
Last commit made on 2023-10-07
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git clone -b sendto-remove-gajim https://git.launchpad.net/~mate-desktop/mate-desktop/+git/caja-extensions

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Recent commits

1738740... by yetist

sendto: remove gajim plugin

Gajim no longer provides dbus interfaces such as list_accounts, prefs_list,
list_contacts, send_file, etc.
So, we cannot send files for gajim contacts.

282756d... by raveit65

tx: update resources

195094c... by Goffredo Baroncelli

xattr-tags-extension: avoid check xattr for mtp:// and gphoto2://

Some protocols (like mtp://), doesn't support xattr. In this
case avoid to check the xattr-tags to not have
poor performance.

This patch blacklist mtp:// and gphoto2://.

9801ebc... by David Henry <email address hidden>

Fix missing GtkRadioButton id

Add missing id to custom scale radio button referenced in caja-image-resizer.c
This fixes issue #104.

7f02c10... by mbkma <email address hidden>

release 1.27.0

5e52b1f... by mbkma <email address hidden>

tx: sync with transifex

d36c723... by raveit65

travis-CI: update build dependencies for debian:testing

0319d59... by mbkma <email address hidden>

tx: migrate config file

dfc041f... by Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch

Failed to resolve the path to caja-extensions.mo on guix system

f26a862... by Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch

bacon-video-widget-properties: fix warning 'g_type_class_add_private' is deprecated