branches with status:
Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:fa-submission-scraper 1 Development 2011-09-12 06:54:09 UTC
27. this is almost done! at least the non...

Author: Mark Grandi
Revision Date: 2011-09-12 03:34:41 UTC

this is almost done! at least the non-gui part of it is. Still have to make sure it gets everything for all of the submission types, like content urls for stories and whatnot. and i need to make it so it seralizes the collection to json and then starts downloading all of the submissions after that (in case you have to stop, etc)

lp:jra 1 Development 2010-12-24 14:37:47 UTC
43. *made it so it promps the user when d...

Author: Mark Grandi
Revision Date: 2010-12-24 14:37:47 UTC

*made it so it promps the user when deleting a entry to confirm the deletion
* Added Restore button to revision frame, not hooked up yet
* added error checking to all 3 buttons in revision frame, made it so they all check to see if there is actually something selected in the table first

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