
Last commit made on 2024-04-17
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19bf02a... by Zanie Blue <email address hidden>

Display download and installation completion using `Reporter`

dcc2c68... by Zanie Blue <email address hidden>

Create ephemeral virtual environments for `uv run` (#3075)

If a virtual environment does not exist, we will create one for the
duration of the invocation.

Adds an `--isolated` flag to force this behavior (ignoring an existing
virtual environment).

f7b83e9... by Zanie Blue <email address hidden>

Add `uv run` command (#3074)

Adds `uv run` which executes a command in your current virtual

This is a simple first milestone, lots of remaining work and behavior.
The command is hidden.

2cee752... by Zanie Blue <email address hidden>

Bump version to 0.1.33 (#3094)

b456fa2... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Incorporate heuristics to improve package prioritization (#3087)


5be47f6... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Un-hide `--require-hashes` CLI argument (#3093)

## Summary

An oversight from the release.

d6f9ea9... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Skip configuration loading while unused (#3092)

## Summary

No benefit to doing this until it actually ships.

d1b07a3... by konstin

Log versions tried from batch prefetch (#3090)

This is required for evaluating #3087.

This also removes tracking of virtual packages from extras from the
batch prefetcher (we only track real packages).

Let's look at some stats:
* jupyter: Tried 100 versions: anyio 1, argon2-cffi 1,
argon2-cffi-bindings 1, arrow 1, asttokens 1, async-lru 1, attrs 1,
babel 1, beautifulsoup4 1, bleach 1, certifi 1, cffi 1,
charset-normalizer 1, comm 1, debugpy 1, decorator 1, defusedxml 1,
exceptiongroup 1, executing 1, fastjsonschema 1, fqdn 1, h11 1, httpcore
1, httpx 1, idna 1, ipykernel 1, ipython 1, ipywidgets 1, isoduration 1,
jedi 1, jinja2 1, json5 1, jsonpointer 1, jsonschema 1,
jsonschema-specifications 1, jupyter 1, jupyter-client 1,
jupyter-console 1, jupyter-core 1, jupyter-events 1, jupyter-lsp 1,
jupyter-server 1, jupyter-server-terminals 1, jupyterlab 1,
jupyterlab-pygments 1, jupyterlab-server 1, jupyterlab-widgets 1,
markupsafe 1, matplotlib-inline 1, mistune 1, nbclient 1, nbconvert 1,
nbformat 1, nest-asyncio 1, notebook 1, notebook-shim 1, overrides 1,
packaging 1, pandocfilters 1, parso 1, pexpect 1, platformdirs 1,
prometheus-client 1, prompt-toolkit 1, psutil 1, ptyprocess 1, pure-eval
1, pycparser 1, pygments 1, python-dateutil 1, python-json-logger 1,
pyyaml 1, pyzmq 1, qtconsole 1, qtpy 1, referencing 1, requests 1,
rfc3339-validator 1, rfc3986-validator 1, root 1, rpds-py 1, send2trash
1, six 1, sniffio 1, soupsieve 1, stack-data 1, terminado 1, tinycss2 1,
tomli 1, tornado 1, traitlets 1, types-python-dateutil 1,
typing-extensions 1, uri-template 1, urllib3 1, wcwidth 1, webcolors 1,
webencodings 1, websocket-client 1, widgetsnbextension 1
* boto3: botocore 1697, boto3 849, urllib3 2, jmespath 1,
python-dateutil 1, root 1, s3transfer 1, six 1
* transformers-extras: Tried 1191 versions: sagemaker 152, hypothesis
67, tensorflow 21, jsonschema 19, tensorflow-cpu 18, multiprocess 10,
pathos 10, tensorflow-text 10, chex 8, tf-keras 8, tf2onnx 8, aiohttp 6,
aiosignal 6, alembic 6, annotated-types 6, apscheduler 6, attrs 6,
backoff 6, binaryornot 6, black 6, boto3 6, click 6, coloredlogs 6,
colorlog 6, dash 6, dash-bootstrap-components 6, dlinfo 6,
exceptiongroup 6, execnet 6, fire 6, frozenlist 6, gitdb 6, google-auth
6, google-auth-oauthlib 6, hjson 6, iniconfig 6, jinja2-time 6, markdown
6, markdown-it-py 6, markupsafe 6, mpmath 6, namex 6, nbformat 6, ninja
6, nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12 6, onnxconverter-common 6, pandas 6, plac 6,
