
Created by Lee Trager and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~ltrager/maas-images/centos_storage_curthooks
Only Lee Trager can upload to this branch. If you are Lee Trager please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Lee Trager

Recent revisions

415. By Lee Trager

Don't include grub2-efi-x64

414. By Lee Trager

Cleanup package order

413. By Lee Trager

Use package name, don't depend on provides

412. By Lee Trager

Add grub2-efi-modules

411. By Lee Trager

Fix spacing

410. By Lee Trager

Include the shim as well

409. By Lee Trager

grub2-efi-x64 is the new package name

408. By Lee Trager

Update CentOS 7 curthooks to use internal Curtin storage support.

Curtin now supports deploying custom storage on CentOS 7+. Hooks are no longer
required for CentOS but they are still included for backwards compatibility. If
CentOS is deployed with MAAS 2.5+ and a supported version of Curtin the hooks
will simply call back into Curtin to configure storage. If an older version of
MAAS or Curtin is used the old hooks will still run.

407. By Lee Trager

Make sure EPEL is installed first.

406. By Lee Trager

Revert Open Firmware PPC64EL bootloader to Xenial.

The Bionic bootloader for Open Firmware PPC64EL is requesting a GRUB
configuration file for the wrong MAC address(LP:1785859). Until this
bug is fixed revert to the Xenial bootloader.

To allow the bootloader to be reverted lp:maas-images will now only look to
see if the bootloader discovered in the archive differs from the latest
bootloader in the stream. Older bootloaders in the stream are ignored. This
allows the release for each bootloader to be reverted to an older version
or upgraded to a newer version without changing anything other than

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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