Merge lp:~midori/midori/webkitdom into lp:midori

Proposed by Cris Dywan
Status: Work in progress
Proposed branch: lp:~midori/midori/webkitdom
Merge into: lp:midori
Diff against target: 312 lines (+208/-23)
4 files modified
midori/midori-tab.vala (+182/-1)
midori/midori-view.c (+0/-22)
midori/webkitgtk-3.0.vapi (+1/-0)
tests/tab.vala (+25/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~midori/midori/webkitdom
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Midori Devs Pending
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Unmerged revisions

6171. By Cris Dywan

Port link hints to DOM code in Midori.Tab

6170. By Cris Dywan

Rework inline find with custom CSS styling

Preview Diff

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1=== modified file 'midori/midori-tab.vala'
2--- midori/midori-tab.vala 2013-06-21 23:23:12 +0000
3+++ midori/midori-tab.vala 2013-07-15 22:57:23 +0000
4@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
6 public class Tab : Gtk.VBox {
7 public WebKit.WebView web_view { get; private set; }
8+ int find_links;
9+ private string css_class_match;
10+ private string css_class_found;
11+ private string css_class_hint;
12+ private string css_class_key;
15 public Granite.Widgets.NavigationBox navigation_box { get; private set; }
16@@ -105,6 +110,11 @@
17 web_view = new WebKit.WebView ();
18 /* Load something to avoid a bug where WebKit might not set a main frame */
19 web_view.load_uri ("");
20+ css_class_match = "midori" + Checksum.compute_for_string (ChecksumType.MD5, "search-match");
21+ css_class_found = "midori" + Checksum.compute_for_string (ChecksumType.MD5, "search-found");
22+ css_class_hint = "midori" + Checksum.compute_for_string (ChecksumType.MD5, "search-hint");
23+ css_class_key = "midori" + Checksum.compute_for_string (ChecksumType.MD5, "search-key");
24+ setup_styles ();
25 }
27 public void inject_stylesheet (string stylesheet) {
28@@ -222,9 +232,115 @@
30 public void unmark_text_matches () {
31 #if !HAVE_WEBKIT2
32+#if HAVE_DOM
33+ var dom = web_view.get_dom_document ();
34+ var nodes = dom.get_elements_by_class_name (css_class_match);
35+ for (ulong i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
36+ var node = nodes.item (i);
37+ var parent = node.parent_node;
38+ string inner_html;
39+ parent.get ("inner-html", out inner_html);
40+ var text_node = dom.create_text_node (node.text_content);
41+ parent.replace_child (text_node, node);
42+ parent.normalize ();
43+ string after;
44+ parent.get ("inner-html", out after);
45+ stdout.printf ("unmark before: %s\nafter: %s\n", inner_html, after);
46+ }
48+ /* FIXME There shouldn't be any remnants left */
49+ nodes = dom.get_elements_by_class_name (css_class_match);
50+ if (nodes.length != 0) {
51+ for (ulong i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
52+ var node = nodes.item (i);
53+ string remnant;
54+ node.get ("inner-html", out remnant);
55+ stdout.printf ("! %s\n", remnant);
56+ node.parent_node.remove_child (node);
57+ }
58+ }
60 web_view.unmark_text_matches ();
61 #endif
62- }
64+ }
66+#if !HAVE_WEBKIT2
67+#if HAVE_DOM
68+ void setup_styles () {
69+ string css_style = """
70+ .%s, .%s {
71+ padding: 0.1em !important;
72+ border: 1px solid transparent !important;
73+ border-radius: 0.3em !important;
74+ z-index: 555 !important;
75+ position: absolute !important;
76+ display: inline !important;
77+ color: #000 !important;
78+ background-color: #FCE94F !important;
79+ border-top-color: ##E8D539 !important;
80+ border-left-color: ##E8D539 !important;
81+ border-bottom-color: #F5E988 !important;
82+ border-right-color: #F5E988 !important;
83+ }
84+ .%s {
85+ background-color: #d1eeb9 !important;
86+ border-top-color: #C8D6BC !important;
87+ border-left-color: #C8D6BC !important;
88+ border-bottom-color: #93C967 !important;
89+ border-right-color: #93C967 !important;
90+ }
91+ """.printf (css_class_match, css_class_found, css_class_match);
92+ /* FIXME: style ::selection OR Source/WebCore/editing/Editor.cpp findString */
93+ inject_stylesheet (css_style);
94+ }
