
Created by Luca Saiu and last modified
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Marionnet drivers

Recent revisions

244. By Luca Saiu

Started working towards compatibility with OCaml 3.12 (our recursive mutexes stop working after upgrading OCaml). Buildsystem: rationalized support for C compiling using OCaml headers, in a way that should be back-compatible). Added debug prints to track down the recursive mutex problem

243. By Jean-Vincent Loddo

Generalized UnixExtra.date: by default the local time is used but the user can choose gmt with the homonymous optional parameter.

242. By Jean-Vincent Loddo

Merged from marionnet Makefile and CONFIGME in order to have the value 'localeprefix' available also in Meta_ocamlbricks.

241. By Jean-Vincent Loddo

Made UnixExtra.is_executable_in_PATH more robust, by making it behave also when $PATH contains non-existing directories.

240. By Jean-Vincent Loddo <jean-vincent.loddo@raw_db_compiler.org>

Added ArrayExtra.{min,max} returning the min or the max with the related index.

239. By Jean-Vincent Loddo

Versions of {ArrayExtra,ListExtra}.float_seq that work in a reasonable way even with small steps.

238. By Jean-Vincent Loddo

Added the cartesian product of 2 or 3 lists in ListExtra.

237. By Jean-Vincent Loddo

Added function shared_property, useful in assertions, for lists and arrays.

236. By Jean-Vincent Loddo <jean-vincent.loddo@raw_db_compiler.org>

Added int and float sequence generators in both ListExtra and ArrayExtra.

235. By Jean-Vincent Loddo <jean-vincent.loddo@raw_db_compiler.org>

Added functions ArrayExtra.{sorted_copy,fast_sorted_copy}.

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