
Last commit made on 2024-08-31
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Recent commits

123a993... by Nikolay Zlatev <email address hidden>

This should fix #2567

1fa0eb9... by Nikolay Zlatev <email address hidden>

Revert all workarounds for #3706 and apply a fix

Let's hope :)

db25f4e... by Nikolay Zlatev <email address hidden>

Workaround for issue #3706 on GNOME Mutter compositor

b19bbb9... by Nikolay Zlatev <email address hidden>

If we have file passed from the cli, skip autoLoadLastDBFileAtStartup

31d2088... by Nikolay Zlatev <email address hidden>

autoLoadLastDBFileAtStartup: refresh table browsers

Refresh table browser if its active

c8ab3f8... by Nikolay Zlatev <email address hidden>

Workaround for #3706

Move connection to the DBBrowserDB::structureUpdated signal to the
constructor after LoadLastDBFile is executed (if needed).
For all Widgets to be attached to the UI, the callback
also calls QApplication::processEvents (mainly for project files)

This should resolve autocomplete for:
  Opening a project in general
  Opening a file from the command line
  Opening a file with autoLoadLastDBFileAtStartup

226e839... by Nikolay Zlatev <email address hidden>

Cleaning up github actions for windows build

2c50024... by SeongTae Jeong <email address hidden>

Include the `qsvgiconengine` for Windows builds

Related: #3684, #3700

9d7fdbe... by Nikolay Zlatev <email address hidden>

CMake Windows install: escape CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable

Escape CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for custom windeployqt command.
Now deployment works for all targets.
"cmake --build . --config Release --target package" now will generate
zip file with all dependencies included.

d824554... by Nikolay Zlatev <email address hidden>

Adding Qt6 support