96+ public override virtual signal bool navigation_policy_decision_requested (
97+ WebKit.WebFrame frame, WebKit.NetworkRequest request,
98+ WebKit.WebNavigationAction action, WebKit.WebPolicyDecision decision) {
100+ setup_styles ();
101+ return false;
102+ }
104+ void handle_link_hints (Gdk.EventKey event) {
105+ int digit = ((char)event.keyval).digit_value ();
106+ unichar uc = Gdk.keyval_to_unicode (event.keyval);
107+ string? result = null;
108+ if (find_links < 0) {
109+ /* Links are currently off, turn them on */
110+ string css_style = """
111+ .%s, .%s {
112+ font-size:small !important;
113+ font-weight:bold !important;
114+ z-index: 777;
115+ border-radius:0.3em;
116+ line-height:1 !important;
117+ background: white !important;
118+ color: black !important;
119+ border: 1px solid gray;
120+ padding: 0 0.1em !important;
121+ position: absolute;
122+ display: inline !important;
123+ }
124+ .%s {
125+ padding: 0 0.1em 0.2em 0.1em !important;
126+ background: black !important;
127+ color: white !important;
128+ }
129+ """.printf (css_class_hint, css_class_key, css_class_key);
130+ inject_stylesheet (css_style);
131+ int label_count = 0;
132+ var dom = web_view.get_dom_document ();
133+ var links = dom.links;
134+ ulong nodes_length = links.length;
135+ for (ulong i = 0; i < nodes_length; i++) {
136+ var node = links.item (i);
137+ var element = node.parent_element;
138+ }
139+ }
143 public bool find (string text, bool case_sensitive, bool forward) {
144 #if HAVE_WEBKIT2
145@@ -238,12 +354,77 @@
146 // FIXME: mark matches, count matches, not found
147 return true;
148 #else
149+#if HAVE_DOM
150+ uint matches = 0;
151+ unmark_text_matches ();
152+ setup_styles ();
154+ var dom = web_view.get_dom_document ();
155+ var nodes = dom.body.query_selector_all ("div,span,b,i,u,em,strong,p,input,button,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6");
156+ var regex = new Regex ("(" + text + ")", case_sensitive ? 0 : RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS);
157+ ulong nodes_length = nodes.length;
158+ for (ulong i = 0; i < nodes_length; i++) {
159+ var node = nodes.item (i);
160+ ulong children_length = node.child_nodes.length;
161+ for (ulong j = 0; j < children_length; j++) {
162+ var child = node.child_nodes.item (j);
163+ if (child.node_type != 3) /* text node */
164+ continue;
166+ /* Use text content to not match markup or scripts */
167+ string content = child.text_content;
168+ /* FIXME forward */
169+ bool match = regex.match (content);
170+ if (match) {
171+ matches++;
173+ string inner_html;
174+ node.get ("inner-html", out inner_html);
175+ string new_html = regex.replace (inner_html, -1, 0,
176+ "<span class=\"%s\">\\1</span>".printf (css_class_match));
177+ node.set ("inner-html", new_html);
179+ /* FIXME position
180+ var bubble = dom.create_element ("span");
181+ bubble.set_attribute ("class", css_class_match);
182+ bubble.append_child (dom.create_text_node (text));
183+ node.parent_node.insert_before (bubble, node); */
185+ /* cf.
186+ var skip = 0;
187+ if (node.nodeType == 3) {
188+ var pos =;
189+ if (pos >= 0) {
190+ var spannode = document.createElement("span");
191+ spannode.className = "highlight";
192+ fbgcolor += ";padding: 0px; margin: 0px;";
193+ spannode.setAttribute("style", fbgcolor);
194+ var middlebit = node.splitText(pos);
195+ var endbit = middlebit.splitText(pat.length);
196+ var middleclone = middlebit.cloneNode(true);
197+ spannode.appendChild(middleclone);
198+ middlebit.parentNode.replaceChild(spannode, middlebit);
199+ skip = 1;
200+ }
201+ }
202+ else if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.childNodes && !/(script|style)/i.test(node.tagName)) {
203+ for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; ++i)
204+ i += innerHighlight(node.childNodes[i], pat, fbgcolor);
205+ }
206+ return skip;
207+ */
208+ }
209+ }
210+ }
211+ return matches > 0;
213 bool found = false;
214 found = web_view.search_text (text, case_sensitive, forward, true);
215 web_view.mark_text_matches (text, case_sensitive, 0);
216 web_view.set_highlight_text_matches (true);