platformdirs 6, pluggy 6, portalocker 6, poyo 6, protobuf3-to-dict 6,
py-cpuinfo 6, py3nvml 6, pyarrow 6, pyarrow-hotfix 6, pydantic-core 6,
pygments 6, pynvml 6, pypng 6, python-slugify 6, responses 6,
smdebug-rulesconfig 6, soupsieve 6, sqlalchemy 6,
tensorboard-data-server 6, tensorboard-plugin-wit 6, tensorboardx 6,
threadpoolctl 6, tomli 6, wasabi 6, wcwidth 6, werkzeug 6, wheel 6,
xxhash 6, zipp 6, etils 5, tensorboard 5, beautifulsoup4 4, cffi 4,
clldutils 4, codecarbon 4, datasets 4, dill 4, evaluate 4, gitpython 4,
hf-doc-builder 4, kenlm 4, librosa 4, llvmlite 4, nest-asyncio 4, nltk
4, optuna 4, parameterized 4, phonemizer 4, psutil 4, pyctcdecode 4,
pytest 4, pytest-timeout 4, pytest-xdist 4, ray 4, rjieba 4, rouge-score
4, ruff 4, sacrebleu 4, sacremoses 4, sigopt 4, sortedcontainers 4,
tensorstore 4, timeout-decorator 4, toolz 4, torchaudio 4, accelerate 3,
audioread 3, cookiecutter 3, decorator 3, deepspeed 3, faiss-cpu 3, flax
3, fugashi 3, ipadic 3, isort 3, jax 3, jaxlib 3, joblib 3, keras-nlp 3,
lazy-loader 3, numba 3, optax 3, pooch 3, pydantic 3, pygtrie 3, rhoknp
3, scikit-learn 3, segments 3, soundfile 3, soxr 3, sudachidict-core 3,
sudachipy 3, torch 3, unidic 3, unidic-lite 3, urllib3 3, absl-py 2,
arrow 2, astunparse 2, async-timeout 2, botocore 2, cachetools 2,
certifi 2, chardet 2, charset-normalizer 2, csvw 2, dash-core-components
2, dash-html-components 2, dash-table 2, diffusers 2, dm-tree 2,
fastjsonschema 2, flask 2, flatbuffers 2, fsspec 2, ftfy 2, gast 2,
google-pasta 2, greenlet 2, grpcio 2, h5py 2, humanfriendly 2, idna 2,
importlib-metadata 2, importlib-resources 2, jinja2 2, jmespath 2,
jupyter-core 2, kagglehub 2, keras 2, keras-core 2, keras-preprocessing
2, libclang 2, mako 2, mdurl 2, ml-dtypes 2, msgpack 2, multidict 2,
mypy-extensions 2, networkx 2, nvidia-cublas-cu12 2,
nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12 2,
nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12 2, nvidia-cudnn-cu12 2, nvidia-cufft-cu12 2,
nvidia-curand-cu12 2, nvidia-cusolver-cu12 2, nvidia-cusparse-cu12 2,
nvidia-nccl-cu12 2, nvidia-nvtx-cu12 2, onnx 2, onnxruntime 2,
onnxruntime-tools 2, opencv-python 2, opt-einsum 2, orbax-checkpoint 2,
pathspec 2, plotly 2, pox 2, ppft 2, pyasn1-modules 2, pycparser 2,
pyrsistent 2, python-dateutil 2, pytz 2, requests-oauthlib 2, retrying
2, rich 2, rsa 2, s3transfer 2, scipy 2, setuptools 2, six 2, smmap 2,
sympy 2, tabulate 2, tensorflow-estimator 2, tensorflow-hub 2,
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 2, termcolor 2, text-unidecode 2, traitlets
2, triton 2, typing-extensions 2, tzdata 2, tzlocal 2, wrapt 2,
xmltodict 2, yarl 2, Python 1, av 1, babel 1, bibtexparser 1, blinker 1,
colorama 1, decord 1, filelock 1, huggingface-hub 1, isodate 1,
itsdangerous 1, language-tags 1, lxml 1, numpy 1, oauthlib 1, packaging
1, pillow 1, protobuf 1, pyasn1 1, pylatexenc 1, pyparsing 1, pyyaml 1,
rdflib 1, regex 1, requests 1, rfc3986 1, root 1, safetensors 1,
sentencepiece 1, tenacity 1, timm 1, tokenizers 1, torchvision 1, tqdm
1, transformers 1, types-python-dateutil 1, uritemplate 1

You can reproduce them with python 3.10 and:
RUST_LOG=uv_resolver=debug cargo run pip compile -o /dev/null -q scripts/requirements/<input>.in 2>&1 | tail -n 1

Closes #2270 - This is less invasive compared to the other PR, we can
revisit number of network/build request tracking later.

64b545d... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Avoid `#[clap]` macro (#3085)

## Summary

I can't find a source for this beyond,
but apparently `#[arg]` and friends are newer and recommended. (They're
also used in the examples in the docs.)

b1cb193... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Add some tracing to workspace discovery (#3084)