
Created by Logan Rosen and last modified
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Logan Rosen

Recent revisions

12. By Logan Rosen

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Demote libatlas-doc from Recommends to Suggests, as it
    is not in main.
* Upload to unstable.
* Register user guides for KLU, CAMD, SPQR and LDL in doc-base.
* Really fix BLAS/LAPACK dependencies of libsuitesparse-dev
  - remove obsolete ATLAS specialized libraries (Closes: #645846)
  - add virtual package libblas.so as a BLAS alternative (Closes: #645844)
* Remove Daniel Rus Morales from Uploaders, with his consent. Thanks
  Daniel for your work!
* d/rules: do not regenerate d/control automatically, this is
* d/rules: fix get-orig-source rule
* d/control: use canonical URLs for Vcs-* fields
* Mark debug package as Multi-Arch: same
* Ship libsuitesparseconfig.a in the -dev package.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5, no changes needed.
* New upstream release (Closes: #706709)
  - debian/library-soname.pl: update soversion numbers
* debian/rules: recreate d/control when d/library-sonames.pl is
* New upstream release (Closes: #653660, #687282)
  - Renamed UFconfig to SuiteSparse_config
  - Update patches to new release
  - debian/library-soname.pl: update soversion numbers

* debian/control.in:
  - fix Maintainer field (Closes: #674266, #674268, #674270, #674271, #674272,
    #674273, #674274, #674275, #674276, #674277, #674278, #674279, #674280,
  - add myself to Uploaders
  - remove obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed flag
* Remove obsolete README.source
* debian/rules: clean *.oo files
* Bump to debhelper compat level 9
* Update debian/copyright
* Remove symbols files: they are useless since we bump the soversion
  at every new upstream release
* Clean up build flags
  - make sure to inject flags from dpkg-buildflags
  - buildflags.diff: new patch to remove spurious flags in upstream build
  - remove -m64 flag on amd64 CPUs (Closes: #701654)
* Fix version in NEWS.Debian, to make lintian happy
* parallel-build.diff: new patch, fixes parallel build
* Multiarchify the package
* Fix BLAS/LAPACK dependencies of libsuitesparse-dev:
  - remove obsolete ATLAS specialized libraries (Closes: #645846)
  - add libopenblas-dev as a BLAS alternative (Closes: #645844)
* Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.4, no changes needed
* Suitesparse_config_Makefile.diff: new patch, creates a PIC version
  of the (small) config code, for embedding in other shared libs
* KLU_Demo_Makefile.diff: new patch, needed for creating the right
  dependencies between shared libraries
* Create a new shared library package for SPQR (Closes: #589296)
* Update README.Debian

11. By Sebastien Bacher

* Resynchronize on Debian, remaining change
* Demote libatlas-doc from Recommends to Suggests, as it is not in main.

10. By Sylvestre Ledru

* Maintainer changed to Debian Science
* Updated list of Uploaders (Closes: #571884, #550417)
* Standards-Version updated to version 3.8.4
* Link against -llapackgf-3 changed to -llapack (Closes: #577879)
* Removed doc-central recommends (Closes: #566361)

9. By Rafael Laboissiere

[ Rafael Laboissiere ]
* New upstream release
* debian/patches/14-SPQR_Include_spqr_hpp.dpatch: Removed patch (applied

* Split the libraries into individual packages
  + The new binary packages are (the soversion numbers are the ones
    provided by the upstream authors in the UFconfig/UFconfig.h file):
    - libamd2.2.0
    - libbtf1.1.0
    - libcamd2.2.0
    - libcolamd2.7.1
    - libccolamd2.7.1
    - libcholmod1.7.1
    - libcsparse2.2.3
    - libcxsparse2.2.3
    - libklu1.1.0
    - libldl2.0.1
    - libumfpack5.4.0
  + The libsuitesparse-dev and libsuitesparse-dbg packages remain as
    before. They depend on all the binary packages above.
  + debian/library-soname.pl: New Perl script that is used everywhere to
    obtain the name of the package for each library. This is the
    centralized place where this information should be provided.
  + The debian/control file has been moved into debian/control.in and is
    automatically generated by debian/rules with the appropriate names
    of the packages being replaced.
  + debian/patches/*.diff: All the patches have been adapted for
    obtaining the library soversion using the debian/library-soname.pl
  + debian/symbols/*, debian/install/*: These are the source files for
    the debian/lib*.symbols and debian/lib*.install. The later are
    obtained from the former in debian/rules by using the appropriate
    package names. For now, this is acomplished with $(foreach) in
    debian/rules and amounts to simply copying files, like
    "cp debian/symbols/AMD debian/libamd2.2.symbols"
  + debian/NEWS: Document the changes above

* Switch from dpatch to quilt as patch system

* debian/control.in:
  + The Debian packaging files are now maintained through a Git
    repository at alioth.debian.org. Switch the Vcs-* URLs to Git,
  + Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1 (add debian/README.source explaining
    mentioning the quilt patch system, as mandated by the Policy)

* debian/rules: Prevent removal of debian/README.source in clean rule

[ Thomas Viehmann ]
* Sprinkle some linking to KLU, UMFPACK shared libraries
  to not have unresolved symbols. Remove some from CHOLMOD.
  Now dpkg-shlibdeps does not warn anymore.
  (changing debian/patches/*Makefile.dpatch)
  Closes: #526422

8. By Rafael Laboissiere

debian/control: Add an epoch to the version number of
libsuitesparse-3.0.2 in replaces/conflicts for libcolamd-3.2.0
(really, closes: #516725)

7. By Rene Engelhard <email address hidden>

* Non-maintainer upload.
* re-upload with epoch. You should not upload a
  name-changing new upstream to unstable (which breaks many r-deps)
  during a freeze

6. By Rafael Laboissiere

[ Rafael Laboissiere ]
* Upload to unstable

[ Ondrej Certik ]
* XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes field added
* Ondrej Certik added to uploaders

5. By Christophe Prud'homme

[ Christophe Prud'homme ]
* debian/control: removed libsuitesparse-metis and
  libsuitesparse-metis-dev, this will be provided by a suitesparse-metis
* Bug fix: "suitesparse: Build-Depends on non-free package
  libparmetis-dev", thanks to Daniel Schepler (Closes: #426814).

4. By Christophe Prud'homme

* suitesparse builds properly twice in a row
* Bug fix: "suitesparse - FTBFS: Broken build depens: libgfortran1-dev",
  thanks to Bastian Blank (Closes: #426349).
* Bug fix: "suitesparse_3.0.0-1: FTBFS: build-depends on
  libgfortran1-dev", thanks to Steve Langasek (Closes: #426354).

3. By Christophe Prud'homme

[ Rafael Laboissiere ]
* debian/control: Added XS-Vcs-Svn and XS-Vcs-Browser fields to the Source

[ Christophe Prud'homme ]
* Bug fix: "colamd.h included non-existing UFconfig.h", thanks to Rene
  Engelhard (Closes: #422642).
* Bug fix: "missing Conflicts:", thanks to Rene Engelhard (Closes:

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