
Created by Sergey Petrunia and last modified
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Recent revisions

3517. By Sergey Petrunia

Parallel load fixes

3516. By Sergey Petrunia

Casandra SE:
- Introduce asynchronous operations
- parallel INSERT operation.

3515. By Sergey Petrunia

Cassandra SE:
- Added @@cassandra_thrift_host global variable.

3514. By Sergey Petrunia

Cassandra SE:
- added option thrift_port which allows to specify which port to connect to
- not adding username/password - it turns out, there are no authentication
  schemes in stock cassandra distribution.

3513. By Sergey Petrunia

MDEV-530: Cassandra SE: Locking is incorrect
- Use more permissive locking.

3512. By Sergey Petrunia

Cassandra SE
- Also provide handling for generic Thrift exceptions. These are not listed in the 'throws' clause
  of API definition but still can happen.

3511. By Sergey Petrunia

Cassandra SE
- Catch all kinds of exceptions when calling Thrift code.

3510. By Sergey Petrunia

Cassandra SE: small optimization: StringCopyConverter::mariadb_to_cassandra doesn't need to make NULL-terminated strings.

3509. By Sergey Petrunia

Update test results after last cset

3508. By Sergey Petrunia

Cassandra SE: add support for reading counter type values

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