Publishing details


pidgin (1:2.10.6-0ubuntu1+pidgin1.11.04) natty; urgency=low

  * Build 2.10.6 for the Pidgin PPA
    - debian/control
      + Set Maintainer to Richard Laager <email address hidden>
      + Point Vcs-Git & Vcs-Browser to github
      + Allow libgstfarsight0.10-dev as an alternative to libfarstream-0.1-dev
      + Relax the network-manager-dev Build-Dep back to >= 0.5.0
      + Remove the Conflicts: network-manager (<< 0.9.0)
 -- Richard Laager <email address hidden>   Thu, 12 Jul 2012 19:38:45 -0500

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files