
Created by Malcolm Scott and last modified

Major refactoring of Hackup. This is probably going to break horribly. Don't touch with a bargepole. :-)

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bzr branch lp:~malcscott/hackup/modularisation
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Malcolm Scott

Recent revisions

60. By Malcolm Scott

Um. I wrote some stuff on 21 July 2009 but didn't commit it until now. I don't even know whether this is the latest rewrite of hackup (I suspect not; I think I had some subprocess/pipelining stuff written). Basically I fail at backing up backup software.

59. By Malcolm Scott

Relax exception handling to allow initial backup to work on any storage module (unfortunately)

58. By Malcolm Scott

Tweaks to MapEntry; hashstore compatibility break (remove a dir layer, and the .gpg extension)

57. By Malcolm Scott

Return absolute paths

56. By Malcolm Scott

Add current directory to dirs when walking

55. By Malcolm Scott

Add missing import stat

54. By Malcolm Scott

Oops, walked the wrong store... shouldn't commit when ill

53. By Malcolm Scott

Regain cacheing of existingdirs / existinghashes

52. By Malcolm Scott

Correct class names in debug output

51. By Malcolm Scott

Tweak walk semantics to make existinghashes unnecessary (it was basically walk anyway)

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Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
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