
Created by Valentin Hirschi and last modified
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Recent revisions

406. By Valentin Hirschi

1. Fixed a bug in MadLoop4 for loop-induced processes where the squaring of the R2 counterterms againsts themselves was not done correctly.

405. By Paolo Torrielli

Going on with the simplification of the interface (for the moment it is relevant to HW6 and PY6). All the pdf stuff is read from the header of the les houches file. If it is lhapdf, the same pdf as in the integration is used. If it is not, default MC pdfs are employed. This is done for simplicity, since the MG internal pdf library and the MC one are different, so problems may arise. Improvable in future.

404. By Paolo Torrielli

Changed g77 to gfortran as fortran compiler for linux and mac in makefile_madfks. input files rendered less 'heavy'

403. By Paolo Torrielli

1) going on with the automation of the interface: now pythia6 done (+ few additional changes for herwig6)

402. By Paolo Torrielli

1) improved the interface to MC@NLO in order to read inputs from the event file directly. This is done for HERWIG6 and only partially for PYTHIA6, working on this at the moment

401. By Paolo Torrielli

Herwig can now output stdhep events, as Pythia since revision 399. Follow the same instrctions (with 'mcatnlo_pyan_stdhep.f' replaced by 'mcatnlo_hwan_stdhep.f', and 'srcPythia/madfks_pydriver.f' by 'srcHerwig/madfks_hwdriver.f') written there.

400. By Paolo Torrielli

1) small fixes here and there for the shower with hw++

399. By Rikkert Frederix

Added a pythia analysis that writes stdhep events:

1. Download and compile stdhep version 5.06.01

2. In the inputs:
EXTRALIBS="g2c stdhep Fmcfio"

3. in srcPythia/madfks_pydriver.f, remove the 'FINALIZATION EVERY
NSTEP EVENTS' (lines 210-215)

398. By Rikkert Frederix

paru is double and not integer in mcatnlo pythia driver.

397. By Paolo Torrielli

Partial scripts to shower with pythia8. To be completed.

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