

Created by m4v and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~m4v/+junk/shout
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Recent revisions

21. By m4v

minor fix

20. By m4v

fix, by identing shouts (in a quote for example) the plugin picked the wrong author

19. By m4v

remove scheduler event at plugin unload

18. By m4v

added automatic scheduling.

17. By m4v

setup a catchall except

16. By m4v

revert for commit 13, it was bugged

15. By m4v

arreglo en el regexp ya que la fecha puede estar indicada en 1 o 2 dígitos

14. By m4v

cambio del parametro shift a 4 para que MummRa deje de mariconear porque el nick le sale rosa.
nuevo método testFormat para testear formatos

13. By m4v

BadStatusLine exception, which supybot seems to not catch.

12. By m4v

disabled the "<>" colouring, too much colorful

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
