
Created by Pierre Artoisenet and last modified


the way to use MadSpin is to lauch either the madevent interface
or the aMCatNLO interface and to type decay_events.

The user is asked to provide
 - the path to the input lhe file,
 - the set of particles which should be decayed
   and enter the corresponding decay channel,
 - the maximum weight (if unknown, it is calculated)
 - the overal branching fraction

Output file

If the input file is of the type


then the output file is


The banner of this new event file contains
extra following lines of the type

# p p > t t~ H , ( t > b w+ , w+ > mu+ vm ) , ( t~ > b~ w- , w- > mu- vm~ ) , h > b b~
# branching fraction: 1.0
# estimate of the maximum weight: 3.5928221952e-10

 - "branching fraction" is the real number by which the weight
    of each event is rescaled (provided by the user)
 - "estimate of the maximum weight" is the max. weight that has been
   used for the unweighting procedure (keep record of this number
   in case the user wants to decay another set of tt~H events and skip
   the evaluation of the max. weight)


There are currently several limitations, which are brought to the attention
of the user when decay_events is launched:

INFO: This functionality allows for the decay of resonances
INFO: in a .lhe file, keeping track of the spin correlation effets.
INFO: (1) exclusive decay channel only,
INFO: (2) the overall branching fraction must
INFO: specified by the user (otherwise the
INFO: is not rescaled)
INFO: (3) only decay channels with splitting of the type
INFO: A -> B(stable) + C(unstable)
INFO: have been tested so far
INFO: (4) when entering the decay chain structure,
INFO: please note that the reading module is


I added a directory madspin inside tests/unit_tests
There are currently two tests:

 - a test to check that the banner is read correctly,
 - a test to check that the matrix elements are correctly evaluated.


decay_events seems to work fine for single-top, tt~ and tt~h events.
(I plan to check other processes as well)
I had no failure with the unit tests.

I also lauched the acceptance tests, but I had the following errors
BOTH in the MadSpin version and in the primary aMCatNLO version:

F..........................E.E....cp: /Users/partois/mg5_developments/aMCatNLO/Template/Source/make_opts: No such file or directory
ERROR: test_creating_matched_plot (tests.acceptance_tests.test_cmd_madevent.TestMECmdShell)
test that the creation of matched plot works
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/partois/mg5_developments/aMCatNLO/tests/acceptance_tests/test_cmd_madevent.py", line 115, in test_creating_matched_plot
    self.generate('p p > W+ j', 'sm')
  File "/Users/partois/mg5_developments/aMCatNLO/tests/acceptance_tests/test_cmd_madevent.py", line 70, in generate
    raise Exception, 'root is require for this test'
Exception: root is require for this test

ERROR: test_width_computation (tests.acceptance_tests.test_cmd_madevent.TestMECmdShell)
test the param_card created is correct
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/partois/mg5_developments/aMCatNLO/tests/acceptance_tests/test_cmd_madevent.py", line 91, in test_width_computation
    self.generate(['Z > l+ l-','Z > j j'], 'sm')
  File "/Users/partois/mg5_developments/aMCatNLO/tests/acceptance_tests/test_cmd_madevent.py", line 70, in generate
    raise Exception, 'root is require for this test'
Exception: root is require for this test

FAIL: test_config (tests.acceptance_tests.test_cmd.TestCmdShell1)
check that configuration file is at default value
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/partois/mg5_developments/aMCatNLO/tests/acceptance_tests/test_cmd.py", line 146, in test_config
    self.assertEqual(config, expected)
AssertionError: {'web_browser': None, 'text_editor': None, 'cluster_temp_path': None, 'lhapdf': [truncated]... != {'web_browser': None, 'text_editor': None, 'cluster_temp_path': None, 'lhapdf': [truncated]...
  {'auto_update': 7,
   'automatic_html_opening': True,
   'cluster_queue': None,
   'cluster_temp_path': None,
   'cluster_type': 'condor',
   'complex_mass_scheme': False,
   'eps_viewer': None,
   'fastjet': 'fastjet-config',
+ 'fks_mode': 'real',
   'fortran_compiler': None,
   'gauge': 'unitary',
   'group_subprocesses': 'Auto',
   'ignore_six_quark_processes': False,
   'lhapdf': 'lhapdf-config',
- 'loop_optimized_output': True,
? ^^^

+ 'loop_optimized_output': False,
? ^^^^

   'nb_core': None,
   'run_mode': 2,
   'text_editor': None,
   'timeout': 60,
   'web_browser': None}

FAIL: test_all (tests.acceptance_tests.test_model_equivalence.TestModelCreation)
test all the files
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/partois/mg5_developments/aMCatNLO/tests/acceptance_tests/test_model_equivalence.py", line 301, in test_all
  File "/Users/partois/mg5_developments/aMCatNLO/tests/acceptance_tests/test_model_equivalence.py", line 329, in check_compilation
AssertionError: False is not true

Ran 35 tests in 298.052s

FAILED (failures=2, errors=2)

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bzr branch lp:~maddevelopers/mg5amcnlo/MadSpin
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Branch information


Recent revisions

561. By marco zaro

changed assertAlmostEqual statement in test_cmd_amcatnlo, now pass

560. By Olivier Mattelaer

remove print statement and install MCatNLO utilities command

559. By Rikkert Frederix

Changed the question when executing the launch command (and added a
warning when user does not run the shower straight away).

558. By marco zaro

      bug in MCatNLO_MadFKS.inputs fixed.
        The number of events was overwritten
        Now it should be working

557. By Rikkert Frederix

1. converted many of the INFO to DEBUG messages
2. "chmod -x" for MadSpin/src/*
3. Removed a CRITICAL message that didn't do anything (was there only
for debug purposes.

556. By marco zaro

shower command works now

555. By marco zaro

 added acceptance tests for the scripts in the bin directory
 and check of file size for the stdhep files

554. By marco zaro

now also the shower with pythia works

553. By Rikkert Frederix

added the lhin files to MCatNLO-utilities.

552. By Pierre Artoisenet

Fix the bug reported by Rik

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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