217 return found;
218 #endif
220 }
221 }
222 }
224=== modified file 'midori/midori-view.c'
225--- midori/midori-view.c 2013-07-15 17:07:45 +0000
226+++ midori/midori-view.c 2013-07-15 22:57:23 +0000
227@@ -1756,30 +1756,8 @@
228 MidoriView* view)
229 {
230 #ifndef HAVE_WEBKIT2
231- gint digit = g_ascii_digit_value (event->keyval);
232- gunichar uc = gdk_keyval_to_unicode (event->keyval);
233- gchar* result = NULL;
234- WebKitWebFrame* web_frame = webkit_web_view_get_main_frame (web_view);
235- JSContextRef js_context = webkit_web_frame_get_global_context (web_frame);
237- if (view->find_links < 0)
238 {
239- /* Links are currently off, turn them on */
240- midori_tab_inject_stylesheet (MIDORI_TAB (view), ".midoriHKD87346 {"
241- " font-size:small !important; font-weight:bold !important;"
242- " z-index:500; border-radius:0.3em; line-height:1 !important;"
243- " background: white !important; color: black !important;"
244- " border:1px solid gray; padding:0 0.1em !important;"
245- " position:absolute; display:inline !important; }");
246- midori_tab_inject_stylesheet (MIDORI_TAB (view), ".midori_access_key_fc04de {"
247- " font-size:small !important; font-weight:bold !important;"
248- " z-index:500; border-radius:0.3em; line-height:1 !important;"
249- " background: black !important; color: white !important;"
250- " border:1px solid gray; padding:0 0.1em 0.2em 0.1em !important;"
251- " position:absolute; display:inline !important; }");
252 result = sokoke_js_script_eval (js_context,
253- " var label_count = 0;"
254- " for (i in document.links) {"
255 " if (document.links[i].href && document.links[i].insertBefore) {"
256 " var child = document.createElement ('span');"
257 " if (document.links[i].accessKey && isNaN (document.links[i].accessKey)) {"
259=== modified file 'midori/webkitgtk-3.0.vapi'
260--- midori/webkitgtk-3.0.vapi 2012-12-16 18:40:10 +0000
261+++ midori/webkitgtk-3.0.vapi 2013-07-15 22:57:23 +0000
262@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@
263 public WebKit.DOMNode first_child { get; }
264 public WebKit.DOMNode last_child { get; }
265 public WebKit.DOMNode next_sibling { get; }
266+ public uint node_type { get; }
267 public WebKit.DOMElement parent_element { get; }
268 public WebKit.DOMNode parent_node { get; }
269 public WebKit.DOMNode previous_sibling { get; }
271=== modified file 'tests/tab.vala'
272--- tests/tab.vala 2013-04-04 21:23:44 +0000
273+++ tests/tab.vala 2013-07-15 22:57:23 +0000
274@@ -266,6 +266,30 @@
275 assert (!did_request_download);
276 }
278+void tab_find () {
279+ var browser = new Gtk.Window (Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL);
280+ var tab = new Midori.View.with_title ();
281+ browser.add (tab);
282+ var loop = MainContext.default ();
283+ tab.set_uri ("http://.invalid");
284+ do { loop.iteration (true); } while (tab.load_status != Midori.LoadStatus.FINISHED);
285+ /* One button in the error page */
286+ assert (tab.find (_("Try again"), true, true) == 1);
287+#if HAVE_DOM
288+ /* The hostname occurs thrice */
289+ assert (tab.find (".invalid", true, true) == 3);
290+ /* Regex */
291+ assert (tab.find ("(in)?valid", true, true) == 3);
293+ /* Wrong case, shouldn't yield any matches */
294+ assert (tab.find ("http://.INValid", true, true) == 0);
295+ /* Not case sensitive */
296+ assert (tab.find ("http://.INValid", false, true) > 0);
297+ /* Lots of matches shouldn't pose a problem */
298+ assert (tab.find ("i", false, true) > 0);
299+ assert (tab.find ("n", false, true) > 0); //TODO: Berliner Weisse → Berliner Weiße
302 void main (string[] args) {
303 Test.init (ref args);
304 Midori.App.setup (ref args, null);
305@@ -277,6 +301,7 @@
306 Test.add_func ("/tab/display-title", tab_display_title);
307 Test.add_func ("/tab/ellipsize", tab_display_ellipsize);
308 Test.add_func ("/tab/special", tab_special);
309+ Test.add_func ("/tab/find", tab_find);
310 Test.add_func ("/tab/alias", tab_alias);
311 Test.add_func ("/tab/http", tab_http);
312 Test.add_func ("/tab/movement", tab_movement);


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