
Created by Patrick Farrell and last modified
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libadjoint developers

Recent revisions

586. By Patrick Farrell

Some fixes to the MPEC code.

585. By Patrick Farrell

Try to implement Bendsoe's description of the PBM method. Failing miserably.

584. By Patrick Farrell

Bizarre. We really can't get around this hump. Arc length continuation?

583. By Simon Funke

Remove the (t - 1)**2 * dx term from the Laplacian. It is not needed for non-zero initial guesses.

582. By Simon Funke

Some improvements to the Stokes topology solver:

1) (Re-)activate the Strong-Wolfe line search. Apart from being more rebust, this has the main advantage that it detects if the Newton step is not a descent direction in which case it immediately aborts. This avoids doing many Newton iterations on subproblem which diverge, something that happened regularly before.

2) Check if a Newton step produces an infeasible solution (i.e. not 0 < rho < 1). If this test fails we discard the Newton step and increase mu. This is mainly a safeguard check.

581. By Simon Funke

Some minor improvements.

580. By Patrick Farrell

Attempt continuation in mu to solve the Laplace topology optimisation problem. Haven't ran it for long enough to see if it works.

579. By Simon Funke

Implement Example4. Also converges nicely to the expected solution.

578. By Simon Funke

Add DirichletBC support for the line search method.

577. By Simon Funke

Switch to the custom Newton solver. Still works nicely.

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