Hi! I made some changes and in the case: + textbox_text=self.textbox.get_text() + self.chooser.set_current_name(os.path.basename(textbox_text)) + self.chooser.set_current_folder(os.path.dirname(textbox_text)) You are missing spaces around '=' (It should be an error from pylint or PEP8) The same thing in + GLADE_FILE = os.path.join(current_rep, "taskbrowser.glade") + MODIFYTAGS_GLADE_FILE= os.path.join(current_rep, "modifytags_dialog.glade") + TAGEDITOR_GLADE_FILE = os.path.join(current_rep, "tageditor.glade") I checked and lint and pep8 didnot give any error when I removed spaces between operator and the operands and also, in case of unused variables. I have simply commented them. Nimit Shah, B Tech 3rd year, Computer Engineering Department, SVNIT Surat Secretary ACM-NIT Surat www.dude-says.blogspot.com On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 6:23 PM, Izidor MatuĊĦov