
Last commit made on 2021-01-15
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Recent commits

1977cb3... by Igor Korsukov <email address hidden>

added windows portable app sign on CI

8aad3dc... by Roman Pudashkin <email address hidden>

added previousSource to the score metadata for saving backward compatibility with

6cbe355... by Roman Pudashkin <email address hidden>

implemented the option for updating source in the given score

4ec79b5... by pereverzev_v <email address hidden>

Improved a recognition of instruments from old/corrupted scores

85141a7... by pereverzev_v <email address hidden>

if in musixml is not defined instrument-sound, that try to find an instrument template by track name and midi program

dbf03c6... by Igor Korsukov <email address hidden>

try fix windows msi sign

269baf7... by pereverzev_v <email address hidden>

Fixed an applying of Leland.mss and Edwin.mss

77ee525... by Igor Korsukov <email address hidden>

fixed crash with call firstMeasure

1f47094... by pereverzev_v <email address hidden>

Updated a link color in "migration" dialog

3f064c5... by Joachim Schmitz <email address hidden>

Update latest string changes/additions from instruments.txml and orders.xml