
Last commit made on 2016-10-03
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6347ed6... by lasconic

change version to

536e6ad... by Andy Nichols

Fix rendering of non-square icons on hidpi displays

Due to some questionable logic in Qt regarding the drawing of SVG based
QIcons, we can take advantage of the custom icon engine in MuseScore to
make sure that SVG icons are always rendered to the size requested.

The problem was when we request a non-square icon to be drawn, and the
size needs to be adjusted to maintain aspect ratio, and the screen
displaying the icon has a devicePixelRatio != 1, then the QPixmap
storing the QIcon will have it's devicePixelRatio set to a non-integer
value which is known (and expected) to have rendering artifacts. By
always returning the requested size of pixmap for an icon, the device
pixel ratio of the pixmap will be the same of the screen the window is

2570488... by lasconic

fix #127076: Store QColor as String in preferences file

3c7a69d... by lasconic

update languages

f7363b0... by lasconic

prepare version 2.0.3

bb8c9ff... by shoogle <email address hidden>

Improve AppImages including fix #104106 use system font settings

b2e7873... by Marc Sabatella

fix #84876: extend selection to left with last measure selected

ea71b87... by akhisud <email address hidden>

fix #100791 - call fixTicks when Tempotext is being changed

Change fix- tempo text and inspector changes

Delete line

a7e5fdc... by lasconic

Merge pull request #2516 from Jojo-Schmitz/cresc-line-2.0.3

fix #10421: hack to recover crescendo lines after save with pre 2.0.3

8ab0a85... by Joachim Schmitz <email address hidden>

fix #10421: hack to recover crescendo lines after save with pre 2.0.3

best to be applied to 2.0.3 only, hence submitted agains that.