
Created by Patrick Farrell and last modified
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libadjoint developers

Recent revisions

186. By Patrick Farrell

You can't have a volume without a series!

185. By Patrick Farrell

Fix citation prefixes.

184. By Simon Funke

Some minor adjustements to the MPEC example.

183. By Patrick Farrell

Some more editions to the MPEC example.

182. By Simon Funke

Explain why we need to create a dummy ScalarParameter(alpha) before the loop.
I wish there was a nicer solution to this.

The underlying problem is that dolfin-adjoint does not treat Constants the same as Functions. In particular we do not annotate them.
As a result it is not very clear when they have which value.

181. By Simon Funke

* Add API documentation for the DolfinAdjointVariable class and the tape access functions.
* Further work on the MPEC example

180. By Patrick Farrell

Some initial edits to the MPEC example text.

179. By Patrick Farrell

Make clear what the domain is in the Poisson example.

178. By Patrick Farrell

Fix some errors in the bibliography

177. By Simon Funke

Spelling mistakes and minor improvements.

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