
Created by loyalinfo and last modified
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OpenERP Tools

Recent revisions

272. By Kevin Wang

add comments to setup.sh

271. By Kevin Wang

add init-v70-lw

270. By Kevin Wang

change Makefile point to loyalinfo branches

269. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[IMP] add case for calling oe run-tests with future --slow-suite flag in order to run only slow tests

268. By Olivier Dony (Odoo)

[FIX] runbot: properly stop running jobs when deleting group

267. By Olivier Dony (Odoo)

[FIX] runbot: try to know if the server of a job is really still running

This should hopefully prevent leaving `Connect`
buttons for dead jobs. The old system was counting
the last N jobs and guessing that the job was
still alive, but it was often off by a few
due to sticky branches that were skipped by the

266. By Olivier Dony (Odoo)

[IMP] runbot: rough method to delete a running group

265. By Anonymous Coward on runbot

[IMP] runbot-job-7: kill long-running test suite

264. By Antony Lesuisse (OpenERP)

runbot merge fme connect patch

263. By Anonymous Coward on runbot

[ADD] runbot: add saas-2

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
