
Last commit made on 2024-11-18
Get this branch:
git clone -b ubuntu/noble-devel https://git.launchpad.net/~mschiu77/ubuntu/+source/alsa-ucm-conf
Only Chris Chiu can upload to this branch. If you are Chris Chiu please log in for upload directions.

Branch merges

Branch information


Recent commits

2503c3c... by Chris Chiu

1.2.10-1ubuntu5.3 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

a72feeb... by Chris Chiu

1.2.10-1ubuntu5.2 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

34ff806... by Chris Chiu

1.2.10-1ubuntu5.1 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

5d58b19... by Julian Andres Klode

1.2.10-1ubuntu5 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

d450035... by Steve Langasek

1.2.10-1ubuntu4 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

b9ff197... by ethan.hsieh

changelog for 1.2.10-1ubuntu3

b1b9d7c... by ethan.hsieh

  * Dropped changes:
    - d/p/0001-Add-initial-support-for-MediaTek-mt8390-evk-and-mt83.patch
      - replace it with patches accepted by upstream
  * Added changes:
    - d/p/0001-ucm2-MediaTek-mt8390-evk-Add-alsa-ucm-support.patch
    - d/p/0002-ucm2-MediaTek-mt8395-evk-Add-alsa-ucm-support.patch
    - d/p/0003-ucm2-MediaTek-mt8370-evk-Add-alsa-ucm-support.patch
    - d/p/0001-ucm2-conf.d-mt8370-evk-Fix-the-type-of-mt8370-evk.co.patch
    - d/p/0001-ucm-MediaTek-mt8395-evk-Add-HDMIRX-config.patch
      - add supports for MediaTek mt8390-evk, mt8395-evk, and mt8370-evk.
      - fix a file type issue on the mt8370-evk config
      - add mt8395 HDMI RX support
        (LP: #2051199)

7988b7d... by Zhaoxuan Zhai

1.2.10-1ubuntu2 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

db64b2e... by Christian Ehrhardt

changelog: 1.2.10-1ubuntu1 merge and LP: #2042902 fix

Signed-off-by: Christian Ehrhardt <email address hidden>

5239251... by Christian Ehrhardt

added headers and background info to d/p/0001-Add-initial-support-for-MediaTek-mt8390-evk-and-mt83.patch

Signed-off-by: Christian Ehrhardt <email address hidden>