much better. I reran the entire test set but there are still some issues, in particular the krazy and smoke issues are blocking for me... ------------------ style ------------------ - indention in DebugFinder changes still has lines with 0 spaces, 2 spaces, tabs, 4 spaces. should all be 4 spaces - also please note that our style guides says for/foreach/if/swtich-case have their opening curly braces on the same line as the keyword (foreach(...) {) - numerous lines with indention but nothing after the indention > m_aptTxn = 0; better, but not perfect ( please call it m_transaction or m_aptTransaction :P > QString(DDEB_REPO_FILE) constructing using QString::fromLatin1(..) is still faster. new: > QApt::SourceEntryList hardCodedRepoList; if it is hardcoded, then it probably should be static and only be built/filled once. > #include in DebugFinder.h this can now be a forward decl > connect(m_progress, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), m_aptTxn, SLOT(cancel())); I personally like to line break after the signal to make it easier to spot which objects are being wired here... connect(m_progress, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), m_aptTxn, SLOT(cancel())); ------------------ smoke ------------------ (see previous smoke results - Authentication still can not be cancelled - ddebs entries are still added ad infinitum - debug output still too excessive with percent values being debugged :P - ddebs.list is still not removed at exit() if it was initially created by debug-installer new: - Crash when cancelling adding of sources and package lookup ( ------------------ clang-analyzer ------------------ still happy xD ------------------ krazy2 ------------------ still issues: krazy2 Analysis Checkers Run = 39 Files Processed = 13 Total Issues = 9 of July 30 2013 13:25:14 CEST == messages: For File Type messages == 1. Check for appending to rc.cpp [rcappend]... Ok! == cmake: For File Type cmake == 1. Check for an acceptable copyright [copyright]... Ok! 2. Check that file ends with a newline [endswithnewline]... Ok! 3. Check for an acceptable license [license]... Ok! 4. Check for spelling errors [spelling]... Ok! == c++: For File Type c++ == 1. Check for TRUE and FALSE macros [captruefalse]... Ok! 2. Check for methods that return 'const' refs in public classes [constref]... Ok! 3. Check for an acceptable copyright [copyright]... Ok! 4. Check for cpp macros and usage [cpp]... Ok! 5. Check for code that should be considered crashy. [crashy]... Ok! 6. Check single-char QString operations for efficiency [doublequote_chars]... Ok! 7. Check for unwanted doxygen tags in major versions [doxytags]... Ok! 8. Check public classes with private members or d-pointer issues [dpointer]... Ok! 9. Check for QString compares to "" [emptystrcompare]... Ok! 10. Check that file ends with a newline [endswithnewline]... 2 issues found ./src/QAptDecorator.cpp: line# 80 (1) ./src/LSBRelease.cpp: line# 66 (1) Files that do not end with a newline character can cause problems. Please add a newline character to the end of the file. 11. Check for C++ ctors that should be declared 'explicit' [explicit]... Ok! 12. Check for foreach loop issues [foreach]... Ok! 13. Check validity of i18n calls [i18ncheckarg]... 6 issues found ./src/LSBRelease.cpp: single adjective as message, probably ambiguous; explain what it refers to following the KUIT context marker line#33 ./src/DebugFinder.cpp: invalid interface subcue :dialog to role @title line#110,186,190,196 ./src/DebugFinder.cpp: single adjective as message, probably ambiguous; explain what it refers to following the KUIT context marker line#196 Make the translators' job easier and detect problems in the usage of the i18n() calls. When the fix is not clear, check the Techbase article at for more information. 14. Check for invalid icon names [iconnames]... Ok! 15. Check for proper include directives [includes]... 1 issue found ./src/QAptDecorator.cpp: include own header first line#26 Use <..> to include installed headers; cpp file should include their own headers first (but below config.h); other rules apply, see . Use include guards in headers with appropriatedly encoded macro names. 16. Check for inline methods in public classes [inline]... Ok! 17. Check for an acceptable license [license]... Ok! 18. Check for normalized SIGNAL and SLOT signatures [normalize]... Ok! 19. Check for assignments to QString::null [nullstrassign]... Ok! 20. Check for compares to QString::null or QString() [nullstrcompare]... Ok! 21. Check for C++ operators that should be 'const' [operators]... Ok! 22. Check for inappropriate pass-by-value function args [passbyvalue]... Ok! 23. Check for postfix usage of ++ and -- [postfixop]... Ok! 24. Check for dangerous or inefficient QByteArray usage [qbytearray]... Ok! 25. Check for Qt classes that should not be used [qclasses]... Ok! 26. Check for Qt methods that should be avoided [qmethods]... Ok! 27. Check for QMIN and QMAX macros [qminmax]... Ok! 28. Check for classes that should use the 'Q_OBJECT' macro [qobject]... Ok! 29. Check for signals: and slots: [sigsandslots]... Ok! 30. Check for spelling errors [spelling]... Ok! 31. Check for improperly initialized global static objects [staticobjects]... Ok! 32. Check for strings used improperly or should be i18n. [strings]... Ok! 33. Check for system calls to replace by KDE or Qt equivalents [syscalls]... Ok! 34. Check for typedefs that should be replaced by Qt typedefs [typedefs]... Ok!