and ZSettings. Changed name of 'signal' signal to 'alert' in ZblApp, ZScriptThread, and ZScriptWorker; Now converts data to/from JSON. Thread synchronization: Added "ready" property to ZScriptThread to integrate with ZAndGate; ZScriptThread ready property is predicated on QThread::started signal; Made ZAndGate capable of monitoring objects in different threads; Added ability to specify signal name to ZAndGate insertProperty method; ZScriptThread alert signal now has queued and blocking queued connection modes.
- 154. By Bob Dinitto
Modularizing logger backend. Refactoring, creating interfaces for log output modules and a new class ZblLogAgent to replace ZblLogWorker as the new modular backend. This work is ongoing. QSettings deletes/re-creates files to modify settings causing QFileSystemWatcher to stop watching settings files. ZFileSystemWatcher was modified to overcome this problem.
- 153. By Bob Dinitto
Provided more detailed documentation on specifying style properties and a warning on app settings metafile design. Upgraded Qt to 5.12.0 build to overcome qmlc file problem.
- 152. By Bob Dinitto
Paginated Zuble overview documentation. Added block diagram for Zuble logging system. Added a page header to C++ doxygen documents to put links to QML API documents on each C++ API documentation page.
- 150. By Bob Dinitto
Updated Figure 1 to include QML applications. Added doc/images files to source control.
- 148. By Bob Dinitto
Added more documentation of the core plugin, Zuble file formats, and the style system. Documented properties and methods of several QML stack objects. Documentation work is ongoing. Updated zblconfig.xsd to update controller and control module elements. Fixed a bug in XML validator tool not reporting nonexistent file errors to user.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)