
Last commit made on 2023-12-12
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git clone -b wayland https://git.launchpad.net/~mozilla-snaps/firefox-snap/+git/firefox-snap

Branch merges

Branch information

Recent commits

611489e... by Amin Bandali

Don't default to XWayland

88aecbf... by Amin Bandali

Bump version to the latest release candidate (121.0-1)

6790ed7... by Amin Bandali

Merge pull request #39 from seb128/stable-midi-support

Use alsa plug to interact with MIDI devices

d75d6c0... by GitHub Actions <email address hidden>

Bump version to the latest release candidate (120.0.1-1).

4b48f29... by Sebastien Bacher

Use alsa plug to interact with MIDI devices

Firefox implementation of WebMIDI API requires ALSA in order to interact
with MIDI devices.

Thanks Nikolaos for working on those changes

0e3852b... by GitHub Actions <email address hidden>

Bump version to the latest release candidate (120.0-2).

22c35c6... by Amin Bandali

Bump version to the latest release candidate (120.0-1)

5a1a5a1... by Amin Bandali

Add patches/armhf-thin-lto.patch

9435a0d... by Amin Bandali

Apply mozilla-reduce-rust-debuginfo.patch on armhf as well

9fc8dec... by Alexandre <alexandre@serveur>

Bug 1860702 - Use LLD and no LTO=cross