Hi Olivier, a) I tried running everything out of the box for p p > e+ ve and python itself crashed (so the error was not handled), because I guess one cannot use your py-syscalc without lhapdf. I got terminate called after throwing an instance of 'LHAPDF::ReadError' what(): Info file not found for PDF set 'NNPDF23_lo_as_0130_qed' So the case of lhapdf not being used should be better handled. Also, in the run_card, the commentary of the entry NNPDF23_nlo_as_0116_mc = sys_pdf # matching scales is not correct. And it is not clear what the user is supposed to or can put for this field. It seems that putting the LHAID works as well as putting directly the name of the pdf. Is this also true when using the old C++ syscalc? The commentary of this entry should clarify this point. Also, when putting a PDF set in 'sys_pdf' that I don't have, the codes doesn't try to download it (unless of course this is also the PDF set that I want to use for my central value). It would be a nice feature if it did, because as of now the code simply crashes when doing the systematics. There should at least be a check that the PDF is available. This comment applies both for LO and NLO. b) The help of the command 'systematics' is nice. I would maybe rephrase the message (which is tricky for users not used to that) --together=mur,muf,dyn # which parameter should we vary together to have all uncorrelated combination of the variations to 'lists the parameter that must be varied simultaneously so as to compute the weights for all combinations of their variations'. but up to you. c) At NLO, I tried systematics run_02 --pdf=21100 --together=mur,muf on p p > e+ ve [QCD] and it crashed with: WARNING: program /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python /Users/valentin/Documents/Work/MG5/python_syscalc/PROCNLO_loop_sm_0/bin/internal/systematics.py events.lhe.gz ./tmp_1_events.lhe.gz --pdf=21100 --together=mur,muf --start_event=2500 --stop_event=5000 --result=./log_sys_1.txt --lhapdf_config=/Users/valentin/Documents/HEP_softs/LHAPDF/LHAPDF-6.1.5_installation/bin/lhapdf-config launch ends with non zero status: 1. Stop all computation There seems to be a 'launch' too many in the command no? I tried to run it by hand without the 'launch', but I got: pdfset = lhapdf.mkPDF(int(data)).set() File "lhapdf.pyx", line 469, in lhapdf.mkPDF (lhapdf.cpp:7253) File "lhapdf.pyx", line 454, in lhapdf.mkPDF_lhaid (lhapdf.cpp:7044) RuntimeError: Empty PDF file name given to Info::load On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 4:55 PM, Olivier Mattelaer <