
Created by Valentine Gostev and last modified
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Valentine Gostev

Recent revisions

130. By Valentine Gostev

Introducing alpha version of xtrabackup management library for kewpie.

Service functions added:
clean_dir - for wiping out datadir contents before copy-back
alloc_dir - function to find an appropriate name for file or dir
execute_cmd - copied from old xtrabackup methods. Uses Popen

Methods added:
backup_full(server) - method performs a full backup of a given server,
returns a backup object
prepare(backup,rollback=True/False) - prepares a given backup. rollback
flag defines wether we rollback uncommited trxs or not
returns retcode and output from execute_cmd()
restore(backup,server) - restores backup to a given server.
Server stops, then clean_dir() is called to wipe out datadir contents,
then copy-back is perform and server starts against restored data.
returns retcode and output from execute_cmd() or a custom retcode and
output of backup was in wrong state (not usable for restore)

Backup state:
Backup is an object, featuring status attr (backup.status) which is a
literal string. Allowed statuses (will be extended later):
Status indicates the current state of backup. For example restore method
will be executed only when status is 'prepared' or 'prepared-redo-only'
and will fail in all other cases

129. By longbow <longbow@ph0>

Added real full_backup method to xbm

128. By longbow <longbow@ph0>

alloc_dir tested and works fine

127. By Valentine Gostev

testing alloc_dir()

126. By Valentine Gostev

finalized alloc_dir function

125. By Valentine Gostev

Initial commit for xb_manager

124. By Patrick Crews

Fix what appears to be logic issue with matrix_manager - was causing test runs to die if we didn't have an optmatrix value specified

123. By Patrick Crews

Removed unneeded upgrade data

122. By Patrick Crews

Merged in Valentine's PAM plugin test suite + needed internal tweaks

121. By Patrick Crews

Merge Valentine's method to check opt matrix for required values with minor edit

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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