
Created by Mathilde BOUTIGNY and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~matboutigny/hangman8086/two_players_mode
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Hangman 8086

Recent revisions

13. By Mathilde BOUTIGNY <email address hidden>

*And th winner is...

12. By Mathilde BOUTIGNY <email address hidden>

* Alternation Function
* Abort handeled

11. By Mathilde BOUTIGNY <email address hidden>

Two player mode started.

10. By Fabien LOISON

* Get the player name for practice mode

9. By Fabien LOISON

* Mode selection menu implemented

8. By Fabien LOISON

* Input field implemented
* Small fix in the debug target of the makefile

7. By Fabien LOISON

* Option menu implemented
** With/Without gibbet otion added
** Fench word list added

6. By Fabien LOISON

* Single player mode implemented (no scoring)
* Main game functions implemented

5. By Fabien LOISON

* Function for getting an upcase letter in input implemented

4. By Fabien LOISON

* TUI implemented
* Main menu improved
* Sound added (music/effect)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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